Is there a way to tell if you're getting a newer Pro controller with the fixed Dpad or do you just have to play the...

Is there a way to tell if you're getting a newer Pro controller with the fixed Dpad or do you just have to play the lottery? My first pro controller's Dpad was fucked so I took it back and exchanged it for a new one but I think the Dpad on this one is even worse.

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Apparently the Xeno 2 one is the good one.

aren't they sold out though?

you dont play lottery, the controller is fine
just dont be a retard that presses right+up and then gets surprised when he gets the input that he pressed

sorry but you're wrong
>widespread documented issues with the controller
>works for me! :^)
autists like you are so fucking obnoxious.


The design is flawed, accept it. Lucky for you Nintendo is only making games that pretend the d-pad is just another four buttons.

>I think the Dpad on this one
What do you mean you think? Either it is or it isn't, it's not an opinion piece. If you're still not happy with it, bring it back and try again.

another retard that does exactly what i just said and uploads it to youtube, thats great dude

assigning merc missions in Xenoblade 2 is such a pain though with the bad dpad
I'm going to exchange it again tomorrow but I'm worried the store will get annoyed with me exchanging controllers so often.

Nope, the difference is extremely tiny and really not doing anything

Except no other d-pad that I own does this (3ds, wii u tablet and pro controller) where you can get Up just for pushing Right, it's way too senstitive

go fuck yourself fanboy

no you can clearly see it misregister inputs, stop being in denial about it. It's okay to admit Nintendo made a bad Dpad.

>I'm worried the store will get annoyed
Nah fuck that son. They're selling you faulty shit. Even if you have to, bring your switch in, exchange it, try it in the store. Gamestop employees are usually okay with you doing stuff like that. (I traded my 3DS to a N3DSXL and did a full system transfer in the store even before paying for it)

Even if they're not, make the exchange, try it, and return it again if it doesn't work. It saves you a trip, and I promise you won't look like a dork doing so.

alright I guess I'll just keep trying my luck then.

God speed user

What Switch games use the dpad extensively enough to have this actually affect the game?

user there is no "fixed dpad". Nintendo wasted their money fixing something about the dpad that wasn't the key issue.

You can push the dpad down like it's one button, there is no centerpiece. The centerpiece is important because it ensures your inputs are a lot more reliable, but also because most people stick their thumb onto the center of the dpad and shift it around to move as opposed to pressing each one like individual buttons.

In short, it's still trash, get a WiiU pro or a DS4.

Their literal next exclusive you retard.
Also Dong Freeze.
And it's Nintendo, if you think that's all for 2D platformers from them you're even more retarded than I thought.

Also Celeste is the best selling game on the Nintendo eshop right now

Fucking idiot.

merc missions in Xenoblade 2
Weapon switching in BOTW
puyo puyo tetris
inb4 you greentext me a bunch of reasons why those akshually don't count
I have a wii U pro, don't you need an adapter for it to work with switch?

Probably, still worth it.

Gonna be honest though I assumed you meant a PC pad.

You could also consider going for the Pokken controller but it doesn't have sticks and doesn't have two triggers.

This post is rude, I am not reading this thank you.
Zelda doesn't really have you using the dpad for more than a couple second at a time. I'll give you Puyo Puyo if dpad is your style, and I don't have the time right now to delve into Xenoblade. Overall polite post in general, thankyougodbless.

hmmm, I might get the adapter for wii U pro. I really only need the gyro for Splatoon 2 which doesn't use the dpad anyways so I guess I could relegate the switch pro to just for that and use wii U pro for everything else

Stop trying to be a stupid console warrior stain trying to downplay the importance of a fucking good dpad/a dpad at all and you won't be deserving of this treatment.

