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Video Games #4059
Video Games
How does this game have such good player retention and longevity? It's more than two years old by now
You won't see her at EVO
Literally impossible
Thoughts on beast races in fantasy Vidya?
Remember when /ourguy/ shitted all over Geoff's show?
Yeah yeah, gateway anime of the worst kind and all that
Starcraft 2 is now free to play, why aren't you playing?
Ridge Racer 8 switch exclusive?
Why do people say that Samus's ass is big and/or fat?
How have you been enjoying Iconoclasts Sup Forums?
Why is the Sony store such shit?
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
What are some games that only chads play?
Each time I pick up a new Etrian Odyssey game, I tell myself "alright don't make loli party members this time"...
What was his name again?
Monster Hunter Thread
Game is too complex
Which Fable game should I start with?
Post the best wayforward game
She has killed billions of children
Game has Sup Forums references and outdated memes
Finally got around to playing this. Did a neutral run on my first play through now I'm attempting a Genocide run...
Under Night In-birth
Which Sonic was best?
Villain asks you to join them
Left Youtube
Das riiiiiiight
What's your favorite video game conspiracy? Whether it be self contained in the game...
If you haven’t played this I implore you to give it a chance
How big of a mistake was she?
Post your fighting game mains. r8/no h8. Template coming next
"IT.... FIZZLED...."
Do you guys like James & Mike Mondays?
PUBG but with Kamen Riders
If it's not presented by CAVE, why bother presenting it at all?
"Will you save the world?"
Is there a way to tell if you're getting a newer Pro controller with the fixed Dpad or do you just have to play the...
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
Best dungeons
Games with proud Muslim characters?
Post a picture of you're self and have other user guess you're favorite game
Is the pro worth the upgrade? I’ve been contemplating for a year now and I’d like to get the most out of my 4K tv...
Switch Virtual Console
Freeze! Seargent Howard, Bethesda P.D...
What is your favorite city/village in video games?
Anyone of u ever play this?
How is it that all of the best Resident Evil games have Jill Valentine as the main character?
Monster Hunter is now officially a normie franchise
I'm actually playing this garbage, and I wish I wasn't joking
I almost feel sorry for him
This is still not a fucking fighting game no matter what you people fucking say
PS4 5.xx firmware kernel exploit confirmed
Holy shit
Well then, where do you want me to break you first?
No insta-death QTEs
More like this?
What do you tend to name your characters in games Sup Forums?
The fact that this piee oc shit and FighterZ got into EVO despite being casual pandering trash is proof that EVO has...
I like flight sims, can I get a quick rundown on the pros and cons of
This fucking game makes me wanna eat shit while punching a wall
ITT: Make a decent game 10/10 with one drastic change
ITT: fuck you, I liked it
Persona Q2
2 > 3 > 1
Tfw the enemy sends you a private message after you kill them
Is 144hz worth it?
Filename Thread?
Is this game anything like the original Baldurs Gate games...
ITT: post characters that suffer from severe brain damage
Bugs everywhere
What happens?
What are some good 2D Zeldalikes/ Zelda Clones?
Is this true?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What video game characters could defeat him?
How would one go about making Monster Hunter an esport...
Nier: Automata
What game lets me romance an older woman?
Why does Sup Forums still hates female streamers?
How come I'm unable to fit in with anyone Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Nearly 5 years since the last WarioWare
Jungle levels
Why girls like overwatch so much?
What was the most kino death scene in vidya?
Post sticks/hitboxes or what fucking ever in celebration of EVO 2018 lineup
Blazblue: people will literally only play for RW
Ace combat
I've been stumped. For whatever reason I am unable to progress in installing Destiny 2...
Luigi is the most popular character in the Mario series yet he doesn't have his own series like DK, Wario, and Yoshi...
Here's your protagonist bro
Marvel Vs Capcom BTFO
1/5 stars not recommended
This is how you do an open world right
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
*runs in an empty field for 5 minutes*
Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2
Just found out about this game a few days ago. You guys think it has potential?
What game are you hoping for this year? Only a few slots left
What is truly the the best weapon in Bloodborne?
Best Wireless Headset for under $100?
EVO lineup thread
Who's your favorite black character in vidya?
Best Sims thread?
Characters you wish you could be for a day
ITT:Games no one will buy
This just came in the mail. I'm heard some of you guys say it's complete trash. Not sure if I should return it or not
What old games would you like to see remade in HD like SotC?
