im trying to find cthulhu
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This one is better
>making shit up
It doesn't go down below 8K.
Hur dur no guns, SJW got some punk fired for having an opinion. If you listen to any creature sounds you are a racist.
Now that that is out of the way, best comfy base location?
I'm thinking he clipped through the world and is just falling indefinitely. Fell through the world like 3 times while walking in the Prawn suit so it's not that uncommon
>starting out
>make it to the floating island
>try to bunnyhop up
>fall and die
Shit game.
I fell through world in prawn, trying to mine ore on the wall., had to look up console commands to teleport back. Now my PRAWN is shown as like 10,000 meters away. It'd be pretty easy to check fr that and like hack in an auto teleport you back to life pod, or last moonpool or something
the sound of reapers is literally oppressing and triggering me. I unironically want UWE office to be gassed immediately for hurting my feelings.
Do you know what build that one has?
I liked edge of the Grand Reef. Close to the degasi base, floating island, start zone. Far enough away to be useful. (Blood kelp zone has great resources).
I tried building one on the other side of the map near the QEP for the endgame portal but it was a slog to get to that endgame.
It's the latest build if the game hasn't been updated since release, otherwise it's the launch release. The scene does not release early access games.
I pirated an early access copy, was hoping that'd get me a more recent build. Shiny, thanks.
>best comfy base location
The bottom of the North Blood Kelp is the choice of male potency.
>if the game hasn't been updated since release
they've been bugfixing almost daily. Current version in pic.
The first version I pirated ever was one with the Fragment Analyzer. Watch them numbers, m8.
>in before le Sup Forums boogieman xD
kill yourself desu
If you clipped through, you would trigger the auto teleport at around 8k though. You're more likely to end up at the map but without all the water unless you really fucked up the engine somehow.
>everyone talks about setting up a base at the meme tree.
>finally find it
>It's the most uncomfy place on the planet.
>river prowlers gentle meowing
>skulls for cozy
>big tree
>ghostray friends
Where exactly is the lack of comfort.
>get some uraninite to make some fuel rods
>make rods
>power up reactor
fuck me is ot going to be making this annoying ass humming all the time?
Anyone know the name of the track that sounds like a heartbeat? It's played in blood kelp trench and in the lava zone. I can't find it on the ost.
what meme tree? please show me
*Ruins your game experience*
its the ghost tree in the lost river at the entrance to the ilz
Do you need to build it to progress in the game or can I just use the seamoth for everything?
Rate my time capsule
only the cyclops and prawn can go into the ilz to actually finish the game. other than that you really only use it to support the prawn to go mining. you can do 90% of the game in the seamoth
I like it.
I think you need to build it at the finale to use it's fabrication for a Cyclops specific module for the escape rocket, but you can go without if you so choose until then.
Just built that to see what it does.
What the fuck do I even use this giant for?
You only need the Cyclops for an upgrade for the rocket.
>Hatin on best waifu
>Not giving crabsquid egg instead.
oh i just started the game and have no idea what youre talking about but im sure i'll run into it soon
Fuck, I didn't even think of that. I even had one waiting to hatch.
This. Shit is slow, boring, anti-comfy, it gets on fire if it goes too fast and does nothing the seamoth and prawn dont do.
Elderly asian women cannot help being bad drivers, you can't hold it against them.
Will going to the aurora before I even use or repair the radio break anything? I want to get that prawn suit to reduce the resource grinding time.
Post base
If you can handle Prawn with no drill/ grapple arm and with no Cyclops to transport them, sure.
for the life of me i cant snap this vertical connector on top of this mp room. what am i doing wrong?
You can't connect vertical connectors to multipurpose rooms because they can be stacked on top of each other.
They can only be attached to compartments.
Ha I tried that too but it only work on TUUUUBES
you dont need a prawn suit to reduce resource grinding all you need is an range/speed upgraded scanner room and the hud chip.
>Cuddlefish disappeared
>Cyclops to transport it
>Not spidermaning through the entire map
I don't like verticality
first time exploring the aurora and i beached my seamoth on it is there anyway i can get it off or will i have to seaglide my way back.
