>rise of nations
>rise of nations
>rise of nations
>they keep on rising
Rise of nations
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Rice of Asians
RTS thread? Suggest me some good ones, i already played AoM/AoE/RoN/TaB/Starcraft/ probably some more that i dont recall right now.
Empire Earth get megatron and fight cavemen
Rise Of Legends was OK
Company of heroes 1&2
dont let me down Sup Forums.
rise of nations 2 when?
For mother Russia, attrition ftw...
>All old games
RTS truly is dead. What happened?
It was meh
>linear tech trees
>set rally point to enemy base and spam units until he gets overpowered
>eventually everyone starts tossing nukes
>nobody wins because world suffers a nuclear winter and it gets declared a draw
Age of Empires 2 was pretty much better in every way but I liked the territory system that Rise of Nations had. Fun game.
consoles became popular. then mobas became popular.
>first time playing ROS
>me vs 2 AIs
>literally no idea what I am doing
>send 5-6 swordmen to the next border
>small skirmish directly at a river
>skirmish drags on for literally hundreds of years without borders or the place of the battle changing much
>finally get an edge in technology
>fucking nuke his next city
My comrade.
I have no idea why no one has bothered to continue with that system. It is one of my favorites of all time.
>What happened?
The big development studios lost interest (rehashing the same game and reinventing the wheel for a decade gets old, trust me) and there were no upstarts to inherit the people who weren't absolutely done with RTS games.
Today, it means that everyone who wants to do anything has to start at the beginning and even the big leagues started with fairly crappy games for their first outing.
>I have no idea why no one has bothered to continue with that system.
They did. Empire Eath 2 and 3 use it, so does AoM, Rise of Legends, (a little) AoE3.
>>set rally point to enemy base and spam units until he gets overpowered
It's deeper than that, because if both of you are doing that, then generals, supply wagons, formations, spies etc are going to come into play which creates a huge number of variables to deal with. In fact, because of territories, combat is actually deeper than AoE2.
>>nobody wins because world suffers a nuclear winter and it gets declared a draw
Not if anyone researches missile shield my dude. Stops all nukes being dropped in your territory when researched.
The cap on nuclear winter is pretty high, it's like 20 standard, and you can turn off the nuclear winter cap in settings iirc.
Have you tried Northgard? It's fun but also still in Early Access.
this game was awful cause the ai would just shit out armies regardless of resources. I pushed them into the last quarter of the map but they kept pumping out like 20 guys a minute so it was a huge stalemate for like 20 minutes.
>tf2 the excellent composer of RoN's soundtrack is now reduced to making music for pokie machines
The artificial intelligence probably had Artificial Intelligence researched.
Endgame technology which reduces all unit creation times to 0.
Besides, playing against ai isn't where the fun of RoN is at
>tfw used to play LAN with bros in uni until 11 PM
Tooth n Tail is okay I guess???
Super dead though so it's for singleplayer