Grab left tit
Thoughts on this game...
RT if you agree!!
ITT: Post games that made you feel this way and help Anons find new games
How does this compare to the DS remake?
Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT
Webm thread, post vidya webms
Game suddenly becomes very violent out of nowhere
What are some aspects of video game lore that creators got objectively wrong?
Crash n'sane trilogy on pc
Which Persona had the best side character social links and why is it 5?
What the fuck is going on with the mods? Just deleted like 4 threads I was in. One being a comfy horror thread...
How fucking awesome and fresh could a new Blast Corps game be?
Tfw wrist and hand pain
Hey losers, come play multiplayer Morrowind
Officially licensed
Kirby Thread
Is it worth getting?
Is there any vidya equivalent to Gatsu's handcannon? Shit looks like it would be fun as fuck in a game
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Name a game with a better soundtrack
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Are their any fps games with better sound or gunplay or inventory system than tarkov?
Who would have thought that adding tranny bathrooms and black people to your game would not turn it into a BILLION...
What's the Harry Potter of Sup Forums?
Fallout New Vegas Thread
Holy shit
Lore thread
He doesn't constantly reload after firing only one or two shots
The game with best graphics for PS4 is actually a PS2 game
Has anyone played the new Cuphead?
Will it fail?
What does Sup Forums think of this Smash roster?
This triggers the video gaymer
Did you ever "Catch 'em all" in any generation?
Post mobile games you play
Etna is perfect
Why do western devs insist on putting black people into video games?
Time to finally build my gaming rig!
Someone please explain to me how this game is supposedly one of the best Final Fantasy games...
Buy memory card with Free MC Boot on it
Finish playing Ace Combat 4 for the nth time on Ace
When you try to kickstart a fighting game project at a time when there's a massive overabundance of fighting games
Must play games on PC
The witcher 3
ITT: Minimize Dead Space
Why don't you like her Sup Forums..?
What the hell kinda name is Soap?
What would you want to see in a new Thief game?
This is Evan king of Ding Dong Dell
Choose your poison
The Most Optimal Gear, Spec, Strategy To Kill Captains, Tactics For Sieges
Name a better game developer. I'll wait
Almost 4 years passed and no one has yet proven him wrong
Knights of the Old Republic
Rate each of these games out of 10
What a shitty remake. Literally ruined all atmosphere
Dragon Ball FighterZ
I'm just curious as to why the fuck you aren't playing The Division right now
This is Doom for Nintendo Switch, please say something nice about it
Despite recognizing the flaws of the game, your experience of it still remains a 10/10
What's your favorite space game Sup Forums?
R&C2>R&C3>R&CAciT>R&CDL >R&CToD>R&C1
Has a game ever made you feel unintelligent?
If DOA had real clothing damage and nudity would it sell better or worse you think?
According to eurogamer crash N.Sane trilogy is coming to nintendo switch you're gonna buy it right?
The Real Snake Has Returned
So, you don't think the 2015 The Game Awards are part of a giant ARG, huh?
A-are there any Xbros on Sup Forums?
Is this any good?
Vote for the next map
The fun is a buzzword guy was right all along
3x3 Thread
Sonic Unleashed
Next Zelda
Hey Sup Forums!
Why aren't there any games with LGGBDTTTIQBRAAP+ characters?
$30,756 per month
Is this really the end of Danganronpa!?
Why didn't you like me Sup Forums?
T-Thanks capitalism
Why is this game so underrated?
Dissidia NT
Get lit up while shooting enemy point blank
Tfw family cant understand our hobby
How did we go from this
144hz IPS vs TN for gamer
Buy lootboxes
Kingdom Come Deliverance
So many of you are going to buy this that it's depressing
ITT: Games that are 10+ years old that were 10/10s when they were released and are still 10/10s now
Its up
Is bloodborne canon?
Sell me on this game
ITT: post your birthday and whoever has the same you guys play a game together
Is baldur's gate worth playing now in 2018?
What's stopping you from making a game?
Pick one and only one
Tonight, Melee gets the boot
Post yfw 1 hp
Shadow of the Collosus
Morrowind thread
Have you ever considered masturbating to a video game character?
To understand the game's story you need to watch some movies and an anime, read a novel, and go to a japan-only event
Reminder that kojima IS working
Do people really skip over this game because they saw the laughing scene?
I love fromsoft's games, but
I know it’s >reddit but what are some video games to combat this feel?
