What are the must have on the xbox classic? Already have hl2 halo, halo 2, doa collection and mgs2

what are the must have on the xbox classic? Already have hl2 halo, halo 2, doa collection and mgs2.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jet Set Radio Future, Voodoo Vince and Blinx the Time Sweeper.

there arent any
capcom vs snk 2 is good though


Panzer Dragoon Orta, Phantom Dust, Mechassault series

yeah was thinking about this but goty edition is like 40€

Stubbs the Zombie
Jade Empire

>mfw still no JSRF on PC

>GTA ports are decent.
>X-Men Legends (even more fun with 4 player local co-op)
>Star Wars: Battlefront II
>Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
>Fable (if you are into that)
>Counter Strike (interesting port. not as good as the PC version, but still worth trying if you are a fan. Need to use some third party online service or LAn with someone though. Or fight BOTs.)
>Sunset Overdrive
>Mech Assault

brute force
crimson skies
blood wake
phantom crash

Ninja Gaiden Black and Metal Wolf Chaos are the best games on the system.


the one in OP pic has the wrong controller too

Tenchu: Return From Darkness
Ninja Gaiden Blacked

Xbox also has the definitive version of THPS2.

they made a vidja gaem about this?

DEF JAM ffny
better than the ps2 version
i've got them both

There are literally no Xbox games that don't have superior PC ports / HD updates. Most Japanese games ran worse on it compared to PS2 as well.


Fatal Frame 1/2
Ninja Gaiden Black
Stranger's Wrath
TimeSplitters 2/3


>Sunset Overdrive
>Original Xbox

he didn't ask for xbox 3 games user

Dino Crisis?

My bad. I was thinking of that game where you skate around. I forget the name.

Is Dino Crisis 3 secretly good?