What does this mean for video games, Sup Forums?

What does this mean for video games, Sup Forums?

Should they get at an age rating at 24+.

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"A 24 Year-Old Should Still Qualify as a Teenager" - New Science

thanks New Science, noted

New Science?

fuck new science
post macrophilia

Nu Science

>New Science

Then "new science" is wrong because teenager only applies to people whose age has the word teen in it, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

My grandpa already had 3 kids when he was 24 and was managing a bank and making good money

meanwhile me and many other losers are still collee students with shit grades or NEETS

life has gotten so much easier people are simply not vrowing up. I'm from a 3rd world country by the way so it's not a developed nation thing

>women want 24-year-olds as teens so that men are forced to settle for old hags

Literally this.

new science must be related to new math

>raising the age of being underage just so you lock fat old men with money from fucking college girls

As a 23 year old it certainly fucking feels like that's the case sometimes

I can't wait to see the autism rates in 2040

>tfw my teenage years are literally about to end a second time
>still a virgin
give me 1 (one) good reason to bother with life anymore

What the fuck is "new science", some Bill Nye-tier shit?

Hey it checks out to me

Well, to be fair, people in their 20-ies can be as stupid as teenagers.

Pretty sure the term they meant to use is "adolescent".

I'd say it's the opposite, people refuse to grow up because life is harder now. People have to work extended shifts for lower pay and things are more expensive

video games

I'm getting really sick of threads with the screenshots of the title without linking to the actual article.
in this world of clickbait you can bet this isn't saying what the title implies

What is new science?

twenteen, twenteen-one, twenteen-two, twenteen-three, twenteen-four, twenty-five?

Well I'm turning 23 in a couple of months, and I'd definitely call myself a manchild considering I've been bouncing from job to job the past 5 years, and I've dropped out of art college twice. In comparison, my dad at 23 was a respected manager in some huge steel company and pretty much had us living the blessed life in a mansion far away from the poverty.

I still feel like a kid, just with a bit more life experience here and there.

>current 14 years old look enough mature to pass for 18-20 years old
>some retards come up with OP idea


ahaha you idiot

A lot of people are generally the same as an adult and a teen. Development of the personality and the mind stops at like 5 unless its a traumatic event.

>New Science

what happened to old science?

Too problematic


apparently, the availability of better nutrition have extended the growth time frame for humans, so they grow up until 24 years of age, as opposed to the 18 of a few generations ago.

So any woman who had sex before turning 24 can be a victim, too. Sweet!

the internet ruined everything honestly.

do you know how fucking bored you'd be if you only had fucking 3 channels to watch and the radio to listen to or reading books? fuck most people couldn't even watch movies at home until VHS. now there are thousands of video games, a million tv shows and movies to watch on demand. the entirety of the internet to explore.

it's no wonder people have no attention span and get depressed doing bullshit work for little pay.


>Development of the personality and the mind stops at like 5
Maybe yours did, you fucking retard.

>one sec of the old google doogle

But I only feed you because I am in a good mood today, kid.


m8 i don't think you get how science works

Life is more complicated for sure. Before industrialization you got up, worked the farm, married a girl from the next town, had a dozen kids (three or four would die) then grow old and die.

Most people in their 20s still act like children, so sure why not?

>life is harder now
You were born after 2000, am I right?

Let me guess
>20 something millennial still wants the benefits of being a teenager (High School, part-time jobs, ect.)
>But also the benefits of being an Adult (voting, drinking, smoking, gambling)
>Just fucking calls it science

>24 year old teenagers still can't play this game

Are they saying I can't fuck 14 year olds?

>meanwhile back in the early 20th century
>”pfft what ARE these stories in my newspaper about making education mandatory for the young till age sixteen??
>our boy george left school this week at 14! He is a man now and is being shipped of to France to fight Jerry in the great war!

oh man, I trust Vogue to interpret scientific analysis for sure

They're saying you can't even fuck 24 year olds.

>"For instance, 1 in 4 high school students don’t have a license by the time they graduate, in comparison with baby boomers, who on the other hand, were mostly driving by the spring of their senior year. To the delight of parents everywhere, teens today are also having less sex than Generation Xers and are going out much less—12th graders today are out of the house far less than eighth graders were in the ’90s. In other words, 18 looks like the new 13. So can we really call these people adults by the time they head off to college? Probably not."