Will she eventually take the crown from Android 18?
Hey Sup Forums John Titor here. Gabe Newwll dies on March 23 2019...
This game is fucking evil
Why doesn't Valve region-lock Dota?
Games that can run on toaster laptop
Piece of shit
What is happening to the gaming community?
Joins your guild
When the fuck are we getting a new Splinter Cell game?
ITT: Soulless games
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Healing spells can miss
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I-is that the p-power of N-NINTENDO!?
Games you decided to torrent because you dislike the devs
Will MMOs ever be good again?
When will they make more games with early n64/ps1 graphics?
What are some games where I can launch rad fucking rockets carrying rad fucking cars into space?
Cortex Command
Battlestation thread?
Just bought FE Echoes
Get on voice!
No one asked for this
Fire boss
Any day now right bros?
This is an amazing game and I didn't expect it to be
Port or New
How do games keep getting funded on this?
Kirby Star Allies
Subnautica thread
Have you ever tasted octo pie, Sup Forums?
ITT: Garbage sequels
Switch is massively popular, becoming the fastest selling video game console of all time
30 FPS
Good games ruined by autistic fanbases
Keep it vidya through
Monster Hunter Thread
FFX thread
Why don't Japanese developers add muscle to women?
Some of you guys are alright
Why aren't you playing Destiny 2? It's way better than when it launched
Gentlemen, how do we fix the horror genre?
Only one week left! Are you excited?
When did you realize Linux and PS4 is the most productive combo?
Are you going to play Maplestory 2?
ITT: Post your Gamer fuel
Mods deleting subnautica threads
Who wore it better?
Have you thanked Australia today, Sup Forums?
Monster Hunter is now casual shit
This is Dandara
Have gog just won 2018?
Did you enjoy Sylvie's game, user?
Now that the dust has completely settled was the severe backlash against the Devil May Cry 2013 reboot deserved?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Who is the sexiest Mortal Kombat female ever?
Totally not a rip-off of Dante
My 3ds is a comfy handheld
Post games persecuted for no reason other than being different
What does Sup Forums think about pic related...
Is there anyone on here who still loves FFXIII as much as me?
Is Daggerfall worth playing now in 2018?
How's this game compared to ME1-2?
Tfw we never got to go to Moscow and burn it down to the ground
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus Announced for PS4
Eu4 help plox
Reminder that Nintendo + Microsoft is the only acceptable combo this gen...
SoulCalibur my niggas
Is this the future of gaming?
He has a point you know
About to start playing this. What do I need to know
I have a 4k TV, should I get a normal PS4 or a PSPro?
Playing Tekken 7
7$ for the first three Gothic games on GOG
60% of the novel is boring infodump, 20% is Shiro's internal delusions,10% is boring SOL and cooking...
Can we take a moment to appreciate just how flawless this game is?
He has a point you know
You have 10 seconds to:
Tell me, Sup Forums. Why is it not okay to spam any image/posts that show off Sony...
Game 1 is good
What are some games where you kill Satan worshippers?
Why is Nintendo capable of advertising and celebrating Dragon Quest while SE only puts in enough effort to sabotage the...
What is the hardest boss in the Metroid franchise?
How the hell do you kill these early game with melee? I do almost no damage to them...
BloodRayne: Betrayal
Don't mind it, it's just the goat game series
Post a more fuckable female in video games
Hahahaha, oh wow
Bravely Default
Resident Evil 2 Remake will be the first game Ive preordered in years. And you should too
Hey fuckface
Can we talk about how fucking good Stardew Valley is...
Give me ONE 1 (1)!!! reason why I shouldn't pre-order this game right fucking now, Sup Forums
Thanks for literally beta testing on PC, folks. PoE 1 was fan-fucking-tastic on PS4, surprisingly...
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the Reapers?
Red Dead Revenge
Having family dinner
*kills you in PUBG*
Start playing a game with a friend
Why do people pirate games they don't like?
Nigger boss
Game 1 is near perfection
Death stranding
A senior software engineer
If you don't get this you aren't a real man, this is going to be an RPG that requires skill to complete
So, what is Celeste about?
B-but the remake is totally better
First they came for trump
ITT: Games that are dead and/or long forgotten
Wow, this game is actually fun
Video game typefaces in strange places
It's ok, Bluepoint. We don't need it
Who's your favorite Kiseki and why?
How are people not burnt out on 2D traditional Kirby's yet?
