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3x3 Thread
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anyone have that site that does this
Hurf durf I'm a retard. Sorry user.
What's middle?
Dishonored 2
How good is to compared to 1? The morality system kinda ruined the game for me, but 2 looks like tons of fun.
It improves on everything but the story (which is just a rehash of 1's DLC).
Much more options and level design is aces.
>The morality system kinda ruined the game for me
Why? Don't tell me you're one of those crazy people who thinks that the game punishes you or something (it doesn't), just play the game how the fuck you want to
I need to remake my list, but this is almost the same as what I'm currently into, so it works well enough.
0/5 fucking terrible taste
How can you enjoy Deus Ex, Arx and Thief but hate Dishonored 2? I loved those games but Dishonored is actually better
I didn't like how it locked into a specific ending true, but what got me more peeved was how the narrative was that nothing is really black/white yet it specifically attributed it to every decision you made to either the objectivley good or bad ending.
Actually had a hard time making this.
Oh, I actually didn't see Dishonored 2 somehow.
Change it to 0/6 then.
3/4 JSRF, Mirrors Edge, Soul Calibur -Witcher 3
1/1 Pyre
1/1 Quake
4/4 JSR, Crystal, Megaman X, Dark Souls
Op here, last thread was dead by the time I finished mine, I feel you.
3/4 both Pokemon, Witcher 2 -Skyrim (sorta, I enjoyed it with the overhauls)
2/2 Nuclear Throne, Revengenace
5/5 JSR, Pokemon, X, Rayman 2, DS
Great taste
4/4 Smash, Air Ride, DA:O, Banjo
Or 3/4, whatever. Didn't care for Dragon Age.
>Great taste
Thanks bro
that's witcher 1
Yeah I didn't give it a good enough look.
witcher kirby mirrors edge
2/4 +mgs, dishonored
-mass effect, p4
+blood, quake, systom shock, gothic
2/2 kirby and smash
Very close to putting Dragonball FighterZ on here, but I want to wait until I've had the game for longer than 10 days before I slap it on.
2/2 (Kirby SS, SCII)
Next-level chart, but sadly 0/0. Nuclear Throne and SuperGiant's games look good though.
1/1 (SMASH TV), still need to try those SNES wrestling games.
2/2 (Emerald, R&C), I played Mystery Dungeon Red but stopped there for some reason.
2/2 (Crystal, MMX)
3/3 (KI Uprising, Sm4sh, Air Ride)
2/2 (Castlevania III, Bayonetta), do you really mean the original NES Metroid? I don't really touch that series but it's rare I see somebody talking up the very first as their favorite.
>original metroid
yeah I get shit for it around here, but honestly I love the atmosphere of it and none of the other games have really give me the same "joy of being lost" feeling.
probably a lot of dumb nostalgia too for it being my entry to the series but oh well
Alright, neat. I have almost zero connection to Metroid but I'd never seen that before.
Here's my 3x3 of just underrated/overlooked/obscure games.
I honestly think the NES Metroid is pretty underrated. Gets overshadowed by Super obviously, but the first is one of the few NES games that I think have held up okay.
that's mystery dungeon sky
Yeah, I kept hearing about how that second group was really strong in terms of both gameplay and story. I guess when I fell out of Pokemon the whole franchise went with it.
first 3x3 so please be kind.
5/5 Gunman clive Transformers that arcade pirate game. Tatsynoko capcom and nigger AF climax is a bless shame it will be lost forever.
SK Batman AA transformers 101 and DMC3
And niggers AF climax is a bless shame it's lost forever.
didn't play SMT4A and didn't like Deathsmiles (even if I love vertical) I love Dai Ou Jou and labyrinth of touhou is maybe the only and redeemable entry on touhou crap with that captain tsubasa game and the picture shmup 7.1 or whatever it's name.
8/8 didn't play pokeman The obvious are on my list + ico and rayman 2 deserve more
2/3 didn't like witcher 1. ace attoney mgs4
9/9 but nothing really to say about them good games.
1 mgs 3 the rest is unknown or garbage.
6/7 SC2 was always unbalanced can't really enjoy the game never played warning ot
>6/7 SC2 was always unbalanced can't really enjoy the game never played warning and kirby
Dragon Quest VI though? Odd one
I really need to play Castlevania 3 as intended, the NES version is fun though
I will never understand the appeal of Animal Crossing I guess
VI is my favourite by bias because it was my first one and I also loved the class system and dream world thing.
1/2 What's 1? What's 2? What's 3? What's 4? What's 6? Which of the 5 Soul Caliburs is 9?
0/1 compliment every time
1/1 Nice to see someone liking DQ6. Which of the 7 Yakuza games is 1? What's 3? What's 4? 5 is Witcher 3, right? What's 6? Which of the 3 AA games is 8? What's 9?
1/2 maybe some day I'll earnestly play DQ5
1/2 welcome back
4/6 welcome back to you too
0/2 upgrade the GBA DBZ to the new one, that's a no brainer
2/2 What's 1? Sheriff?
4/4 pretty good. I debate putting Garegga on mine
>What's 1? Sheriff?
