Okay whatever as long as it's a silky smooth sixt-
What the actual fuck?
Okay whatever as long as it's a silky smooth sixt-
What the actual fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do we care
They probably could've done sixty but didn't want to risk dropping with multiplayer shenanigans.
Considering MK8 is 60 fps with 1080p resolution, and has a lot more draw distance and geometry, I'm willing to bet this is a prime example of developers having to meet tight deadlines in order to fill the empty release schedule of Q1.
Tight deadlines mean not having time to optimize framerate and graphics.
I'll wait for the release version before passing judgement, but yeah, Nintendo need to get their non-internal teams in order. No one outside of EPD, except Retro, Good Feel, and maybe Camelot, is technically competent. Monolith were praised for their technical competency in the past, but XC2 is a shitshow on that front.
Kirby is love
Kirby is live
Don't care. Kill yourself for insult kirby
Remember 40 people only
Sounds like it went like this
>Nintendo wants this out by March lads, where's the worst performing part of the game?
>Uh this part here with 4 players only gets us 20fps at 1080p
>No time for this optimising malarky, drop the resolution to 900p what now?
>Uhhh 28fps at 900p
>Lower that axis a smidgen
>We've got solid 30fps at 864p
>Great, set the internal resolution at that, cap it at 30fps and I'll tell Nintendo we can make March
They outsourced most of the asset creation and programming m8, look at the credits.
Actually Xenoblade 2 was made by what is basically a B-team left to make a game on a tight budget. The more talented Monolith Soft guys who made Chronicles and X were on BotW.
A core, internal team of 40 people and 100+ contractors. Even if it was made by three people anyways, it's not the consumer problem.
About half the team worked on Breath of the Wild, but who was left was not a B-team, we have no idea about who the more talented are or where they were, we don't know the budget, and they used tons of contractors. Basically, the only difference is that the core, internal team was halved, everything else is bullshit excuses.
>About half the team worked on Breath of the Wild, but who was left was not a B-team, we have no idea about who the more talented are or where they were, we don't know the budget, and they used tons of contractors. Basically, the only difference is that the core, internal team was halved, everything else is bullshit excuses.
Look at the credits, it was relatively new hires while the only MS guys were on BotW.
>Caring about shit that doesn't matter fuck all.
I really don't know why the 60fps 4k etc. etc. crowd even bother with video games just for "LOL MUH GAEM PURDIER DAN URS".
Happy birthday!
It's not about graphics it's about functionality you prick. The Switch game is going to run functionally worse than the 3DS games.
Explains why XB2 is the worst Xeno game, widely regarded as a failure on all fronts.
>The Switch game is going to run functionally worse than the 3DS games.
>yfw XB2 is a literal chink knockoff
At least because of this we can rule that "game" out of being a real Xeno game.
Daily reminder the 3DS games were 240p
60fps is higher than 30fps, yes
I thought graphics and resolution didn't matter lads?
>sold more copies than any other Xeno game
The only failure here is you user
The 3DS games were also 60fps.
Doesn't this just prove the point that it was made by a B-team that weren't as technically competent?
>sold more copies on a more successful system than a game on a commercial flop system
wow such amaze
That's pretty disappointing, honestly. The game looks great visually, but it being 30 fps only is a real bummer.
That said, it's not going to keep me from enjoying the game.
It wasn't made by 40 people, is the only point I was making.
then why did it still out sell Xeno 1 which was on Wii and 3DS fucktard
>SHIPPED a pathetic million before halting to a stop sales wise
>The game looks great visually
Ehhhhh maybe. It looks about on par with Tropical Freeze as far as art direction goes. I'm more disappointed than anything, honestly. Nintendo were the last bastion of 60fps and that appears to have slipped a little
Oh look another Nintendo thread derailed by insecure Xenofags.
Just like the weekly media create
It sold over a million. Nintendo shows units sold in their quarterly reports. Fucking kill yourself.
at 240p
Switch could probably run the game at 70 FPS at 240p lol
>The 3DS games are 60 FPS
No, they aren't. Retard.
I love this. The pushback against Xeneptunia 2 shit is fucking real.
Are you gonna believe the company trying to cover its ass of raw numbers, cuckboi?
The 3ds had to render the game twice though. They still managed to hit 60 fps even with 3D support. That's not ground breaking or anything but it's fairly good performance for the hardware.
*or raw numbers
>It sold over a million.
Resolution doesn't matter desu the 3DS screen is like 5 inches away from your face
It's illegal to lie to investors you shitfuck. Why would Nintendo risk a heavy fine just to validate your shitty conspiracy theory. Crunch on some tide pods nigger.
See Shipped. Not sold. XB2 flopped. Fact.
Go find direct footage on YouTube
Select "60fps"
Pause it
Hit L to cycle through frame by frame.