Mushroom forest is comfy.
Unrelated: I wish the game had SLI support because one GPU is sitting on 90C while the other sits on 30 and 0% usage.
I'm thinking about making a small outpost at that this pretty collection of vents not far from the exit to the sea treaders path.
what do the brain trees do when planted
They used to be part of the Sea Emperor hatching enzymes, but that is not the case any more. So I'm guessing user planted them to make his garden spiffy, they don't do much else.
That's what you get for falling for the multiGPU meme. That shit never really worked well
But 90C isn't really that high for a graphics card under load, should be fine.
what are some calm, decent places to build thats near a thermal vent?
do scanner room upgrades stack?
Dunes mesas are often tranquil little places with no to few predators and plenty of thermal power on demand.
So what's the best way of getting resources?
>Playing an sjw game
still supporting them even if you pirated it, proof you like what you see.
scanner room with hud chip for starters
once you get the cyclops and prawn with drill then you put enough materials on the sub so you can build temporary scanner bases, strip mine, then pack up and mine somewhere else. just dont forget to take out your scanner upgrades.
whatever, it's a game. The game was just fucking fine before they fired the guy and them firing him didn't change that (since it's basically done).
They're still scum and Charlie Cleveland is actually retarded and borderline criminal (not that you could ever prove it in court) in his discrimination.
Second this. Dunes are a great place with plenty of resources and very few assholes. will be very safe and happy there.
Yes, they can go up to 500 meters, I think.
I wonder who's behind this post
There's 3 thermal vents near the precursor vent in the dunes. Blood kelp and Lost River entrance is also nearby.
you're not memeing me i know its reaper central
I did say no to a few predators. All the other stuff was truth too.
>still supporting them even if you pirated it, proof you like what you see
>I like your work but not you so I'm not going to pay for the experiance you worked on for hundreds of hours
>lol I'm supporting you!
What are you talkin' about, man? Nothing but cool dudes out there! Look at all these cool dude zones!
You've got no gubbins out there that I can't find easily in safer waters
But gubbins found through hard work and in interesting places surely outweigh the easily found gubbins.
can i atleast debug it?
when you look at these maps it reminds you how much of a waste the crash zone is. its an enormous chunk of the map that nobody goes to. reapers aside there just nothing there except scrap. they should make it so when you repair the aurora the water clears up and reveals a much more detailed biome full of caves, trenches, and more wildlife.
You can make a repulsion cannon to blast it off, I guess.
That may be, but I don't want to have to go through a round of Shadow of the Colossus just to get some fucking metal
There's fucking two of them help me.
really pissing me off it's not letting me snap this here
how the fuck did they get there
That moonpool placement is pretty nice.
Add a single glass compartment?
It's dumb and screwy. I was annoyed you couldn't build foundations under it. Try putting a connector and extending it out a little further from the moonpool; if it isn't too shallow there, I bet the moonpool is too close.
try deconstructng the t shape, replace it with just a straight tube, and then try to connect the scanner room to that
darn only have the propulsion cannon and it doesn't seem to work
i-is that the lifepod being surrounded?
Looks to be too close to the moonpool, add a single glass tube and see if it works.
They followed me back after I went to the aurora on my sea glide.
I just started this save, too, so now until I build a base, I have to swim past these assholes every time I want to use the fabricator.
I gotchu senpai, did the same thing myself.
Shoot stuff at it with the propulsion cannon
Remember to repair it in between hits.
im at the aurora now and will have to seaglide my way back, this has not made that experience any more desirable
someone post a map pls
>giving money to SJWs
In other news, their discussion forum is still in full blown meltdown mode:
no dice
i'm well aware of how to make it work, but adding that extra tube will just make it look wonky and lose the compact feeling i was going for. there's no reason that scanner room should not fit there
Floaters, man.
Can I attach them to the larger, less friendly sea life?
holy shit cheers mate
>>giving money
who said that faggot
the point is pirating something doesn't mean you support it
financial support is the only kind that matters
can you attach it directly to the moon pool?
so this is the combined might of all the alt poors to derail a game for political reasons