>Microsoft is doubling down on their efforts to purchase (or at least come to an unprecedented licensing agreement) with a major AAA developer/publisher
>Has Rare Ltd. and most of its intellectual property on the shortlist of proverbial dead weight it needs to drop in order to more comfortably finance their goal
>Nintendo and Ubisoft are the top bidders
We sprung a leak!
Other urls found in this thread:
There is literally zero reason to buy rare.
>Nintendo buys Rare back
>nothing changes because the Rare we once knew is dead
none of these will give freedom to rare like microsoft did
Are you talking out your ass or do you have a single fact to back up any of that?
It still amazes me Microsoft spent so much to get Rare but made them throw out everything that made them good.
>Ubisoft buying Rare's IPs from Microsoft
Please no.
But unfortunately this. People nowadays don't even know what a Rare is, and what their IPs are.
It's more that people left, but also that Microsoft refuses to use any of the IPs that Rare has.
nothing changes because the Rare we once knew is dead
People at the time said that Microsoft didn't really even know what they were buying. Execs came to tour the studio and saw a poster (or maybe it was a statue? something commemorating the game) of DK64 and one of them said "So we own that now right?"
Sea of Thieves might be good. Though I am just saying that because it's not a fucking Kinect Sports game.
Microsoft thought that they were getting the rights to Donkey Kong and James Bond video games.
The only reason you would buy rare is for their IPs, the actual studio is useless.
>Nintendo buys Rare
>everyone comes flooding back
>Rare renaissance begins
Not buying your lies OP.
Rare and all their IP are Microsofts foot in the door for the 64 soyboy and child market. Rare IPs are literally "cool of you own them, not a big deal if you don't." Definitely not worth a bid war.
This is a good example of how delusional nintendo fags are
Banjo Kazooie was 20 years ago. I would bet many of those people have left the industry by now since many would be in their 50s and 60s today.
I don't know, games like Diddy Kong Racing were huge. It may be worth it just for that.
this but unironically
No they didn't, just because some dumbass random exec who clearly hadn't been briefed or was too fucking lazy to read it yet made some assumptions doesn't mean the company as a whole, nor the people who handle acquisitions (which isn't executives fyi) didn't know exactly what they were buying.
Sure it makes for a great story, but that's not how shit works in the real world.
I know it could never happen.
A man can dream
is Killer Instinct still considered a Rare ip?
Yep. Good ass game.
Literally everyone of worth left the industry after Microsoft bought them.
The only exceptions being Kirkhope and Seavor.
The core Banjo team either worked on Yooka-Laylee or is still at Rare to my knowledge.
Rare has been shit since it went to xbox
at least Nintendo can now own all those kinect games
Kirkhope is freelance though. He's worked with both Playtonic and Ubisoft (and I guess tangentially with Nintendo).
>worked on a mediocre collectathon
microsoft were right
What would they even make at this point? A 3D-platformer?
>The core Banjo team either worked on Yooka-Laylee or is still at Rare to my knowledge.
>core Banjo Team
Yeah no, Playtonic is nothing but a washed up QA guy, a shit artist and a hack programmer barely capable of hobbling Unity plugins together.
All the serious Banjo talent left Rare and the industry long ago which is why Yooka was so fucking shit and everyone should have seen it coming.
I said Kirkhope hadn't left the industry.
nothing changes but they get the rights to the DK family/conker back
> a new era of DK Racing begins
cum buckets
only a few people from the original BK team worked on YL. Someone post that one pic that shows the dev team of BK, BT, and YL
Who owns the rights to Banjo Kazooie and Conker? Don't Rare own the rights? I know Goldeneye is a different animal but there's no reason Nintendo wouldn't want to revisit some of those franchises with Rare. And perhaps they can become a second party dev again and make a DK64 sequel or work with Retro Studios on the DKC series.
