Post sticks/hitboxes or what fucking ever in celebration of EVO 2018 lineup
Post sticks/hitboxes or what fucking ever in celebration of EVO 2018 lineup
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Wasn't there a pretty huge contreversy on hitboxes about how they were "unfair" or something like this a few years back?
Did that change?
>fighting games
It's like a perfect combo of mental retardation.
what's the lineup
Pretty sure it was just because a marvel player had extra things set that you normally couldn't have like down and back on one button.
The issue was with certain games that allow you to hold opposite directions at the same time. MvC3 made you block crossups and Uniel allowed you to do charge moves too well. With proper firmware this isn't an issue and the games have since been patched anyway.
Guilty Gear
Blazblue XTag
Smash 4
I'm thinking about getting one for DFZ. Are qanba sticks any good?
wow bbtag made the cut? at least people will know unib exists with that
>fighting games
Fight people in real life faggots. Learn an MMA.
>an MMA
It's plural you dingus.
You don't learn "an MMA", you learn two or more martial arts and mix them.
nobody cares you neckbard retard. fighting games are shit and so is your life
Yeah for the most part. Qanba Obsidian is probably the best one if budget isn't much of an issue.
I wish I could customize my Hitbox but I suck at DIY shit.
People who've actually done martial arts of any sort care you shit stirring baitposter.
SOmebody post more cute fightsticks
I miss Madcatz
>got my HRAP3 in 09
Oh how the years gone by and i still want that white one
Wheres the joystick?
t. doesn't play fighting games
I'm looking for a stick for tekken, i'm looking at the qanba crystal its $150 and sanwa parts, anyone else have this stick?
My only complaint about the Hori EX2 is that shit has no weight to it so it slides around alot on your lap
That mayflash stick is absolute garbage
That stick is loose as fuck and the only good thing about that thing is the case
It has some nice weight to it and made for a decent modded stick
>post sticks
>there are no sticks to be found
no thanks call me when a decent tournament rolls around
just save up 50 more and get the obsidian
inb4 keeping your community (that existed and was better off before we came around) alive
Pretty hard sell if you are upgrading it with sanwa parts since it'll add up to roughly around a high $180 or $190. Like the other user said might as well get an Obsidian unless you really want those led buttons/stick. This video does a pretty good job showing off the Crystal,
man, HRAP 3SA is so good for shmups.
It's a hitbox, the buttons to left are the joystick.
BBtag doesn't deserve it to be honest. It really doesn't, the game isn't even out and the "We're releasing half the cast as DLC" is shit. I'm salty that KoF isn't in but a game that's not even out yet is.
>sm4sh and melee again
I found it on AllFightSticks facebook page, thought it looked nice. This is apparently an alternative.
where can I find good weeb pictures for some custom stick art?
any1 else using their flightstick?
How is a hitbox anything but a keyboard with all the unused ripped off? has a lot of high res images.
I had got the wrong person.
That design is pretty nice
As a keyboard player, i want a hitbox so fucking bad but they are just way too expensive to get in Australia.
$253.70 AUD not including shipping.
different layout the way your hand rests on the buttons.
They're easy to put together yourself. I haven't looked at the specifics for a while, but I know they sell no-solder PCBs even.
what you should do instead though is find a cheap keytaur and pay some nerd to make a thing to convert midi to xinput
>you'll never have one
Why live, my dudes.
Designing art for my fightstick has really opened my eyes to how unfit my brain is for graphic design. I’m almost tempted to pay someone to throw together art for me.
How do you guys go about customizing a stick?
I just steal ideas from people who do commissions. SRK’s stickart thread is a good place to look
>all that money on worst awqwah
I need your advice bros. I have a Razer Panthera and hate it - should I get a Qanba Obsidian?
I've made skins for my own controllers before.
Post the board you're using and what theme you want.
>dbfz AND blazblue made it before mvci
mvci is still there
as a side tourney
I own a VLX but my poor fighting game skills is a disgrace to it. I put hundreds of hours in SF5 but still cannot get out of silver rank
I want a Etokki one, is there something better or that I can customize that endup being better?
