So, what is Celeste about?
So, what is Celeste about?
Making Sup Forums upset
vortue signaling
I just got done with the first chapter and it's pretty fun.
The game is good about not tutorializing everything with overt messaging, and instead just has an object in the level and you have to tinker with it and the physics/mechanics on your own.
More pixelshit leftist propaganda
It’s about having an unappealing mishmash of visual styles with literally zero cohesion. I was pissed when I discovered the high resolution art and UI placed over another shitty pixel game, and I was blown away to discover the map screen is a fucking 3D model featuring a navigator with the art style the rest of the game should have.
No one talks about this shit enough. If you’re going to make a “totally retro xD” game with shitty boring spritework you need to commit to that throughout the entire presentation of the game, not use some vector graphics here, some 3D models there, and some worse than 8-bit graphics for the actual game part.
It's okay when Earthbound, Dragon Quest, Romancing Saga, Octopath Traveller and Megaman do it though.
Depression from getting an abortion.
all those games are appealing though
>pixels = "totally retro xD"
Stop being retarded.
a girl collecting strawberries
>Sup Forums: "Video games don't need a story all I care about is gameplay!"
>Also Sup Forums: "Who cares about this gameplay what about the barely there story what does it meaaaaan?"
Dumb slut kills her half breed baby
Climbing a mountain, you fucking retard.
How mentally deficient are you? Was it really that hard for you to figure out that you had to make an entire shitty thread about it?
Consider suicide and never post here again.
It does. Why would you prefer this over anything else? The only reason a game looks like this is because of a limitation of the art team.
Looks like Suguri with red hair
hey guys I am making a video on how Overrated Celeste is. Whats the good and the bad about Celeste? Whats the worst part about Celeste and whats the best part?
Those evil white men
What if the point isn’t to be retro but it’s just cheaper and easier to do pixel art as a poorfag indie dev
I FUCKING DID IT! All c-sides done! Now on to the strawberries I didn't get...
Assist mode stopped me from buying the game
What if it’s ugly either way and I don’t really care
Poorfag dev is an even more pathetic justification.
Hi Shill
No it doesn't, you clown. A game can have pixel art without trying to fit into the "retro" category. Clearly this game doesn't.
Your problem is you view resomolutions as the only indicator of visual quality - to you, if it doesn't look good in a zoomed-in screenshot, it doesn't look good. There's far more to a game's visuals than that.
And you know what, even if they are poor there’s zero reason they had to opt for a little detail as possible.
I’m just tired of indie games looking like this. This shit was old when Fez came out and that game actually did something inspired with its visuals, even if Phil Fish is a faggot.
Did you play it? If you did, you would already know the good and bad parts.
Ethics in video game journalism.
what do you guys think of my indie protagonist
she's a strong, independent and proud woman of color
Don’t buy it. People with better taste than you will have fun.
I don't give a shit, what's your game like?
its a platformer, why even ask?
i'd say it works in that type of game because it's faster to identify hazards and such if that makes any sense.
lmfao okay if you want to play super meat boy with a vagina go right ahead
I did but I wanted to get a second opinion and I am interested in what others would have to say.
For me, the worst thing about Celeste is how often the screen shakes when you hit the green dots that give you another dash. I think it really messes the timing up when you're required to make pinpoint accurate dashes, especially in the c-sides.
encouraging marxism
Can't you disable screenshake?
>game is apolitical with focus on actual gameplay
>Sup Forums still somehow makes up non-existent plot points just to have a reason to shit on the latest fotm indie game
yet another indie nostalgia pixel zombie survival roguelike metroidvania with crafting
Stop making games using MSPaint
A Hat in Time was made by (mostly) a single developer with a team of art slaves.
I don't see an option for it on ps4.
>Overinflated pixel indie shit that's gonna be yet another flavor of the month and forgotten by the rest of the year
>tumblr art style with tumblr noses
>implying it isn't political
this seems to be the case.
heck despite typical Sup Forums falseflagging, i haven't seen anything too bad, granted i haven't played the game, i'd need screenshots to be shown otherwise.
it's megaman x only you don't have a weapon and there's no enemies
>A Hat in Time was made by a single developer
>With an entire team making all the art assets
Ok first of all this post seems a little contradictory. That and I just checked the credits for the game, you're full of shit.
Honestly, this is pretty much what I think is going on. When I found out that people were straight-up lying about the abortion thing just for something to bitch about, I actually rolled my eyes. Imagine being so upset at a game existing that you have to lie about it to make others dislike it.
Earthbound is hardly appealing
Unironically, anxiety and depression. It's prime shitpost material here, but it's actually a pretty fucking great platformer if you like Super Meat Boy's approach to difficulty curves
>playing games about abortion