So I guess this game is pretty much dead. How sad

So I guess this game is pretty much dead. How sad.

Anybody wanna talk about this game?

Fuck off. This game deserves to be fucking dead.

nope. it's a terrible game and the tragic part is Bungie used to have a truly creative team at one point. Where all that creativity has gone is beyond me. It's baffling that the same people that made Halo 3 and Halo Reach downgraded to Destiny. Like, what the fuck?

Where are you going? No, wait, listen.

I was right, at first. In the ever-expanding Blighted-place, even Light must obey the sword-logic. Even you Guardians, you best and brightest of the dying dawn, you drew blood in honor of the Taken King. The Warpriest did his duty, and you did yours. Oryx was challenged, yes, but challenged in the way of the Hive, which is to say that challenge is worship — is challenge — is power. Sword-logic. You played your part well.

You were not supposed to touch the Light.

How did you find your way into the King's Cellars? How did you even recognize that benighted draught for what it was? Do you not know that the Hive pursue Light precisely for the purpose of devouring it with slavering jaws and slick greedy gulping throats? How did you take (or rather, un-Take) the Blighted Light that Oryx gathered to offer in sacrifice to Akka, and ignite it so that it burned and burned the Darkness?

It was barely Light anymore. But you took it. And when you took it, you did not keep it. You set it free.

You fools! You disastrous, bumbling squanderers! It's not right! Who now shall be First Navigator, Lord of Shapes, harrowed god, Taken King? Not you! You might have been Kings and Queens of the Deep! But you have toppled Oryx and you have not replaced him!

There must be a strongest one. It is the architecture of these spaces.

Why are you leaving?

Destiny 1 was a decent first step into next gen.. unfortunately they were held back by last gen consoles a bit too much, so when destiny 2 came out, so much more was expected and we got destiny 1 just a bit bigger and with a few more things to do.

Later, hater!

Never ask for anything! Never for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They'll make the offer themselves, and give everything themselves.

Shit games will have shit deaths

>not even a general on /vg/
Holy shit it actually is dead.

Two have been made recently, both with less than 100 posts.

what kind of dumb fucking comment is this? You're claiming they were held back by last gen consoles? You realize HAlo 3 and Reach were last gen, right? Halo Reach has VASTLY more content than Destiny 1 and 2 combined. Forge and custom games alone shit all over anything Destiny has to offer. Destiny is a tale of creative bankruptcy and a horrible, greedy parent company in Activision. You should have known immediately when Activision made a deal with Bungie that it was going to be terrible. Anyone who bought Destiny deserves to live with regret.

>spent $99 on this shit

Skolas is dead.

Variks sits carving at his piece of amethyst. His undocked arms are weaker, less precise, but it is a comfort to feel the crystal press hard into his palm. The knife slips. He cuts himself. "Ai," he says, and of course right then the door opens, Variks has no privacy, Variks wants no privacy, Variks lives to serve the Queen.

It's Petra Venj. She's masked against the ether air. "The Prince wants to speak," she says, and then, seeing him unmasked and bleeding, she chuckles. Petra depends on Variks for intelligence and Variks, frustrated with her insane risk-taking and bravado, sometimes gives her tips meant to get her killed. Petra has figured this out. Petra and Variks know each other's agendas and each other's strengths and to Variks that's as close as any two people can get. Petra is smart: she sends Guardians now, people who can die as much as they like.

"You slipped," she says.

Variks holds up the amethyst in his bleeding hand. It's a Reef gem. "I wound myself," he says, "to make this more beautiful."

She stares into the gem with a distant Awoken eye. What does she see? Variks knows she has visions and he knows those visions haunt her, drive her. The Awoken are twinned to powers that terrify Variks. He'd dock himself again before he'd let the Queen's witches near him, the witches who raised Petra.

The unfairness of it makes him want to roar. Why does everyone else have this patronage? Why do the Hive have gods and the Vex have sprawling time-bent minds and the Cabal have reinforcements? Why do the Awoken whisper to the stars and listen for the whisper back, the voices from the Jovians, the song in the dark? Why do the Guardians get the Great Machine's blessing, was it like that before the Whirlwind, were there Fallen heroes crowned in Ghosts who strode the battlefield fearless and full of Light? Why do they tell stories about reclaiming the lost glory of humanity, and no stories about the lost glory of Variks' people, the House of Judgment that once kept codes of dignity and law?