Gunman Clive. It's 2 games, both are short, cheap, enjoyable action platformers with a really neat low-poly sketchy artstyle made by one Swedish guy. You can get both for $5 total on 3DS or Steam or phones, but IIRC there's a Collection of both on Wii U for $4 that has a character from 2 playable in 1.
>You will never, EVER, get put in the image
Ah OK, and someone did mention it earlier. Thanks.
>Which of the 7 Yakuza games is 1? What's 3? What's 4? 5 is Witcher 3, right? What's 6? Which of the 3 AA games is 8? What's 9?
yazkua 0, skyrim, pokemon emerald, witcher 1, pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of the sky, trials and tribulations, ratchet and clank 3
Never say never. It's been expanded at least once. It could happen again.
Thanks. That's a lot of Pokemon.
Is one of these yours? Which do I rate?
Battle garegga guy here where is yours in the thread user? anywayI will help you identify some shit on op.
1-ninja gaiden black 2- witcher 3 I don't know 4VTMB 6-shenmue2 9 must be SC2
As stated in file name, I am D2. I usually don't bother posting mine because it gets ignored by half of the people, and because I ended up being put in that collage for whatever reason and it generates more response.
The games seem to have been identified, but thank you for response.
I looked up gameplay of Otostaz when you posted once and the artstyle was tops
ESP 2 devil dice G darius and otostaz
Nigger Can we be friend ?
It's an earnestly delightful game to play, and as well designed as it is presented.
Be warned: I have no friends. Well, one. We're going to go to Round1 in a bit as a matter of fact. Hopefully the bad weather keeps everyone else away and nobody else will be playing Cannon Ballers.
I..I never played a Beatmania game. I was more a Taiko and for some years Pop'n Music guy. I could pull some decent games on jubeat too but honestly there is no more arcade here now.
Have fun.
What's the game in the top right image?
Looks like Ragnarok Battle Offline
dont know why everyone called you a hipster back in the day. Nethack, fft, and darius are all some of the most well known games in their genres.
just add yourself on and start reposting it everywhere, that's what i did and i still see myself
> 1/2 What's 1? What's 2? What's 3? What's 4? What's 6? Which of the 5 Soul Caliburs is 9?
That help?
dude this Sup Forums of course he is going to get called names.
Post more than 2 japanese games and enjoy been a weeb.
Post shmup arcade puzzle games or dungeon crawer and enjoy been called a hipster.
3x3 physical edition
Is that a fucking arcade cabinet? lucky bastard.
>Outrun cabinet
>SamSho for Neo Geo
>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
Damn nigga that's some good vidya. If I ever get fuck-off rich I'm getting one of them gyroscopic Afterburner II cabinets.
I need to play Quake someday.
+FFV, Crystal, SH2, MMX
+Dodonpachi Daioujou, Castlevania 3, Metroid
+Virtual Boy Wario Land
+Espgaluda II
Is Cannonballers your favorite IIDX mix or do you include it because it's the latest release? I've been playing the Playstation 2 version of Empress recently.
+Battle Garegga, SH2
-JSR, U.N. Squadron
Wish I could play the Shenmue games with the jap dub and english subs so that I didn't have to listen to the fucking retarded english voice acting. Still fun games though.
7/7 god tier
Damn I wish I had cool shit like this in my collection. I envy you.
Monster Hunter and Kirby just aren't my style
/vr/ can help you with Quake whenever you decide to play it.
7/9 and the two I disliked I was actually more just "indifferent" on rather than actually hating them, probably the best taste in the thread
2/3, +Gravity Rush
4/4, + pacman I love playing that game muted while I listen to music
7/9 -yoshi's island (always felt like a shitter for disliking this game)
3/4, +Zack & Wiki
Too be honest I don't know how I put up with that deadpan Ryo as a kid.
Yoshi's Island is overrated and was actually hated when it came out. The internet LOVES it, but the general public did not at all and its sales reflected that relative to previous Mario themed platformers.
With no personality though, all "critically acclaimed" games that most people have played.
That being said.
Donkey Kong Country 3 is not "critically acclaimed" AT ALL.
Was it just 1&2? I thought all the first 3 were loved.
yeah with outrun in it.
I have also a Blast city and a home made cabinet but I still have some work on them.
here a picture of the home made jamma cabled and Neo geo mvs slot in it. can you find the hidden P1 P2 on the panel?
8/9 noice even if I have a love hate relationship with RE4 the rest is definitly
>Not liking area 88 even if it a Snes version.
>playing black label rev.
9/9 -9 for not loving Un squadron
Urushihara is the nipples god incarnate
Pac Rainbow all the day everyday
what a shame namco let the cheaters swarm the leaderboard.
4/4 bloodborne puzzle fighter dragon dogma and zack&wiki
All three of them were loved, but DKC3 was done by basically a whole different team, and was much less memorable as a result. Lots of people have very little love for the third game.
3 was hated by a lot of people at the time and still is. 1 and 2 were revered even in their day.
I remember DKC was the shit on my time but the rest were sequels no one around me give a shit about them cause they deliver nothing new.
2 was a pretty high seller and I remember a lot of people playing it in the 90s. It was also HUGE in Japan and BY FAR the highest selling Donkey Kong Country game in Japan.