I'd still be hilarious if nintendo gets the rights, assigns one of their internal studios or Retro to make either some decent Diddy Kong Racing or Banjo sequel just as a fuck you to MS.
I though Kirkhope is a freelancer now. As far as I know, he did at least parts of the soundtrack to that mario rabbits thing on the switch.
>Who owns the rights to Banjo Kazooie and Conker? Don't Rare own the rights?
Why wouldn't they?
Donkey Kong games worth a damn. Closest we got to that since Rare left have been Donkey Kong Country Returns and the sequel, and even they aren't nearly as good as the original DKC games.
Oh, sorry. Misread that.
>Why wouldn't they?
Because Rare is still alive and Microsoft is squandering their potential if they still own those rights. Why make fucking Kinect games when Banjo-Threeie could've actually been one of five Xbox One exclusives?
Rare owned BK and Conker. Either MS or Rare owns them now. I was under the impression MS outright owned Rare now, and that they just used Rare for branding since it is truthfully just another internal MS team now. With Nintendo, Rare had been an independent studio.
Well, I mean I guess Lorne Lanning is back, so maybe the Stampers would come out of retirement for Nintendo.
this is not how real life works. time fucks up and destroys everything good.
>Microsoft is squandering their potentia
Rare is the who wanted to keep working on Kinect
>Rare’s management to blame for Kinect focus, not Microsoft
>"Everybody likes to create this narrative that Microsoft are evil, but that's not the case," Price told Eurogamer. "Phil Spencer taking the mantle of Xbox is one of the best things that could have happened for Rare, because he's always said to people at Rare [as general manager of Microsoft Studios], 'Do what you want to do and we'll back you.'"
>"It was people in Rare's management at the time who said: 'Well, Kinect is a great opportunity for the studio—go all in on it.' So when executives at Microsoft see that the management team are passionate about doing that, they back them. Microsoft to their credit did that, and perhaps the story online isn't quite reflective of the truth."
Also ign.com
>Rare Studio Head: Returning to Old Franchises Would Be "the Worst Thing for Rare to Do"
This is unforgivable. I miss Chris and Grant.
Nintendo owns that series. They just don't own some of the characters.
No they didn't you fucking dumb assholes, literal misinfo.
>Program a couple things in the game
Clearly none of the game or level designers worked on Yooka-Laylee, which is the real important shit.
>Banjo-Kazooie gets retroactively shit on because of Yooka-Laylee
Why does this thread even exist? Hasnt Rare been owned by MS for decades now?
Nintendo is better off buying Playtonic at this point
Please no
Since before 2000 right? Or was it turn of the millennia that they were bought?
The IPs nigga. All we need is the IPs
2002 or 3 I believe
100% don't believe it at all.
Because its complete bullshit and OP hasnt posted a source.
Here's your source
*unzips dick*
Waiting for my sauce
But the minds behind their greates games ended up shitting out Yooka-Laylee...
What did he meant by this?
They have all the dk rights now.
>Sell Rare just to buy them back
>Most of their original crew left to form Playtonic
What the fuck would that accomplish? I'm sure Nintendo has the money to buy both Rare and Playtonic, but that seems like a lot of trouble to go through for two sets of developers that are clearly running on fumes.
That he's never going to make another Banjo game so there's no harm in thinking aloud on Twitter.
>But the minds behind their greates games ended up shitting out Yooka-Laylee...
But that's wrong.
The most senior member of the Playtonic team was nothing but QA on Banjo.
All the serious talent on Banjo had nothing to do with Yooka Laylee.
>Banjo Tooie is bad meme
Good god I masturbated so much to Kameo as she was my first waifu. Now I'm terrified they bring her back as some kind of man hating feminist that wants open boards for her kingdom and invites the orcs in.
>misread rare as rape
really makes you think
I genuinely hope Sea of Thieves bombs, literally nobody wants new shit from Rare and I hope this shit bombing will finally bring that to light for them
It would be worth it for Nintendo to own the rights to their IP just for hassle-free Virtual Console releases of Rare classics, even if they never made another game with their properties.
