I have a 4k TV, should I get a normal PS4 or a PSPro?
I have a 4k TV, should I get a normal PS4 or a PSPro?
Who is this semen demon
Pls tell me thats a boi
It has to be. Women rarely get to be this based.
Sadly it's not
The metal in her face ruins it.
why couldn't you start this a video game image?
Put out a name and prove it then fag.
Why is Sup Forums the gayest fucking board?
The metal in her face gives her the imperfection I need.
men don't look like that, you fucking retard. Sup Forums has rotted your brain
why are you such a faggot?
Its only gay if you are on the receiving side
Do you fags even know where you are right now?
If you get a pro some games will be improved and others will suffer performance. There aren't any native 4k games yet so you might as well get the regular PS4 anyways.
An Xbox One X
Ancient Rome rules, huh?
Anyone else repulsed every time this bitch is posted?
Already have a PC
yeah dude I'm gay too, this shit is gross.
No, it's gay either way.
not enough porn with black lipstick by FAR
I want that shirt
depends on the refresh rate and latency on your 4k port(s) I would say get the pro just because everything from here on out is going to run like shit on the normal one. But if you just want a dirt cheap 4 to play BB and few other titles while you wait for the next gen which is soon then yeah do that
>haha Sup Forums loves traps isnt that right fellow redditbros
I want her and Jimmy Nu-tron to have gross meme babies.
need more pix. I'm gonna fly her to me and make her my wife one day, you just wait
What a cute girl(male)
you're probably jelly of her. suck to be a ugly smelly neet incel.
yes, shes fucking gross and bottom tier thottery
I'm mentally disgusted but my dick wants in on whatever is happening there
>flat-chested girl that looks like a boy
>you're a fag if you don't like this androgynous pig
Reminder that she is a lesbian and will never suck your cock
>dude ew girls gross
I'm gonna need you to take a few of these and lay down
She's just gross, no need to white knight
>everyone on Sup Forums wants to be gay for this girl(male)
>the joke is she IS gay, but a girl(female)
>everytime this bitch is posted
There's more?
Post it
>this based
>epic emoji meme shirt with meme depression sprinkled on
how to spot an underage retard "memer"
This is just another whore but now she's appealing to the ironic ifunny/reddit crowd with ironic depression memes and epic ahegao face. Dumb children fall for this shit everytime. oooooh how do I give her money monthly through patreon she's literally /OURGIRL/ hehe he or it maybe a boii....
lesbians dont real
I see you are posting here.
I mean for gaming
she doesnt look like a boy at all you dumb leaf
What's the point of flat women?
I like my androgynous pigs with a cunt though.
Why are they always trying to spread degeneracy bros?
I have one
let them dream it's not like even 10% of this board will ever get close to something so fetish worthy unless they're spending a years autism bux to get it
>Trying to convince the internet that liking traps isn't gay
How to spot a redditor
what the fuck is this
I bet you jack off to buck angel you disgusting degenerate
but op doesn't
if he wants to fully explore his tv, the xbox one x is the better option
it's belle delphine (née kirschner), a girl (female) with XX chromosomes and her only claim to fame is doing that stupid ahegao face in her """cosplays"""
Even if she were straight she would never suck my cock as I'd never meet her in real life
reddit strikes again.
you have to go back.
I am OP
>wearing a shitty facebook meme tshirt
>dude BASED xD
B-b-but she's /BASED/.... she's /DEPRESSED/ like us... see her shirt...? She's /DEPRESSED/ AND /BASED/
Literally put on this Earth for rough sex jesus christ I already fapped twice today
Not an argument
whats this tounge out pixie bullshit called anyway? not that I want more but, whats it called?
Purge this abomination
>buck angel
>trying to pull rank on Sup Forums
Who's really showing their scrub stripes here?
>hurr durr home of sexuals
People memed to hard with le epic "I hope it's a boy!! XD" and now actual faggots and other mentally ill people think they belong here
>le not an argument man
double reddit
shoo shoo back to where you came from
God I love her. I wanna hug her. I wanna cuddle with her in a warm bed on a cold day. I wanna kiss her eyebrows. I wanna kiss her thighs. I wanna sip tea with her. I wanna watch sad anime with her.
How do I make this person my wife? What are the steps I need to do in order to marry this woman and have her as my own? I need to know. I have found my goal in life and she is it now what do I need to do to have her?
she bangs black dudes
And I'm Stephanie.
Pleased to meet you!
Holy shit, even more based.
>gets called out
>no arguments left
Funny how that works.
neither support 4k well. you should have just kept your 1080p tv and got a base ps4 or if you really wanted better graphics a ps4 pro and then downsampled. the pro looks like utter trash on a 4k tv in 99% of games.
if you're really, really, really settled on getting a 4k console get the x1x not even memeing. it's the only console which doesn't look like complete garbage on a 4k tv.
t. played all these consoles on a 4k tv.
something seriously looks wrong with her
kys nigger, I'm telling you i am OP and why would I want to get an Xbox if I have a superior PC?
Made to be full nelson'd.
Today I will remind them
I have a PC, so no reason to get an Xbox.
I just wanted to know if the 1440p/1800p is worth the extra $100.
and today I will remind you
>You are irrelevant
so you explore your tv better than those options OP presented
you can keep your pc, it's using another wall outlet. it ok
that's pretty cute
>you'll never have a girl that goes this far to entertain and impress you