About to start playing this. What do I need to know.
About to start playing this. What do I need to know
The first thing you need to know is that the game has no manual saving, and if you happen to die too many times, you will get permanent debuffs that you cannot reverse.
research medkit when you have enough brozouf
you can reverse them but it requires special items
Enemies respawn infinitely. Even the extremely powerful ones.
You can play catch with turrets and other pickup able objects. Heck you can pick up turrets so you don't need to waste ammo. 5/7 would waste 20min throwing shit at each other again.
>your legs are broken
>you gain brouzouf
just execute orders
Shitty game with 10/10 OC.
dont try to understand, nothing will make sense no matter what
>be elite special operatives psychonautic warrior
>top of the class
>buddy around eliminating looter and federal scum
>get sick of the mystery and infinite perplexities of life
>search for truth and meaning at all costs
>Constantly shedding blood to find out if there's a reason to it or not
>slowly acquires the gates of knowledge
>acquire the only 2 known to exist in 20 years
>intel speaks of a third
>its in the forbidden crypts of your HQ
>mentor warns you about the consequences
>remember friendo has same archives as us
>kill friendo to read book about forbidden crypt
>he wouldn't have let you do it
>you had no choice
>the third gate is there
>if you go there you won't live to know the truth
>send in your wife
>the only one you can confide in
>she gets caught coming out
>as the captain of HQ it is your duty to punish her
>torture her for a week
>she dies
>use the power and knowledge you've gained to trap your self in a microcosm of your own self hatred
>you've gain brouzouf.
Don't try to understand, just follow orders.
Make sure your legs are okay.
There are a few thing:
1: The translation from french isn't very good so a lot of dialogue comes off a bit engrish or doesn't make sense at all. The story makes little sense unless you read everything, explore a lot and eventually get the true ending.
2:The hacking minigame is necessary for one of the levels sotry it out to get a feel for it early.
3: you get EXP for shooting stuff, not killing stuff. Conveniently, you can toggle mob spawn rates and AI in the options.
4: Always be running research. When starting research always set scientists to 0 to save brouzoufs.
5: It's an over-ambitious janky mess but there's a lot of good in E.Y.E. Just play it and have fun. The death penalties don't matter too much and you can remove them later.
it's gonna be hardcore man, an ultra violent party
get the .444 BK
My legs are OK.
>it's a don't-make-waves-EYE-thread-episode