When did you realize Linux and PS4 is the most productive combo?
When did you realize Linux and PS4 is the most productive combo?
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Actually it's PC + Nintendo retard
Install gentoo.
>implying its not hardware passthrough dual boot masterrace
literally the best of both worlds. i cant experience it though because no iGPU to run linux on so have settled with dual boot
Yeah because nintendo aint got games...
Bought a PS3/4 purely so I could remove Windows and never look back.
I use BSD for productivity though.
You could just use Renoise on Windows you know.
>not just using audacity to do your simple shit edits
But with this much resources leftover? qtljack is better than what Windows uses, I forget the name. It's been a while since I've used FL Studio. I also use Linux so I can disconnect my temptation to play windows games. I was really addicted to Black Desert about 6 months ago and had to stop myself from dual booting and sold my gaming desktop for a x220. I know I could have just used discipline, but I didn't have any.
When did you grow out of Linux and realize that Visual Studio alone makes Windows a more productive OS than desktop Linux will ever be?
productive at doing what exactly
the ariana grande incident is not funny and if I was in the same room as you I would be giving you the dirtiest fucking look you have ever seen. shame on you.
>can't make music about real life events without joking
It's a serious ambient song about what happened retard, it inspired me to make song about how it made me feel.
There no no benefit to using pass through instead of dual booting. And instead you need to have higher specs and use a weird pass through of input as well.
>people are still buying new laptops when the x220 exists
How about the fact that you don't need to reboot to use certain programs? If you have to reboot just to use one program sooner or later you'll stop rebooting and just use the OS you use most of the time anyway.
Mediocre DX11 support, no DX12 support
What programs does your Linux distribution have that I can't use on Windows?
Probably not relevant to you but a bunch of open source digital synthesizers I use.
And they can't run through WSL in Windows 10?
I'm not sure I haven't tried.
>no benefit
>operating system of linux with all of it's facebook machine tier benefits
>considerably efficient isolated windows install
>no need to fuck with individual wine settings on a google journey because every game on a different engine seems to need a fucking fix, post installation everything would work the same as if you were on windows
>no need to have two different steam versions installed, can just use windows steam for all games and actually be able to use the fucking store or ingame overlay
Sorry I’m not a virgin faggot
can i linux with my controller, bro?
nigger i don't use my PS4 to be productive
most things should work just fine. only exception i can think of is steam controller. it works just fine in steam big picture, but on desktop in most desktop environments it will crash if you use the onscreen keyboard. i use the opensource sc-controller for desktop which has a more functioning onscreen keyboard (couple of even better features too like being able to use joystick to move cursor over and pressing x to close) and big picture mode for gaymes
I switched to linux on my laptop and I was quite happy that everything worked out of the box, amazingly enough. But it was a disaster on my desktop; couldn't get anything to work, so I'll stay with windows for now.
This place just gets more stupid by the day.
.t Windurrs user
>the no games whatsoever idort
>Get introduced to Linux
>Certainly not applied Linux to any job or work
>Haha! Winblows! Haha!
what jobs involve playing videogames, the only thing windows excels at?
who are you quoting?
>implying FOSS garbage can even touch what Excel is capable of
But most production apps are either created for Windows or Mac.
The only field where Linux can match Windows is software development work, but even that's questionable since there are plenty of IDEs for Windows that shit all over Linux alternatives like Visual Studio.
Anything that involves multimedia (graphic design, photoshop, movie editing, special effects, 3d modeling, audio editing, CAD) and you will get laughed out of the interviewing room if you tell your employer that you want to work with Linux.
Why is it that every time a linuxfag needs to put these irrelevant information about their OS in desktop screenshots? not only is it fucking gay they also have acsii logo in it like some shill. LOL
it's really funny actually
Well since you mentioned it, every console SDK is built for Visual Studio. Creating PS4/Xbone/Switch games on any non-Windows platform is an unofficial hack, not supported by the first parties themselves.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh turd party engine works on Loonix!
*opens in wine/virtual machine*
heh.. no exclusives
>Visual Studio
>in Wine
Yeah maybe the 2005 version
Oh I see, you've been a linuxfag for a week
They are all Visual Studio now?
I remember having to use CodeWarrior for DS games.
>there are plenty of IDEs for Windows that shit all over Linux alternatives like Visual Studio.
>visual studio
Name some more.
what sequencer is that? is it any better than famitracker?
why on earth wouldn't it work in virtualbox exactly?
Because people are curious what you're running, what icons/wm/theme etc. you're using. Is it that hard to understand?
Screenfetch in a screenshot is a simple way to deliver basic information of the system that is running. The reason is that there isn't just "Current version of OS" in the Linux world as there is with windows and Mac.
Yep, I don't know if the Wii/WiiU was also VS but at least the 360 and Xbone (obviously) and PS3, PS4 and Switch are VS-based.
The PS2 SDK was a Linux thing though I think.
Why would I run Windows in a VM when all the software I use is available on Windows? Why wouldn't I do it the other way around then? And now with WSL there is barely any need for a Linux VM on Windows either.
>try to run software in windows 10
>buy a 100 dollar license/gorrilion dollar business license
>run out of ram
>bandwidth maxed out for outgoing traffic to ms servers
>have to turn off 90 percent of the useless services
>finally can open ms paint
>download it through the ms store, the only available way to install programs
>oops its 32bit only have to spend an extra 50 dollars
>network constantly crashing from poo code all "apps" close because its not connected to the internet
>install 64 gigabytes of ram so i can browse microsoft edge until chrome is approved for the store
>can only do work through the ubuntu integration
>on linux
>finally after years of searching find something that windows excels at
>wow windows 10 is shit ill open my xp/7/osx virtual machine
I like how you don't mention a single piece of Linux exclusive software in this post at all.
because both operating systems can run each others software
I use Windows 10 LTSB so literally none of your points are relevant. And why would chrome need to be "approved for the store"? Are you talking about the fucking S version meant for ARM tablets?
And the software runs better natively than in a VM, and there is way less Linux exclusive software a desktop user would want to use than there is Windows exclusive software.
>software repositories
This alone is a main reason why I can never go back to Windows.
>And the software runs better natively than in a VM
There's literally no reason to use Linux when everything already works on Windows.
>actually implying windows 10 doesnt have compatibility problems
try playing far cry 4
What games even use DX12?