Why can't the Fallen have that strength? But no, that strength is not for them, not for Variks. Just this bleeding, sad pragmatism. Just dreg strength. Hanging on.

The alternative is Skolas' strength, fighting together, raging against extinction. Look where that's gotten the species. The House of Devils' Prime is dead. The House of Winter's leadership devastated. The poor Exiles trying to claw out some security against the Hive. In the last few years the Fallen have lost so much—and everything is escalating around them. There are gods and powers converging on this system, old machines waking up, old bones whispering flatteries. They need a new way.

"Put your mask on," Petra says. "The Prince gets sullen if he's kept waiting."

"Not like us," Variks says, oh so mild. The wound on his hand will heal. His work in the Prison of Elders, setting up trial by combat, building an audience and a relationship with the Reef's scavengers and armories, will bring him a little closer towards rebuilding the House of Judgment. Skolas' fury has guttered out. The Fallen may yet accept peaceful, lawful rule. They may yet survive. They'll hang on. "We're very patient, yes?"

Petra looks down on him with pity and contempt and a strange fondness.

He puts on his mask.

I mean, sure custom map editor and what not would be awesome, but all in all there's more going on in Destiny than in Reach.

after many years of DLC and "Expansions" to buy with the first game, yeah a bit more content is in Destiny after Reach, but Reach was definitely a complete game at launch unlike Destiny which was only seen as decent after they released all the extra content which you had to pay for.

Well they fucked everything up and took what was apparently zero precedence from the previous iteration, landing a step behind rather than a step ahead. From there they've only managed to make misstep after misstep with no foreseeable corrections in their charters. They had every opportunity to make it a decent game and faultered at every step it seems. Now it's in a huge content drought with only a negligible number of once-over events to keep it on lifesupport until they drop DLC 2 and I don't think many people will be interested in participating when that releases. Maybe they'll manage to pull off a "Division" makeover and save the game for a small margin of the fractured community, if only shortly, but not until DLC 3 at the earliest. I suspect they'll be shelving it after that.

this. You need to dish out $120 for Destiny and it's DLC JUST to barely top a last gen game ( Halo Reach, a $60 one time investment ) in terms of content, and it still lacks the community and customization that Halo Reach had.

Does that not speak volumes to you? Does that not look like about 50 red flags to you? But it's okay, Destiny 3 will come out, you will still be naive and gullible by then, you'll dish out a bunch of money and then cry online when the game turns out to be shit. Some people just don't learn.

last paragraph of this comment was for this

Good, bungie is a soy guzzling faggot cuck company that hates their own fanbase so much they kicked off all the older members from their website.

I wish the game didn't want me to quit it. Why was there nothing to do at endgame? Why can't you just let me grind for marginally better gear instead of time gating it behind weekly chests.

because stress causes money, not fun according to big publishers

the game is bad partially because they hired a feral attack feminist to assess and remove any parts of the game that may cause toxic masculinity to take root, such as voice chat and match making...

TTK was vidyakino.

I guess it was just luck it came out as good as it did.

i enjoyed the first one. i still have no desire to get 2.
can anyone give me a good reason to buy 2? just seems like its an even more repetitive grindfest than the first one

>all those faggots trying to shill this trash at launch
>now they aren't even playing it because even they can't defend trash anymore

lmao fampai

Bungie fucked up and barely improved on the original Destiny while also doing this shit:
>Big selling point in every promotion and trailer is that you're fighting to take back the tower after losing your powers
>Literally get all your powers in one class back two whole missions later
>Shaders turned into one-use consumables
>Eververse hiding away all the shit you used to get for playing the game
>Osiris being a shit expansion that lasts twelve seconds and only adds a mini-raid to Leviathan instead of something new or even just remaking VoG considering this was a VEX themed expansion
>Throttling XP and lying about it
>Slowly ruining what good the game has to squeeze out more money out of a constantly dwindling playerbase
They fucked everything up