Super smash bros. 5 roster thread #2007

When do you think smash 5 it's getting announced?

Other urls found in this thread:

Hopefully some time this year.

dumb portfags will get btfo

I think we're getting Wonder red and elma

Oh no, another thread. The mods are gonna end up deleting this one too. :(

can they give Zelda viable frame data?
it's fucking ridiculous that her jab takes about as long as a tether grab

>another roster thread


Do kids really complain about where the Characters come from, A Crocodile King, A Fairy who uses Puzzle to fight and A Horned Batman seem way more interesting than Weewee Trainer

but casuals don't give a shit of who ness, roy or little mac are, so it's just the fans

E3 with a late 2019 release. They'll also announce a Sm4sh port and Melee HD (or VC with online play) and release them later this year to tide over fans until 5mash.

Hey OP
your daily smash thread got deleted yesterday because you keep spamming about the same topic
not to mention there's no new smash yet so give it a rest

But it's not deleted

>reading comprehension

I was talking about Little Kids, unless is a Mario or a Pokemon Character they will obiously pick based on Looks


But grown-up casuals that don't know who x character is, miight be curious about them, but i doubt they'd care

Wonder Red is kinda likely i think

My boy fucking when?

Ugandan Knuckles when

What BGM needs to be added? I'm thinking basically almost every battle theme from Miitopia.



who is sylux?

Metroid Prime's next core antagonist
first appeared in Prime Hunters, then haunted in the latter games' secret endings

>excite bike
Can someone actually give an explaination on how anyone thinks this could even remotely work as a fighter?

>inb4 but the duck and dog

Another bounty hunter from Metroid. Not even the coolest not-samus bounty hunter, but he's the most relevant.

This is perfect. But it needs ice bombers and wolf

>But it needs ice bombers

ice climbers are on there, look again

This is unironically the first roster in any of these threads I think looks good and doesn't have any super autistic picks
Good job

Hopefully Smash 5 appeals less to competitivefags, fuck those idiots

Define "super autistic". Chorus Men, Captain Toad, Takamaru and Excite Bike really seem to be leaning toward that description to me.


not him but i feel any unrealizable choices below are what he considers "super-autistic":
>any zelda side-villain, mario companions, or kid icarus chapter boss on par with General Scales
>a second "same series" guest character
>any spinoff OC
>consistently giant bosses
like if you picked up something like Smash Bros Crusade, you find these everywhere on the roster but always in the Assist Trophy/Stage Prop. bin in actual Smash.

meanwhile 3/4 almost joined the roster but met with problems excluding their chances.

I want him back because I know it will make people mad.

What would you have in place of those characters, then?

I just want Wonder Red. It's the only character I care about. I swear that if he doesn't appear as a playable character I won't buy the game.

thank god there's no valid reason to bring pichu back

guess you won't be buying the game then :^)

He'll be in the reveal trailer.

we need to talk

*cucks your franchise*

>Sakurai: But, you know I get requests like, “Please put Goku in”
>Sugita: GOKU!?
>Sakurai: “Please put Spongebob”
>Sugita: SPONGEBOB?!
>Sakurai: That’s impossible.

I think Mach Rider would make for a more interesting Famicom era biker character than the Excitebike guy.

Fake news. None of us were there and we can't speak Japanese.

Mach Rider has the same chances as Lip

I'd play as him. Gegege no Kitaro is good stuff.

And to preface, Louie is not a clone. He rides a Dweevil and calls upon insect like enemies for his attacks.



>there were people who actually thought shantae had a chance in the ballot

The final antagonist of the Metroid series.

Alternate costumes would be easy to figure out for him

Not sure what Meat Boy's moveset would even be.

If, hypothetically, you had to add at least one new character to each series (except for stuff like G&W and Rob and the like), who would you choose?

I want this to happen
Honorable mentions to Sylux, Waluigi and Sora

SourceGaming people can speak Japanese, but why cant you?


>still hasn't got rid off skull kid and ridley
and there a proper non-shitty render of Ganon out there too. Fuck Nanobuds.

he's a Prime character dumbass

Even Wayforward.

Quote still makes the most sense to me.

Been going since GBC... why doesn't she deserve a chance?


Because third party characters need a damn good reason to be in.
Honestly Snake and Cloud should have never been considered.
Sonic is pretty much the golden standard of what a third party smash rep needs to have: a very long standing history with nintendo, in Sonic's case he was THE rival of mario in terms of videogame mascots for several generations

>anyone who includes Travis Touchdown in their list

Doing gods work.

imagine being a indie dev running a kickstarter to fund a new game but not having the money to negotiate an appearance in smash

>a very long standing history with nintendo,
that isnt needed
at least the "Nintendo" part

>Some literally who waifubait only known for a small handful of fairly recent games filled with shallow pandering deserves to be held in the same echelon as Sonic, Mega Man, Ryu, and Cloud

lets be fair here, capcom prolly considers shantae to be more relevant and important than megaman

I want them to shave down the number of characters to around 30, but make them more meaningful. Characters like Mario, Link, and Samus barely had changes to their movesets but plenty of new games have come out. Meanwhile new characters like Mega Man get cool things like his smash attack being a projectile. I'd rather them redesign the old characters then just keep adding more.

This is also how I feel about 3rd Parties. Snake was Sakurai sucking off Kojima and Bayonetta my as well have been the same with Kamiya. At least Ryu has the notion of being in crossovers, way more than people think and Pac-Man and Mega Man are self explanatory.

Cloud was more fitting for Playstation All-Stars than Smash. In hindsight, Snake ruined Smash.

Snip & Clip don't have hands, but they'll be the perfect eshop reps

>In hindsight, Snake ruined Smash.

I'd say Snake helped ruin fighting games in general. Now everything has to have a fucking guest character or five.

did any of the games outsell a mega man game at least?

Been going since GBC and still barely anybody knows or cares about her or her games.

I don't see why you the player should care whether they have history with Nintendo or not. Even now Cloud is still one of the most iconic video game characters around so he's most certainly worthy of his spot in the roster.

I retract my statement and agree with yours. One look at most forums and I see someone suggesting a guest character in ANY roster, fighter or not. Smash got too big for its britches with Brawl and everyone wants other IP's to replicate its hype. Why the fuck do we need Luffy or Little Mac in ARMS? Why do we need Ika Musume in Splatoon? The costume isn't an issue, but the actual character isn't needed. People complain about the lack of new IP's but want them to become the same thing they complain about.

Mario, Link, and Samus in their current moveset iterations are staples to the series; only reason Mario even got Fludd is because they could move his Down B to his Down A.

Third Party characters are designed to stand out mechanically, which is why you have Megaman being almost entirely projectile-based, Ryu's extra inputs, Cloud's Limit Break, ect.