>"Several studies have pinpointed to a number of factors that have contributed to this failure to launch into adulthood from the generation that has been called everything from “the Founders” to “iGen” to “Generation Z.” For one, the recession and struggling economy has led college graduates straddled with debt to defer major adult decisions such as buying a house, and has even forced many of them to move back into their parents’ homes. The weak economy and greater gender equality have also delayed the age of marriage for many young women and men, and postponed when they choose to have children as well. (Everyone who’s had a baby knows that’s one thing that will make you grow up fast.)"

this is true also. wages have stagnated while everything else has gotten much more expensive. i mean in my parents and grandparents generation you could support a family and buy a house and a car just by the husband having a half decent job. didn't even need to be white collar people could support families with factory jobs back then.

i hate to sound misogynist but i think women forcing their way into the work force really fucked things up. it doubled the work force almost which resulted in people fighting it out for even lower paying jobs. instead of one man being able to support a family now the husband and wife both have to work to earn what one would have 40 years ago. thanks feminism.

>he wants to discuss video games

Oh boy.
Imagine the joy of having a job since you are 15. Barely giving a shit about anything else, cause you are unlikely to lose it.
Imagine being able to find a husband/wife and start a family by the age of 24.
Imagine banks fighting against each other so they can give you a loan to buy a house.

>"But the one element most researchers seem to agree on as a major cause in this delay in development is the rise of smartphones. By now, about 75 percent of teenagers have access to smartphones, meaning it’s a common device that has the power to affect kids from every racial and socioeconomic background. The ubiquity of smartphones has teens and preteens today living out a huge portion of their lives online, which would explain the significant dip in their social lives outside of their homes. Why meet up at the mall when you can just text your crush from the comfort of your couch? Why drive when you can hail an Uber? Why have sex when you can watch it online? (That’s the one thing teens today are doing more than their previous generations: watching pornography.)"

>"Fortunately, there are a few benefits to this state of extended adolescence. For one, kids are starting to engage in risky “adult” behaviors later in life, leading to less underage drinking and a significantly lower teen pregnancy rate. On the other hand, there are actual biological perks from this inability to emotionally mature. During our teenage years, the brain is very plastic, meaning it has an increased ability to learn and process information and adapt to change. Once a brain reaches adulthood, it becomes focused on impulse control and efficiency, which is why adults tend to make more rational, risk-averse decisions than high school students. Studies have shown that delaying the milestones of adulthood can lead to metaplasticity, so brains can learn easier well into a person’s 20s. “The adolescent brain is very sensitive to feedback,” Sabine Peters, an assistant professor of developmental and educational psychology from Leiden University, explains. “That makes adolescence the ideal time to acquire and retain new information.”"

I'm a teen now, anybody want to have hot teen sex with me?

>Should they get at an age rating at 24+.

I mask my insecurity by trying to act brave. My favourite colour used to be green when I was younger, but I realized it doesn't go well with anything so then my favourite colour was purple. I don't pursue anything romantic with women because I'm ugly and I don't want to face rejection. I secretly like it when my friends call me handsome and fun to talk to, but I play it off by calling them gay.

>admitting gender equality is a thing


at least they are quoting actual science and not just make stuff up like kotaku.

good to know that if i live to 113 I'm a teenager again

i haven't read the article either but most people are done physically growing by 18 or 19. it's more about brain development. your brain isn't fully developed until you're in your mid 20s, especially the areas that deal with decision making.

You can still do that if you aren't a lazy piece of shit who bitches about boomers all day

Brass Eye knew what's up
No, you can't fuck a 3 year old just because she's 20 now, you sick fucks


what about tween and eleventeen?

>buying a house
Nigga the people in this pic most likely died at the ripe age of 16 from collapsing mine or lung-related disease.

what I posted isn't in the article. I heard it on the radio last week and figured that was what the article was about

They need to stop saying "science" and say what they mean which is "study". You can study anything and publish the results, it doesn't automatically qualify it as science.

>faggy millenials don't want to grow up
>call it (((science)))

Wow some retards from Literally Where University put out one study in the Literally Who Digest, better write an article about it