What went wrong?
Remember when Mr. Beanie was on Grand Theft Auto?
Are you hyped for Senran Kagura Hentai RPG?
ITT games women will never understand
Food in video games
"bro drop school"
Oh no no no
What's your favorite Nergigante nickname?
Is this game worht playing?
Common criticism of singleplayer game x is that if you do y the game becomes too easy
Feh thread?
Nmae a better soundtrack
So, Resetera just basically doxxed a guy, pulled up every politically charged post he made...
We sprung a leak!
Is this the luckiest guy in dark souls universe ?
Post a picture of yourself right now to prove you're based and NOT a Nintendo soyboy
All female videogame characters should be kissless virgins
This game used to be highly looked upon
Get your slightly used graphics cards here!!!
Name a better publisher
Itt: canon stuff
Xbox 360 BC on Windows 10
I' m in for some dungeon management game
Super Smash Bros 5 roster thread #2008
Dynasty Warriors 9
I created a game in 2 days, with little to no expirence with UE4
Let's have a Fire Emblem thread
Nice game you have there Sony, I hope you don't mind me enjoying it on my platform of choice
Is there a resource that can help me buy a computer that can run modern games at high settings?
Elex thread
I want to HUG Klonoa!!
Why Sup Forums hates this game so much and love pokemon hunter?
So is it a boy or a girl? My brain is confused
Apparently Eurogamer sources are also confirming Crash N Sane trilogy for Switch
FFXIV cancer thread
Worst types of people in MMORPGS
Gravity Rush
Russians have attacked Kojima's new instagram ironically calling him a genius
This fucking game, Sup Forums... incredible. Just incredible. This shit surpasses all war stories ever told...
Are you ready for the weekly scoop of nothing?
Masterpiece or GOAT?
Is Mystery of the Druids actually a bad game, or?
Game has a great artstyle AND great gameplay
Have two tails
ITT we guess poorly drawn videogame scenes
Make a Sup Forums related virgin vs chad
This is your vampire for tonight
This is the best (only good) thing to come out of the latest installment in the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series...
Hunting Horn is helplessly pathetic
Things you can say about Nintendo, but not your girlfriend
Is Elsword saved?
Only one more month until XV is saved
It's over
Just kill it already
Overwatch: 35 million players
Real talk. What the fuck is Valve doing...
Based Slav devs don’t pander to Social Justice warrio-
My friends fucking suck at puyo puyo, hate it, and won't play with me. Feels bad
Amazingly overhauls graphics
Civilization 6: Zulu
We have anybody here feeling a bit of anticipation for new gow game ?
Strong NieR: Automata Digital Sales Drive Profits Boost for Square Enix
Just got this game for 20 bucks on steam
So I guess this game is pretty much dead. How sad
9 months until TF2 community protests valve
It would've been lord Giger's 78th birthday yesterday. Let us remember him with what little good alien games there were
Kirby General
ITT: post a video game without actually posting it
Why would they stop using that system if it is working great for them?
ITT: 10/10 soundtracks
Soo.. what am in for ?
Say something nice about the only Switch game of 2018
Final Evo Games Predictions
Fuck, I just finished 999 and this wild ride. Let's have a nice thread. Should I decompress before playing ZTD...
Celebrates the fact you lost your job in the gaming industry because you said women were treated fairly in western...
Is $400 for a used EVGA 1070 a good deal, Sup Forums?
Are chinese women allowed to be this sexy?
What does this mean for video games, Sup Forums?
Ywn be a girl and get to experience being naughty and adventurous by messing around with other girls
Is everyone excited about this game? I am very much excited about it
Why do you hate this Sup Forums?
DBFZ is a balanced gam-
1.What was the game you played the most?
Shitty story
Is this any good?
Fuck pokemon, this was the greatest monster raising game of all time
Where do you see Overwatch in 5 years, Sup Forums?
This is the ideal woman. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
We live in a timeline with perfect Sega Saturn emulation
He killed millions
Subnautica Thread
What's the saddest song in a videogame?
How long can you go without blinking?
Have a crappy pc
What are your thoughts on Celeste?
It's okay when Japan does it ?
Was he good parody of video game characters?
Does Earthbound deserve a remake?
Calming videogame suggestions
SEGA is predicting a 56% income drop for this fiscal year
Playing Sleeping Dogs for the first time
Dragon’s Crown Pro supports a combination of local couch co-op and online co-op...
