Just kill it already

Just kill it already

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Worst CoD series is continued. There will never be Infinite Warfare 2.

i don't know what makes cod players going on since every year everything just resets and they have to change to another game, there's no legacy whatsoever

>caring about CoD when R6siege and Titanfall 2 exist

Its what they like. New maps, new guns and fast paced action

I like cod sp, only pirate it to have good fun for 6 hours on a friday night.

I don't care about multiplayer in any of these games.

same could be said of many popular Sup Forums franchises

I don't think any franchise has the same rate of bringing new games as CoD. Even Assassin's Creed is not a yearly game anymore. I don't think that any of those franchises are "popular" on Sup Forums.

3 had no right being called black Ops. Had notbing related to the previous 2

>this year's CoD
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Black Ops is a pretty decent series. Infinite Warfare’s multiplayer was kinda shit, but the gun designs were great. Wish there were modern Call of Duty games since they could add a fuckton of more guns.

Console cucks can't hit someone flying above their head, Sad!

You mean worse maps, more uninspired guns that are watered down clones of previous guns and the same fast paced action. The last one is debatable, but from my experience, it just got more random, especially after Black Ops 2. Now that I think about it, MW3 was already the first step towards that.

I think this was the last time any developer cared about making Call of Duty.

I hope it's Black Ops not just in name.

Since when they were hiding it? It was a yearly venture since CoD2. If you somehow think this was a big secret then I have bad news for you.

Treyarch games have the same timeline, but it doesn't really go any further than few references here and there. Even the settings of the games jump quite a bit, so they are almost unrecognizable. The only game with deeper connection than that were WaW and Blops 1.

I like say codblops out loud

Fucking brand recognition bullshit. BO3 had nothing to do with previous games.

Only Black Ops 1 and 2 were decent, with 2 being an overall improvement. 3 was shit with its MOBA supers and microtransactions out the ass.

I swear if it's like Bo3 it will be the worst game ever.

just make vietnam cod for fucks sake actijew

But they mention Menendez in one of the news pieces, so it's a black ops game!

what the fuck even was BO3

Vietnam is shit, get the fuck out

BO3 seemed like they never tried to make it Black Ops.

And BO2 was only good during the flashbacks missions. I'm skipping BO4 if it isn't about Vietnam or the Cold War.

It also looked quite janky, especially compared to AW and IW that came before and after it. I've played BO3/IW/WW2 back to back and BO3 was the least polished out of the bunch.

Train go boom.

They need to make some sort of final CoD to rule them all and live on skins or whatever like all other shooters do. Yearly releases are really archaic.

I do agree with you on the supers and micro transactions.


CoD is from America's perspective you know... It would just be a bunch of loud noises and deaths. Just respect Vietnam, we don't need a video game about it.

>worst series is best series and best series is worst series

gr8/8 b8 m8

IW is now the only developer in the rotation that's so incompetent they can't fix the quake engine rounding errors so they have to continue to use a 90fps hardcap to prevent players abusing sweet spots. They also have no anti-cheat, provide no dedicated servers and have the worst netcode by a long shot.

>le boobs on the ground
Is there any other series where they get congratulated for going directly backwards? Blops3 SP wasnt Deus Ex, but at least it was an actual video game with diverse enemies and boss fights instead of just CoD2 again.

Shut the fuck up, we aren't perfect and if audiences can't handle that so be it.

>Just respect Vietnam
There's been a lot of Vietnam games already, fuck off you weak faggot.


Blops 3 didn't paint America (whatever it's called) in good light

>killing a cashcow

>call of duty
>Fast paced

lame. I'm tired of high jumps and future tech. WW2 was re-freshing. Unless they take it back to the cold war then I will be all in because Treyarch makes the best CoD games imo.

I don't know what the big deal is. I like both rulesets so I don't particularly care when they go with one or the other.

I laughed too and then I remembered that arena shooters are dead, Titanfall games die within a month and Tribes hasn't been good since Starsiege.

To be fair their cashcow starts to run dry. It worked for a decade, but people getting real tired of buying the game and all dlc every year to play pretty much the same shit. It doesn't mean that they will necessarily kill the franchise, but making CoD releases a bit more sparse will happen sooner or later.

world at war remastered never ever

After Modern Warfare Remaster would you even want it ?

Monster Hunter and Dragonball are yearly games

Well, considering it's a Treyarch game that means IW will never touch it, I don't see the issue. Neo IW is not the same as IW of old.