Does it require 2 clicks to move a frame? No? Then it's 60fps you fucking retard.
sold you stupid cuck
Stop trying to derail every thread that says something bad about Xenotrash, blunderfag.
This is a Kirby thread. Go away.
Nintendo's quarterly reports are by what they ship.
They were solid 60fps 2D but a little drifty with 3D
The only people derailing this thread are sonnygers trying to shit on hardware performance and don't understand the difference between shipped and sold.
please stop arguing this makes the happy Kirby the sad Kirby.
864p@30fps vs 600p@60fps
Fuck all of you consolewarriors. This is now officially a comfy Kirby thread. Every consolewarrior that posts below this line (and above it, for that matter) is a faggot.
Blunderfag could literally announce his presence in every thread by going "Hi everyone, my name is Eric, and I'm here to derail the thread by sperging out over Xenocuck 2!" and you idiots would still respond to him. Unbelievable.
I don't understand how a game like this can't hit 1080p 60fps
Enough talking shit about the fps, post your favorite copy abilities
Ok user whatever you say. Just keep ignoring the word SELLING. I'm sure your broken brain is magically turning the word into SHIPPED.
Holy fuck nobody cares Xenofag. Go jerk off to mocap unity anime shit somewhere else
Sold to RETAILERS. How the hell are you this ignorant?
Stop trying to derail every thread, xenofag
Sorry, I'm not autistic enough to even think or care about doing that.
I thought the 3D was well done. Actually made me want to turn it on for once.
I unironically can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps so I couldn't care less
Units shipped is what is sold to retailers. Units sold is what is sold to customers. Keep getting triggered faggot.
>previous games were 60fps
Can't wait for Shart Allies to flop after this. So hype.
t. Autist
You are literally just wrong.
You must've been looking at a 30fps Youtube video, or have hardware too slow to properly play a 60fps video. The difference is huge. May or may not be important depending on the game, but you should easily be able to tell apart the difference side by side.
Yeah the TD 3D and the OoT 3D were the only times I've been impressed
I'm worried it won't be a consistent 30FPS.
t. Fucking BTFO cunt trying to save face on an anonymous image board.
Stop posting.
Kid Icarus had good 3D too bad the game is so action heavy that the effect gets ruined a lot.
Wheelie Rider!
They were saying the previews run at 30fps regardless of what was happening so I think what posted is probably closer to the truth than expected
If they had to drop it below 900p it better damn well be a locked 30.
>Xenofags are still trying to derail Kirby threads
Fucking cancer. Ban to /vg/ when?
robobo planet on old 3DS was not so nice with framerate. it was mostly 60 in 2D, but 3D was usually at 30.
Not defending Star Allies but isn't Kirby 64 like 30 fps? Also Kirby's Adventure ran like shit.
beetle's flying is pretty cool feels different to jet or wing.
>all of this plus constant loading screens between star doors
>Units shipped is what is sold to retailers
Nobody wants your lies in the kirby thread
I've seen many videos that are basically "30fps vs 60fps side by side" and it's basically the same shit but with extremely minor differences that MAKE NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE
3D Classics Kirby's Adventure is the best way to play Adventure.
>no slowdown
>separate audio tracks so SFX don't drown out parts of music
Sup Forums is a board about discussing video games. It appears OP is talking about video games. You may not like it, but that is indeed the case.
Perhaps the OP wants to highlight the fact that a modern gaming device is having trouble running a relatively simplistic game at a full HD resolution, something that was deemed the standard more than 4 years ago in terms of modern video games on a modern video game system. Perhaps not only that, but it doesn't even push 60fps, which was more common on Wii than Switch.
Anyone know if when you inhale a helper, you can spit it out RtD style?
aren't they exactly the same lenght as the old black screens?
it's the equivalent of playing a shooter on a console with a controller vs a shooter on PC with kb/m
>t. Fucking BTFO cunt trying to save face on an anonymous image board.
Come on now, you shouldn't talk about yourself, its just sad.
Yeah that version is amazing, though the shading on the doors tickles my autism a bit.
Tip loading screens are the fucking worst. Keep that shit black or have some nice art.
I'm still adamant that it's the viewing method. No way some one with 20/20 vision can say there's no difference, even more so when playing it.
There's a reason why it's considered a must in fighting games, racing games, or anything fast paced. Either that or you low key want to low-key defend your gaming system of preference into the mix.
either you're not looking at the right videos user or you're blind
i dont mind kirby being 30fps but 60fps vs 30fps is like night and day
other way around, the primary members made blade 2. Shit like models were outsourced, world design/combat/story were all done by main members
I bet they do this to weed out the people who care about that sort of thing
If you really want to see the difference between 30fps and 60fps, play Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube then play it on the PS2 or PS3
yeah it can't possibly be because the soc used for google's tablets is weak
eric has arrived
I'd much rather have a solid 30 than 60 with drops.