Why is Nintendo capable of advertising and celebrating Dragon Quest while SE only puts in enough effort to sabotage the...

Why is Nintendo capable of advertising and celebrating Dragon Quest while SE only puts in enough effort to sabotage the trust of their fans?

>multiple advertisements for Builders from both English Nintendo Twitter accounts
>SE only retweeted one of them, long after the announcement, which they didn't make
>Fall 2017 lol
How can a company hate money so much

if these japanese fuckstick retards don't give me some fucking news about DQB2, I'll re-enact pearl harbor in the hopes it leads to another pair of bombs

Square somehow managed to take charge after the merger despite being a broke dumpster fire of a company. They despise all Enix properties.

Nintendo's higher ups unironically love DQ and want it to be succesful in the west. To the point they gave DQ1 free with the original NES for over two years straight.

Because SE still keeps doing their fucking retarded localization "traditions" for DQ.

People who like dragon quest already know this shit is coming out. Nobody sees a tweet and buys a game. You people are idiots

When's DQB2?

Nevahs, didn't sell enough lol - Square.

Square Enix loves announcing games more than they do actually making them these days

They also spend more time making new engines for their games than the actual games themselves

>fans always know when new shit for their series is coming out
>advertising does nothing for sales
You'd be surprised, brainlet.

Don't expect news until after the first game has been out on the Switch for a while. Hyping up Builders 2 now or providing a release date that isn't a long way off would hurt sales for the port.


Does the Switch version have any new stuff or is it just a straight port?

I think they added 8-bit stuff to craft and you can ride a sabrecub.

Because Nintendo secretly wants the rights tot the DQ IP.

So far, all the new content that has been shown is a rideable Sabrecub, retro (pixel) building materials, and a handful of other new items.

Nintendo has learned from its experiences with the Wii U and Switch that marketing is all that matters

but they showed it already, it's their fault I'm excited about it

SE likes to get fans hyped then leave them ready and aching through the proceeding silence.

Played the demo on switch and I enjoyed it. Any opinions from PS4 players who own the game?

Too busy making more phone games.

Honestly gonna wait till it's 30 bucks. This is not even remotely a game worth the full price tag.

I guess people also already know when XI is coming out, since Squeenix didn't bother even after promising news.
Fuck you.

I dumped a ton of time into the PS4 version, loved it. The settings become more interesting after the first chapter, and new features like a cannon for destroying enemies/hard bricks and a vehicle are introduced although the core gameplay remains the same. I throughly enjoyed building above and beyond the requirements for each story chapter's town.

If you liked the demo, you'll like the full game. It's actually a really good representation of what you can expect to do

You'd think they'd push how it's the definitive version.

I had it on Vita.
It's decent, but while they fixed a bunch of Minecraft's downsides, the removed a lot of the positives like the infinatly generated world and being able to access everything from the start (content is locked behing the story) and for some reason there is a height and depth limit to digging/building which is pretty restrictive.

i can't fucking wait.

Loved it, feels like a huge improvement on the Minecraft formula in a lot of ways while also having fun DQ fanservice. Only real problems are quality of life stuff in regards to inventory/menu/crafting management but those are pretty minor and will hopefully be fixed in the second one.

This. Square has always done this method.

I'm so looking forward to Friday. The demo was great.

Enix shouldn't have wasted their time and money bailing out Square.

Because the Square Enix merger was the worst thing to happen to the Japanese gaming industry and they haven't made a good jrpg since DQ8 maybe?

>they haven't made a good jrpg since DQ7 maybe

>a tweet
wow such effort

You say that, but can you name a single time Sony tried to let people know the Vita existed? I would have been on my knees praising Sony if they tweeted about a Vita game

Fixes everything I dislike about Minecraft
Spending time decorating and designing buildings always felt hollow in that game, DQ point based system and room roles really made it feel rewarding.

Baffling that SE can't do that much, isn't it?