I only care about it if its only set in Vietnam and the map design isn't complete trash


That's because old-IW became Respawn and what is left is just a shell of it's former self.

Tretarch is by far the best developer out of the 3. I still like Ww2 though.

Why don't they just make one good game and frequently update it with new maps and stuff

Because Activision greed.

so, codol?

Are you retarded

Any game where you can get 60 kills in 10 minutes is fast paced, quake 3 existing doesnt change that.

Why does everyone hate BO3 so much? It's the best game in the series and the story is art.

not even a bad idea

World at War was the best.

Mixed about BO3, Treyarch easily made the best games
World at War and especially Black Ops 1 were the Magnum Opus of the series

Also as mixed as it is, BO3’s advertising was also god tier

Already exists. China only.

You might be gay, son. It was an okay game.

I like it as a Treyarch game
However it has the worst instance of Supply drops, putting in actual new weapons

Also on a balanced level, nobody liked the fact that the special characters all get a free killstreak, It would’ve been much better if their abilities was a killstreak

Story was a drug trip though, loved it

Desu I only play cod for treyarch's zombies with friends, so this is okay with me

I outgrew multiplayer like 6-7 years ago, but zombies is still a blast with buddies.

I still remember getting chills in the teaser for Black Ops 3


Is it coming to the Switch? It would be perfect for it.

So let me get this straight
You died during the training mission but since you were attached to the mission of the leader at the time, your view was merged with his memories to create a death dream where you live the guys memories about an event except the roles switched

loving every laugh
If you want a game so fast paced your eyes roll back into your skull play Achron. If you manage to catch one of the grognoks who've mastered the 4D chess from the bottom up then you'll get your ass cherried like a ripe soyboy faster than you can react.

The game fucking broke me, I can't look at anything else the same way anymore.

>le perfect for le switch may may



Playing games on the go is great. There is literally no other way to play. Being tied down to a desk is the worst.

I unironically like call of duty mp. I just wished it had a stronger population on pc

Never heard of it but something tells me it has the player base of lawbreakers

It does, but it's made for 1v1 or 2v2 anyways. It's one of those "excellent ideas poor polish" type situations. And the gameplay has such an insanely high skill ceiling that normies who try to play now will just get gutterstomped

>Black Ops 2 came out 6 years ago
>Activision still charges full 60 Euro for this game without any DLC included

why is this legal?


>tfw BLOPS 2 is still $70

You act like game pricing going down is an axiom

>people still buy the anually released CoDs in 2018
I get that normies eat that garbage up but what's your excuse Sup Forums?

Why not? They have 3 year dev cycles. Its not like theyre rushed


>no MW2 HD remaster

It would be next year if its coming. This year is Treyarch next year is IW

I used to buy them for the mp gameplay, even though I noticed that the games were getting more streamlined. I was somehow naive enough to think that the devs will get it right next time: better maps, better balance, less random bullshit, more focus on the bare gunplay. I stopped at Black ops 2. The bad map design and stale gameplay got old fast.

but theyre complete garbage

I always buy them for half the price from key resellers a few months after launch, the games are fun when you just want to shoot stuff.

Only treyarchs. I haven't bought one from another developer since MW3

>60 fps
>gameplay over realism
>fast paced for a military style shooter
>enough players to always get a game in any game mode
>growing competitive scene
>split screen co op

Nice try

lmfao is this guy on Sup Forums seriously defending the new call of dutys?
i never ever thought id see the day holy shit.

I couldn't care less. IW campaign was fantastic, best CoD campaign since MW2.

Oh, well, maybe it's just the MP then? I don't play COD MP, just SP and Zombies. BO3 had really good zombies.

The only way I'll play this is if it goes back to 2025 and we pick up with the Masons and frank again. I still have a bullet for Menendez after he made me kill Harper. Michael rooker was one of my favorite things about Blops 2

>cod player presents an argument
>you shitpost

Really makes me think

Start playing Titanfall 2.

>this mad cuz the new cods are garbage and you dont want to admit it

Dead on pc

I'm playing it right now on my PS4

Shame everyone still automatically hates the game like blind retards. Same goes for IW Zombies, underrated as fuck.

So long as you don't mind playing attrition that really doesn't seem to be a problem, I usually get into full games in less than a minute, like 2 minutes tops.