>Nintendo and Ubisoft are the top bidders
FUCK NO. Please let it be Nintendo. Then we can get the N64 gems on virtual console and the N64 Classic.
The Banjo-Kazooie Dev Team and Where They Are Now:
Lead Game Designer: Gregg Mayles - Rare
Game Designer: George Andreas - Sony
Lead Programmer: Chris Sutherland - Playtonic
Senior Programmers: Morten Brodersen - unknown, Paul Machacek - Rare, Graham Smith - unknown
Programmers: Kieran Connell - Rare, Rhys Lewis - Squarehead
Additional Programming: Mark Wilson - Rare
Lead Artist: Steve Mayles - Playtonic
Artists: Ed Bryan - Nosy Crow, Steven Hurst - Playtonic, John Nash - unknown, Chris Peil - unknown
Music & Sound Lead: Grant Kirkhope - freelance
Sound: Eveline Novakovic - retired, Lee Ray - unknown, Chris Seavor - Gory Detail
Lead Tester: Huw Ward - Rare
abdul pls go
BT isn't bad, but the levels are too big and not nearly as neatly designed as BKs were.
>A programmer and two artists
The programming and art leads on Banjo both worked on Yooka. The big problem with Yooka was the lack of lead designer Gregg Mayles, who's still at Rare.
Lead programmers are the reason for good controls, you stupid sack of shit.
>tfw no Viva Pinata game in over a decade
Grant Kirkhope said the reason he and a lot of Rare staples jumped ship was because they all hated the way Microsoft handled things. I think he implied that he (and possibly a good portion of the others) would return if Nintendo was running the scene again because they had a good relationship with them.
>Nintendo buys Rare
>proper Goldeneye 007 remaster and sequel are released
What are the chances?
The lead programmer on Banjo wasn't even the one responsible for the engine or controls though.
Obviously not good levels though, you stupid sack of shit.
This game is the only reason I haven't sold my 360.
James Bond is irreverent in 2018
>Muh neat design
>But please ignore:
>That Banjo Tooie has actual bosses
>That Banjo Tooie has the better moveset and nice shit like the better roll
>That Banjo Tooies levels aren't so small that some collectibles end up out in the open
>That interconnecting worlds was fucking amazing and vastly superior to "neat" postage stamps
>Vastly superior transformations
>The game comes with a fucking perfect dark/goldeneye style multiplayer
>The best moments of the game are much much better than the best moments of Kazooie
>Isle of Hags is a 10/10 hub and the island is actually all geographically laid out whereas Grunty's lair was a lot more of just a means to an end and the world entrances were basically slightly nicer versions of what had
>Significantly more memorable characters like King Dangalang
>Mumbos abilities give your the power to manipulate the world which was fucking mindblowing for an N64 game
But muh neat
Banjo Kazooie is a safe game done great and Banjo Tooie is an ambitious game done great.
I don't need James Bond to respect or revere anyone user. I just need some more Goldeneye
Skyfall is from 2012 & 25 is coming in 2019
>and the world entrances were basically slightly nicer versions of what Mario 64 had*
I mean BK and BT are better games than Mario 64 so yeah.
>2018 will be the year Microsoft finally shuts Rare down.
The sweet, sweet release of Death at last.
Delusional & sea of thieves CBT was a hit
Someone tell me a single good platformer that was made in Unity, because i cant think of a single one
Tropical Freeze blows all of the original DKC games out of the water.
Sea of Thieves in a barebones state has more focus on the fun-factor than Yookay Laylee, a game that the internet hyped up as the real Banjo Threeie.
Literally no one talks about James Bond and the only time he’s ever brought up these days is within the context of being too problematic for modern society.
Where did it all go so terribly fucking wrong.
>sjw articles
Into trash it goes