What the fuck ever happened to DQ XI?

>B-But Sony!
Apparently you put as much effort in shitposting as NoA does advertising a port of a clone game from years ago

We have gotten absolutely no news on the localization since the day it was announced.

It's not like they have anything else they could announce for this month.

If they had other things to advertise, they'd do it right alongside Builders rather than in Builders' place. It's not like the constant FEH news prevents them from advertising other things that could make them money. The point of this thread is not to praise Nintendo but to question why a minimum of effort that is worth exponentially more than it takes to give is so impossible for SE.

Because DQ had always been better than FF and FF continues to devolve into cinematic dramas.

So making threads about tweets was not enough. Now we need to have threads about why people didn't make tweets.

He could have chosen a better example but Nintendo have published the last few games here in the west.

>Nintendo published Nintendo games

they know nintentoddlers dont buy 3rd party games
less than 20% of games sold on switch were 3rd party

Nintendo's gonna buy the publishing rights to Dragon Quest by the time DQ12 comes out screencap this

Dragon Quest is Square Enix who for some reason don't bring Dragon Quest to the West most of the time so Nintendo have pubished most of the DS and 3DS DQ games.


Hopefully this gets Square-Enix buddy buddy with Nintendo so they can make another Mario Collab Game or RPG damn it.

DQ7 is actually the fucking worst game I've ever played and I love Dragon Quest

>I'm a huge faggot please rape my face

Nintendo’s also publishing the Switch version of DQ Builders and TWEWY. It’s fucking baffling how cheap SE is when it comes to shit like this.

Wouldn't shock me if Capcom were trying to do the same with MonHun for all these years too because it was alwyas Nintendo who brought it over.

It's still 3 days away, fuck.

I didn't expect any lewds of DQB to exist

That's not a lewd. That's officially what Barbarella's outfit looks like.

I don't remember her looking so sexy in game

nintendo always marketed dragon quest in the west when SE couldnt be assed to.

Nintendo wanted to push localization of DQ Square kept refusing why is Square so bad?

maybe because they don't want it to compete with Final Fantasy?

Buy my game

Nintendo offered to cover the publishing and advertising costs of DQ7 if Square Enix would pay for the localization. Apparently SE thought that wasn't a good enough deal or something. Is localization really that expensive compared to publishing costs?

Theatrhythm or Explorers? That's all the 3DS got for FF.

much better than 8 desu.

SE are fucking retarded. In japan they can use their position to leverage deals because DQ is gigantic there.
In the west they should actually put some work in because the franchise isnt huge here and it has still growth potential.

And here they are doing the exact opposite.

About Dragon Quest Builders, is there a way to make the camera automatically zoom back out after it zooms in because of a wall being too close? That's the only issue I had with the demo.

in DQ7s case it might be simply because the script is so long.
chances are SE were just being greedy though.

For a person like me who never played Dragon Quest, would I enjoy Builders?
I tried the demo, it felt alright

Wasn't the PS1 version translated by one overworked guy?

Because Builders characters have the proportions of goblin toddlers in-game.

you dont need to know DQ to understand or play this.


thanks for the replies guys, gonna be picking this game up friday!

How does the nun look so hot?

It's an inexplicable phenomenon how Toriyama babes are so babely. The nun is best girl in Builders; I built her a personal penthouse suite with a garden above Chapter 2's healing haven.

Switch version is full price, right?
The PS4 version has dipped to 30 bucks or less used, may just get that instead.

My only complaint after dropping 100+ hours into the PS4 version was that I didn't like the required building materials changing from chapter to chapter. For instance, In the first chapter, an item would take say a stick and wool to make, and the same item in the second chapter would require completely different materials. It wasn't a super huge deal, but invalidating the crafting recipes you'd already memorized felt strangely disappointing.

That said, it's super fuckin' good.

>no jiggle
DQ8 truly is the best in the series.

It's not full price.