Red Dead Revenge

Red Dead Revenge.
Red Dead Retribution.
Red Dead Renegade.
Red Dead Rebellion.
Red Dead Revenant.
Red Dead Revelator.
Red Dead Reckoning.
Red Dead Resurrection.

They want cash from fourteen year olds that don't know about Revolver. I refuse to believe they trashed a dope naming scheme over the inability to fucking think.


Seriously who fucking cares

Ride to Red Dead: Retribution

>pointlessly change the name cause its cool

I honestly don't care.

We're getting and new game and content either way.

Unless you bought a switch. Lol

Dusk Souls
Depraved Souls
Devil's Souls
Death Souls
Damned Souls
Desolate Souls
Drab Souls
Difficult Souls
Dirty Souls

They want cash from fourteen year olds that don't know about Demons. I refuse to believe they trashed a dope naming scheme over the inability to fucking think.

Detach yourselves from R*'s nuts.

Except that's a retarded naming scheme. You have no argument.

More like Red Dead Retarded

I agree but unfortunately name recognition and sequences are more important I suppose.

Red Dead Retribution would have honestly been a much better name.

it's a prequel, the redemption happens in the first game. Why would they not change the title?

t. pcbro never EVER getting RDR2

It's an actual sequel to RDR retard, same world and characters

red dead revolver was shit

actually funny

I own a PS4 Pro and a 55" 4K TV. I don't buy games with microtransactions, however.

first or second

Tell them to stop making great games that embarrass the rest of the industry first.

When can i play Dirty Souls?

Cool, your purchase isn't necessary as the game is already predicted to sell 18 million copies by March of next year

Yeah lets change final fantasy name cause its not the final fantasy game

Its directly connected to rdr 1

i imagine if it were a detached story like revolver they would have changed the name

>Red Dead Revolver
>Red Dead Redemption
>Red D3ad

>Red dead redemption 2
>game is a prequel
Why do they do this?

but those all feature different characters and locations. RDR2 is about the actions that the main character of RDR is redeeming himself for. That's WHY the first game is called Red Dead REDEMPTION.
should have at least called it Red Dead Pre-demption


>Red Dead Pre-demption


Yeah as much as I am excited for this game I really fucking wish they kept that dope naming scheme, revolver, redemption, and then just redemption 2 sounds silly.

They really should've done this, not even the 3 just call it red dead since it's a prequel and no one is really redeeming themselves

yeah, you better save your money for them coyote cards!

>no one is really redeeming themselves
How do you know. You read the script?

My dad works at R*.

Game's not even out and Sup Forums is already bitching

>it wasnt a game about the mexican revolution named red dead revolution


Why are people so booty bothered about the title but shit like Metal Gear Solid 3 gets a pass?

Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3

Of course they were going to call it Red Dead Redemption 2.

GTA V has sold more than 85 million copies. If you want that kind of success you need to go to the lowest common denominator. Barely anyone knows what Red Dead Revolver is. To most people the franchise started as Red Dead Redemption.

>Metal Gear
>Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
>Metal Gear Solid
They want cash from English-only peasants that don't know about the MSX2 games. I refuse to believe they trashed a simple numbering scheme over the inability to fucking think.

This. The answer is so fucking simple. MONEY.
If they called it something else, they would lose millions. Believe it or not.