>celebrating a list of games
its more like enjoying a popularity list than the games themselves
Are signups available yet? I want to go to EVO but have never been before so don't know how it works.
I knew tourneyfags were retarded but this? This takes the cake.
If you want a Korean stick then that’s your best bet in my opinion. Although I think they ship from South Korea so that may be an issue with shipping prices unless there is a US seller (I’m assuming you’re US). Although don’t take my word on that.
I think everyone is just laughing at the aftermath of MvCi not being in the line up
Not mine but want
What do you hate about the Panthera? The size, design, weight? If it’s the joystick or buttons I’d recommend getting seimitsu before buying a new stick.
Wanted to go for a Zone of the Enders theme for a Hori RAP N. At the very least, this has been a great opportunity to get more practice with Photoshop.
>Designing art for my fightstick has really opened my eyes to how unfit my brain is for graphic design.
user if I can design great looking shit i believe you can too. Just do what you think looks awesome to you, im sure youre just too hard on yourself like i am.
Forget about the stick, I want that cute nesoberi.
Where'd you get that hitbox? I'm looking for a decent case to make one.
Can anybody post the actual image of her?
Allfightsticks, a complete kit is like around 90 bucks. Not sure on shipping.
All signs point to this games being even more casual than mvci plus it isn't even out and they have announced 20 dlc characters. Like fuck put unist there if you're just want another anime game instead of gimped blazblue guest starring some other games.
The VLX replica is very seductive but its pricing fluctuates too much, since the stick is a behemoth and weights more than normal shipping fees can rape the price pretty much, hell in some cases the price can double up.
Do you think there will ever be an official switch fighting controller?
Is there an unofficial one yet?
It's pretty fucked up that the best game on that list is Fighterz.
Thank you for the resource, I think what gives me the most trouble is figuring out a direction.
Thanks user. I suppose it’s not a huge deal when the art is so cheap to print, can always make another.
How do you even use that for rotation input heavy games like animes?
Hori has one. Just look up Hori Switch Fightstick
Where's a good place to get custom sticks.
Hey guys, I'm looking for a good stick for MAME arcade and fighters. are they interchangable? like anything special with a fightstick?
any reccomendations?
off topic but would a fight stick be good for 4k on osu looking at this controller it seems it would be good
>No ARMSoy and PokKEK
Oh cool. I'm looking at allfightsticks right now, but the full kit is like $150.
>$65 body
>$25 layout
>$15 acrylic cover
>$20 bottom
>$20 for two sides
>$5 PCB plate
How the hell did you get it all for $90?
Just google for the quality of whatever sticks are available to you in your price range.
Why are sticks so close to the buttons, I would find it more comfortable with arm angle if it were spread out more.
Ah. So did you spray paint it yourself?
Pokken is fun to watch though
Why did Darkstalkers have to die
Thanks user. Just put my order in.
Is the Hori Fighting Stick Mini a good Stick for someone bad at fighting games?
A stick won't make you any better
If I ever saw that anime shit at a tournament I'd break it over your head and you wouldn't do shit nerd.
Anime fighters have 360s?
Will it help?
We will be seeing this game next year, right?
I’ve got two of these, but the buttons are absolute shit. I’ve got a mix of sanwa and seimitsu coming to make a color mix
Only if you're too simple to watch Guilty Gear.
Many years ago, I purchased a Hitbox put together from the website. At the time, I didn't know I could do custom builds or put one together myself. Could I still do custom designs and stuff with my Hitbox if I didn't put it together initially? Sorry if it's obvious. I've never messed with the inside of a controller before.
Pictured is mine, but with the red and black buttons inverted with each other.
It's just another controller
How well you do with it is all up to how fast you adapt to using it
It won't magically make you better
It really won't make a difference if you don't analyze the reason why you don't do well in the first place and improve upon it
So what’s the point?
Where do you think you are
It's the same retarded ASW shit.
A shame about CTB. It's even more dumbed down than FighterZ.
It will help your execution.
Sorry, I don't get it, what games are you suppose to play with these?
Any tips? I jsut recently got into GG again and when i panic i fuck up EVERY motion fucking up my oki/dropping combos and makes me thingkfuck.