What would you say is the best Final Fantasy game?
Accurate representation of what would happen if you had a woman in your party LMAO why the fuck are female characters...
ITT: loudest fucking sounds in vidya
Who is the most respective trans character?
Do you prefer Western or Japanese games?
Has anyone played this game yet?
Are you a girl or are you a girl?
Is this game Skyrim killer with mods like this?
Elder Scrolls Lore
Last jap game you played
What would it take for you to come back?
Sup Forums BTFO
Have you...have you ever seen the inside of a Jamaican prison, boy?
ITT: vidya tropes that you love
In what game can i eat a superior form of an Italian food and laugh at the peasants who naught know the joy of it's...
Comments are disabled for this video
Best Switch carry case?
What would the Ancestor say about the Omen Seeker?
We want the le woman hater audience
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Final boss is a QTE
I want to build a gaming pc but gpus are absurdly expensive right now
Remember: even when Sup Forums claims otherwise, Dark Souls is a western game. Yes...
Everyone say hi to your new classmate BiBo
Should GTA 6 be set in the United Kingdom? What would it be like?
Ubisoft only makes bad ga-
What is the absolute worst vidya weapon?
Rise of nations
Video game has a Sup Forums/RL reference
Germanophobia is the new thing in games
Almost no monster variety
What is the point of this person? Haven't listened to a GB podcast in years and am confused...
Friendly reminder that Kingdom Come needs a female Protagonist
Is Plat Sup Forums's favorite fighting game character?
Is this the male 2B of 2018 ?
Why are Fedora's Mask fags so jealous of OoT?
Filename thread
Well, shit
Bayonetta 2 Switch preview by Digital Foundry
The team who made Fallout 3
What are the must have on the xbox classic? Already have hl2 halo, halo 2, doa collection and mgs2
Why is Skyrim STILL so fucking popular amongst've normies?
Subnautica devs fire sound designer for conservative views
What was the point of the Jap dub DLC? The English voice-acting was great
Jesus christ
Everyone assumes Elder Scrolls 6 will be another new province
Based Obsidian
I want to live there
How do i unlock the secret character?
Yeah, well, fuck you too, whore
Super smash bros. 5 roster thread #2007
Rip gamestop
Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 22 in Japan...
Use mic
Low Poly
ITT you hear, you lose
Why are people so fucking salty about Asuka? She has great range, defense, is safe and simple...
ITT: examples of bad game design
Can you foreign insects dare to invade glorious Nippon?
Catherine: Full body
Just started this
Promise players an hour delay on maintenance so everyone has a fair shot at housing
Why do manchildren play this game so much if all it does is piss them off?
Your thoughts?
Does XC1 come with jap audio? I'd rather not listen to ET'S SHOWTAIM dude
"let's start making 3d games"
Say you would like to see Bloodborne II
Snake boss
Rarely hits 30, yet framerate is unlocked, so at times it jumps to 50+ for a second for no apparent reason
It begins
No because empty space makes some areas feel less claustrophobic and cluttered
Was it kino?
How the fuck did Nintendo make a 1-button game this fun?
Is this shit worth 20 bucks or just Sup Forums's first 2018 FOTM?
Do you hide your powerlevel Sup Forums?
What are some games where I am above morals?
Will you be picking it up?
Literally impossible
Tfw you wake up and realize you can play bloodborne
Let's write a letter to Nintendo for making a console so great that it consistently makes all other fanboys salty (even...
Why can't video games be art
How can Diablo be saved?
Did i just make a colossal mistake?
Apathy is death
Damn modded Skyrim looks like THAT!?
I will post this image every day until a Switch version of Resident Evil 4 is announced
This game is legitimately good, has anyone else played it?
You have to get Exalted on 4 reps to play as an Allied Race
This is Tom Nook from Animal Crossing, say something nice to him
Were they right that games should cost more now since costs have gone up?
Will there ever be a MTG video game that isn't a steaming pile of feces?
Boss can instantly lower your hp to 1
What should the inevitable sequel to life is strange be about?
What do you think of the bullet hell genre?
Wow, Dobson made something actually good
Fuck You Nergigante
VNs close to our hearts
Find a flaw
Nintendo thinks hype and urban women will support Switch in the long run
Kyoei Toshi
In Zelda, for some inexplicable reason bottles are rare
I like this game
Who was the best bro?
The crash is coming
Ocarina of Time Remaster for Switch on the way?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games