Just started this

Just started this

>What difficulty
>Enjoy the story
>Enjoy the story as intended

uhh I'll go as intended

>Do you want the games controls
>the previous games controls
>the cod controls
>speed running controls

Uhh.. the games controls?

The 12 minute intro video about whats happened so far was enough to put me off.

Is it even worth continuing, I've never been more put off a game

Other urls found in this thread:


>game gives you multiple options for difficulty and control schemes
What the fuck, that's disgusting. These devs deserve a firing squad.

the aBsoLUte state of Sup Forums

ITT: console brainlet tries to play a game that is not CoD

shows indecisiveness

>nobody but homeless junkies have been inside

Ok so why send a team in, jesus no wonder it was free on psplus

The tutorial level is garbage. It took me a year before I found the motivation to pick it back up and finish it. Thankfully, it got better

Still pissed about the profit model shit, obvious DLC ripped from game, season pass, p2w bullshit. I'll get a bundle in a few years on some sale.

Hardest difficulty with stealth and nonlethal for maximum exp.

the game is incredibly easy even without the innocuous cash shop

no, it shows the disgusting consumerist baby culture that we have

>oh em gee these options are hurting my head I just want to shoot some ppl :((((

The state of Gen Z kiddies.

(Re)play Human Revolution instead. It's better in just about every way that matters.

Are you genuinely retarded? First of all, the hard mode is literally called "give me deus ex", aka the way it was "intended"

>Uhh.. the games controls?

Are you genuinely retarded? Games fucking giving you alternate control schemes or complete control of button mapping is nothing new

Unironically go kill yourself you retarded fuck

Those jarring af takedown "cutscenes" definitely won't get old.

I personally prefer HR's scheme. The one bad thing is that there's no option to have it with toggle cover.

So it wasn't just me that had trouble picking it up coming straight off Human Revolution?

>on some sale.
We just had a pretty good sale a few days ago.

>"why can't we just have one option and be able to play without having to think"

Jesus fuck.

On a side note: Good game, runs like shit.

>give me deus ex
>Jensen's model isn't replaced with JC's

>runs like shit
Sounds like playing it on console was a winning move then. It runs flawlessly for me.

>less weapons
>less augs
>can't change ammo types or firing modes
How can it be better?

I have to agree with you, unfortunately the PC port has some high requirements for what it is. Other games similar graphically are better optimized, we're not even talking about one of those meme open world games and honestly the animations look almost Bethesda level.

But the game itself is quite nice, I would replay it, I just don't want it to run like garbage honestly.

I was having an okay time with it but I only played the first mission before I couldn't handle playing it with a controller.

I'd play with mouse and keyboard preferrably, but it's somewhat laggy.

>>less weapons
Not even remotely.
10 in MD, 17 in HR. Even if you include the aug weapons, HR still has more.
HR also has:
>more hubs, both of which are way better than brick shity city prague
>better levels
>an actually decent ending
>more and better bosses (director's cut especially)
>infinitely better support cast
>is longer

Worth playing for the story but the AI is retarded. You can clear almost every mission by agroing every enemy, hiding in the vents and shooting their feet. If you bite off more than you can chew you can just hide deeper in the vent and wait 90sec for them all to de-agro letting you try again.

I feeld bad that you are so terrible at videogames that you need to subject yourself to stuff like that in order to progress. It must be terrible

>game actually asked you for difficulty
>and even asked how you wanted the controls
>EVEN explained the story for newcomers
you poor poor baby :(

This unfortunately is the standard for ai in stealth games now. MGS 2 is the only game that comes to mind where the ai would use tactics to clear a room and flush you out of your hiding spot.

I know, it's a real shame because PC really helps preserve the games and is nice to have them there overall, but at least these games (MD and HR) are not all that modable (which is a shame, don't get me wrong), so its not a big loss to play on console.

>less weapons than the previous game
How is this possible?

You're not counting weapons that, while belonging to the same archetype, behave differently, like the Lancer and the Côte d'Azur

Better story and some nicer weapons but that's about the whole of it.

>tfw "Give Me Deus Ex" isn't considered the way the game is "meant to be played" according to the menu

The characters are better instead of being replaced by cardboard cut outs for no reason.

It's so people don't get their feelings hurt for not wanting to play on GMDX. We all know it's the intended difficulty.

>Elite Weapons
>Given their gimmicks they're overall worse than the regular variants
Why is this allowed?

Characters basically falls under the story umbrella

more content != better


Who gives a shit when it's missing stuff like
>laser rifle
>plasma rifle
>rocket launcher
>silenced sniper rifle

Mankind Divided has 1 genuinely good level, Utulek, that they showed about 75% of during the gameplay reveal. Nothing else comes close to stuff like Tai Yong Medical, Omega Ranch, FEMA, etc. Stuff like GARM was insultingly bad. Setting most of the game inside the hub was retarded.

Mankind Divided was probably a bigger disappointment to me than Phantom Pain.

When that bigger content has more quality than the fewer weapons of the later instalment yes, it's better. Specially in these games that are built to be replayed.

>laser rifle
>plasma rifle
You get them so late in the game they might as well not count.
>silenced sniper rifle
You can just silence one here, it's not like it played any differently than nerfed damage.