>before Switch
>Nintendo fanboys made fun of Xbox and Playstation controllers for having trash dpads
>after Switch
>uhhhh guys the dpad actually isn't that important, stop being so entitled
Fucking die

I'd recommend it. I have no idea how good the Switch adapter is though I've been too cheap to get another one since I have the mayflash PC adapter already, I probably should thought because I fucking hate the directional buttons, they're cancer even for menu navigation imo.

>ask a genuine question because I am considering buying said controller and I do not recall Switch games such as Mario Odyssey or Splatoon 2 using the dpad much
>labeled a console warrior
Go back to posting wojaks dickmunch.

I just did the input test on the Switch with mine

I do get random Ups but only if I do left right left right really quick

annoying but I dont really ever seeing it being an issue. and I have an 8-Bitdo for Dpad based controls anyway. :/

>Before Switch
>Nintendo was the last bastion of consumer friendly business in the industry and Nintendo fans loved that they could buy a full game from Nintendo, DLC announced post launch, created post launch, priced amazingly, etc
>Nintendo fans rub it in everyone elses face that Nintendo hasn't gone full jew
>After Switch
>Nintendo's Switch exclusives have season passes more often than not
>What are you POOR?
Success ruins fanbases

>annoying but I dont really ever seeing it being an issue
what about when the Switch gets Virtual Console games?

I just said I have an 8Bitdo for those. Not my problem.

okay but not everyone wants to buy third party controllers.

It amazes me that Nintendo constantly fucks with the D pad design. I remember the Gamecube D pad being hot dog shit back in the day and even now the Wii U pro controller is rather meh compared to PS4 D pad. I swear at times Nintendo brings in an outsource on certain parts of their electronics which is why the quality is so inconsistant with each revision.

ain't that the fucking truth. I still can't believe Xenoblade 2's season pass is thirty fucking dollars and you can't even purchase the DLC individually. They're going to make me spend money on a bunch of shit I don't want just so I can see the story episode. Fucking jews

>even now the Wii U pro controller is rather meh compared to PS4 D pad.
what are you on about? The Wii U pro has an amazing Dpad

It's not as amazing as people make it out to be.

>Before Switch
>Free online and motherfucking miiverse to accompany it
>After Switch
>Online service scaled back with miiverse shutdown and also went paid at the same time
>B-But it's cheapest
What happened?

If the sentence "Nintendo has the worst season passes in the industry" doesn't make you deeply sad you aren't a Nintendo fan.


>and even now the Wii U pro controller is rather meh compared to PS4 D pad

>a newer Pro controller with the fixed Dpad
They didn't fix it

Don't forget Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has online connectivity issues that 8 did not. And that Splatoon 2 didn't fix the lack of bringing friends into online matches locally. Also there isn't voice chat

What are you even paying for?

The new d-pad is very slightly bigger and flatter. It's actually very similar to the one on the wii u pro now.

Press the center down and tell me that feels like a WiiU Pro controller.

So what's preventing Nintendo from just using the Wii U D-pad in the Switch pro controllers? Why do they have to reinvent it with every console? The joycons with idependent directional - fine, whatever.

Better question - why don't they just reuse the design for the SNES D-pad? They got it right then.

I meant more so in appearance. Can't speak on functionality. My pro went rather unused outside of smash and HW.

There are other controllers for the Switch you know...
Why don't you investigate other options instead?

>Pro Controller
>Smash Bros
Nani the fuck

Just get an 8bitdo. They are also cheaper.

>Splatoon 2 didn't fix the lack of bringing friends into online matches locally.
This is still broken? I haven't had a chance to try this in months, figured it'd be fixed by now.

>Also there isn't voice chat
Well there is, but it's done through some retarded workaround that involves your phone and downloading the Nintendo app on it. They should have built in chat into the console.

If the pro controller had a good D-pad and an aux port for headphones, it would have been the best current gen controller.

even the WiiU had voice chat through the console. It's fucking mind boggling that they thought a phone app would be a good solution for voice chat

I don't know why felt the need to change the dpad. It can't cost THAT much more to do it the old way