Must play games on PC

Been a console player for years because I was poor but I finally built my own PC.
Any suggestions for must play games on PC?
So far I have MGR and Divinity Dragon Commander.

Yakuza Zero and Kiwami
Project Diva Future Tone
Persona 5

Thanks I also own a PS4.
I have finished Bloodborne and hope to play Persona 5 soon.

Hollow Knight

Arma 3 is a great experience if you find a fun squad

even though this list is all ps4 games, it's still correct

>diabolo 2
>sacred 1-2
>dungeon siege 1-2
>gothic 1-2
>balders gate 1-2
>path of exile
>black desert
>titan quest

all should be experienced at least for a moment, most should be thoroughly played

>Japanese games only
Honestly, no idea. You can search online something cheesy like "Top games of the year" and you'll get a solid list of vidya that many enjoyed

Dwarf Fortress

Playing through hollow knight atm, it's not a perfect platformer, but I think it should be a staple for everyone.

Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm 1 and 2

PTSD simulators

Half-Life 2, and the episodes, Team Fortress 2, Portal 1. All stupidly cheap especially when on sale and theyre fantastic games. And if you like custom maps and mods Half-Life and Portal will supply you with more entertainment than you would figure.

That's the joke.

Anyway, Payday 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 are good options if you like co-op arcade shooters that allow mods

cuphead LISA undertale also emulating is bretty fun

>tfw pc literally has 0 exclusive games

Look for some simulators. Cities: Skylines is a good first recommendation.

Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Cave story
Valve games till circa 2012
Crysis is actually pretty fun game besides the graphics
Diablo 2
Planescape Torment
Warcraft 3
Dominions 4
Im just scratching the list of the 10/10s and 9/10s

It actually does if you count source mods and dos games, which i do because thats what i play most of the time. But either way thats not the appeal of pc games. The appeal comes from being able to mod and configure them however you please and play with the superior mouse and keyboard.

fortnite op

What games can you play that isn't on Consoles and needs a high end graphics card?

>Source mods
>But either way thats not the appeal of pc games
Nigga imma punch you
Zombie panic source was my jam
Rip in peace gaemu

>PC's most looked forward to games are a port of a game consoles already have
>Sega, the company that continues to enforce the late ports stereotype, hyped up a port of a 4 year old 3DS game (puyo tetris) and a port of an even older mobage
>mfw they were denied their precious yakuza and persona

Oh believe me pal i know. Pretty much all i play are source mods. But every time i mention them some console faggot is like

Even though PC has many 10/10 exclusives, most of them are old classics
If you have a high performance pc, today, your objective is to play multiplatforms with better performance than consoles

Or maybe it's because the vast majority of console ports don't allow for any modding.

The entire strategy genre for one
cRPGs as well
If you play games like Skyrim there are guides to mod them so the people don't look like potatoes
Any FPS game you'll find will be much more fun using a mouse

PC has good potential for multiplayer games
Check some moba or variant, see if it clicks with you.
I would recommend you some MMOs, but they are all suck nowadays. Maybe wait for WoW classic.
Also i seen no one recommending Max Payne 1 and 2.
Absolutely amazing games, 10 out of 10

You have not lived until you've played the holy trinity of Source Engine RPGs.

>you cant mod every single fucking game on earth therefore pc is bad and id much rather have this piece of hardware that cannot mod anything aside from Fallout 4 maybe

Bad argument

>Project Diva Future Tone
>Persona 5
Nice joke
Also you actually can play Personal 5 on the PC

Do they program your games with a console? That's right dirtbag, they don't. They program them in a pc, therefore they're all pc exclusives

You dont know what a source mod is it has nothing to do with console ports. Valve made their engine and level editor public domain so if you wanted to, you could make your own game using their tools that they used to create some of their masterpieces. These user made games are called source mods. And ive had more fun playing them than any AAA game around

Please take your console war bullshit to the billion other threads on Sup Forums about console wars.

I own a PC, PS4 and maybe soon a switch.

league of legends

the list is so long you have to give some direction for the type of games you want to play.

I know people are arguing about sourcemods, but check out Underhell.
It starts out as like a hardcore Swat shooter and turns into a combination of Resident Evil and Fear. Then there's spooky segments in your house that piece some of the story together.
It's sort of B movie like but has full voice acting and the gameplay is really fun.