1 hub is kind of a stylistic complaint, it's not like Detroit and Hengsha had that much going on. I wouldn't have done it because it was a ridiculously reduced story scope but it's not like Prague was just equivalent to Hengsha by itself.

They had enough going on. To say nothing of the difference in mood between Hengsha/Detroit on the one hand and bright ass Prague on the other. I think Deus Ex is like Batman. It should always be night.

What's the meaning behind HR being yellow?

Muh cyberrenaissance

It was a stupid fad, and it passed.

>rocket launcher
Does anyone actually use that?

Good thing there's more to non-lethal than just takedowns

Find a new hobby you apathetic retard.

>Waa Waa, more options is bad! I poo poo in my diapey

I played through the whole game and I still have no idea what this pay2win shitfit people threw at the time was in reference to.
The now free pre-order DLC obviously wasn't ripped from the game because it's noticeably much worse and cobbled together.

>I still have no idea what this pay2win shitfit people threw at the time was in reference to.
Have you even checked the store?

its objectively worse in every department aside story

What store? If I actually have to exit the game to browse the platform specific DLC store it's totally irrelevant, whatever they sell is unnecessary since I had praxis kits out the ass.

>hamfist in SP microtransactions into Mankind Divided
>They sell like shit because nobody is falling for it
>"microtransactions only work for phone games"

Why is Sqeenix so fucking stupid? It seems like they are out to sabotage every franchise they have that isn't Final Fantasy.

>level 5 locked door
>pull out full-auto silenced pistol
>unlock door like a man

>silenced pistol
>like a man
>not a revolver with AP rounds
Try Again.

If that means they'll ease up on the microtransactions, it's okay.

>tfw you CAN'T do this in HITMAN

>Human Revolution
>decent ending
Are we talking about the same game? I thought the entire last level was shit, especially the very end.

Be glad they were added at the very last moment and the devs didn't have time to rebalance the game to force you to buy them.

I liked having Eliza talk to me on my radio. I wish she was a radio contact for the whole game.

Eidos didn't want them, though, they just shoehorned them in to appease Square Enix.


They're not the Japanese EA for nothing.

No, it doesn't, you retarded psychology fag

I just want another Deus Ex game, is that so wrong?

Please don't lump people that actually study something with that tard.

Is this a realistic version of New Game? Source?




Anti, the point of these games were to show augs are/will be a mistake.

>Tfw you only play games on normal or easy difficulty settings

That's right call me a scrub or a casual as if I care what neckbeards think.
I even deleted that alien game when it told me to play on hard mode.

>having choice is bad

why the fuck are you playing a deus ex game then?

The crisis was averted, the big bads are dealt with, and the next game gets a decent enough set up (that MD does basically nothing with).
Was it kind of silly that your ending was mostly just pressing 1 of 4 buttons? Sure. But I thought Panchaea was a pretty decent location (if definitely in the bottom half of HR levels), and the stakes feel properly high. Meanwhile, the last part of MD is just a normal level that ends with a single stun gun -> melee take down, after which nothing has changed.

By the time we're seriously debating if someone should amputate perfectly healthy limbs to get superior mechanical replacements we'll probably be neck deep in the ethics of widespread genetic engineering

Reminder that Ataru Moroboshi is a Japanese PM in Deus Ex canon

I don't get it

>(that MD does basically nothing with)
The whole set up is the fallout of the last game dude.

London was a legitimately better level than Panchaea's zombie level. That's more of a statement about how bad Panchaea is than anything else.

The protagonist of Urusei Yatsura


I shouldn't have asked

good bait

The 'augs are now considered bad people' thing yes, but I was actually thinking about the Megan/Page thing.

HR wasn't setting up a sequel about Megan/Page. You get the stinger and infer that she's partially responsible for the gray death. It's not like it needed elaboration on, especially when bringing Adam back wasn't a given. It is weird that Jensen finding out about her work at Versalife is optional though.

The 12 minute cutscene is optional, it straight out asks you if you care about the story or not.

>save the bomb maker
>short, shitty level
>if you sneak through all the enemies become non-hostile when you're done letting you investigate at your own pace
>gets you a useless item that changes nothing in the final fight

>excavate the Versalife vault
>part of one of the best areas in the game
>lots of shit to see and do, especially if you have other vault cards
>gets you an item to save Jim "Not a traitor" Miller
>fuels the Jensen Clone theory

You sure are asking for a lot of attention for someone that doesn't care.

Are you so sure we'll be deep into genetic tailoring before we get actual augmented prosthetics?

Stealth is fucking easy in this game, just throw something, wait around the corner and knock em out, repeat till you clear the level

>triangle is running
>not L3
I'm mad

Why is Page's voice so good?

I don't even see the reason why most of the augs in the games needed to be augs. Why integrate them into human body, when wearable tech, AR glasses/contacts and exoskeleton can perform the same function?

>running by pressing a stick
I've never understood how anyone could like that shit, it's so fucking awkward

I'm used to it, almost every game does it

I enjoy being able to walk or run depending on how far I push the stick, I prefer it to pressing a button where it's all or nothing.

>playing on console

I could understand it in spies, black ops and cripples, but I don't see why other people would let go of their limbs for systems that could be externalized.
More responsiveness or room for complexity since it's plugged straight up into the brain?

"are you genuinely retarded" x2.
Savage m8

>Being a fat fuck ugly virgin neckbeard playing on PC

Valuable contribution.