Etna is perfect
Etna is perfect
>no dick
Can we just have a lolicon thread?
>normies in 2018 still ironically liking 2d
More. thread's just gonna pruned anyway
Why are Disgaea girls so delicious?
I like both
>Party level 30~50
>Pirate motherfucker lands right on my side
>Easily isolates him in the tiny island and pummels him into submission
>30 seconds after defeating him after 15 turns my house's energy flickers and my PC shuts down
My faith is being tested
But there are no lolicons here
me posing for the selfie
girls are gross, where are the cute boys?
Cute boys don't post here
But i'm a cute boy!
Are you a cute boy(female)?
If you did it once, you can do it again. That particular pirate will be harassing you for a long time, so you'll have plenty of chances to repeat that beat down.
other way around
>not using current version
me eating a banana
>fap to her and other characters multiple times
>haven't played Disgea
The gameplay just looks boring and grindy but the character designs are top tier
me on the right hugging a loli
post belly
hi FBI-kun
Etna is cute but I didn't enjoy disgaea very much. I played without grinding and it felt like the developers didn't even try to balance the game at all because they expected people to grind and make their own fun in a sandbox type of way; the battles were really repetitive and straightforward.
Are phantom brave and soul nomad any better in this regard? And are there any cute girls in soul nomad?
Pedophile genocide when?
Need to get humanity back on track.
>Are phantom brave and soul nomad any better in this regard?
Yes, especially Soul Nomad. Phantom Brave is unique enough since grinding really can't save you from being sloppy with deploying units.
>And are there any cute girls in soul nomad?
Its an nis game, take a guess
Me on the bottom left
Racists are just as bad imo
i agree, she's what got me into DFC
me hiding under the bed
Soul Nomad is considered one of NIS's best games. It's pretty different from how Disgaea plays.
>Cute girls.
Are 3 or 4 worth playing? Can emulate both if i want.
Good to hear. Is Soul Nomad coming to PC eventually or should I just emulate it? Are there any issues with pcsx2?
What is Flonne doing to Etna?
>i will never fill that tiny womb with several loads of thick semen
why live
Real women are unappealing.
teaching her about love
It's hard to say. Not for a while though. I'm pretty sure you can emulate it without issue though. I think.
Are they emulating good? I mean i got quite the toaster on my hand but i figure Disgaea wouldn't require that much steam to run
Ye they're alright. 4>3 mechanics wise, story and characters are hit or miss.
yeah, but t's impossible to get rid of either of them
just gotta put up with the shitters
Get some taste, gay boy.
I want to PUNCH that tummy so hard she pees herself and barfs out breakfast.
>no tits
That's an old and busted loli.
Rozalin is perfect
>no sicko in the window
imagine how tight she must be
holy fuck
I'd wait a but on Soul Nomad since NISA is doing a conference in a few weeks, I think this month, and they might confirm more older NIS games coming to PC.
I personally emulated SN on a toaster and it was fine, but if I had the opportunity to buy it and show NIS people want a Soul Nomad sequel, I would. The game is THAT good.
True. It fucking sucks being a Disgaea/NIS fag who doesn't wanna fuck all the girls. I just like my grindan game.
But that's against Etna's religion!
would you eat curry with Usalia?
There's no such thing. I love all loli equally.
>not thicc
>not a mommy
Get out of here pedo.
Etna has a great butt
>>not thicc
>>not a mommy
thank god
you can only choose one
fuck off chubby chaser
Flonne is best.
Me on the left with the star earrings
Me on the left looking at the notebook
Don't be a fag.
Aren't you too young to be dying your hair?
I'm kind of disappointed to find out that she isn't flat-chested, but that hair is fucking perfect and her midriff is to die for.
>ass fangs