Why aren't you playing Destiny 2? It's way better than when it launched

Why aren't you playing Destiny 2? It's way better than when it launched.

This shit thread is for my webm testing now

Whats new with it? Wasn't there so controversy of locked DLC or something that was already in?

More MEA to piss off Sup Forums

It isn't though?
I only ever log in to collect my welfare engrams.

Controversy was that the “hard” mode for raids and nightfall strikes became locked because the level requirement for them increased with the expansion, so they were literally inaccessible unless you bought the expansion because you couldn’t access the new level cap with just the base game.

It’s still like that and the game is still shit.

Fuck off back to your general. Oh, wait...

what changed in 2018?

I don't get it


Pvp is woefully unbalanced

Pve is the same tedious shit

Too easy to get weapons and armour

No weapons and armour worth getting i.e. no excitement from getting exotic etc.

Raids are fucking awful

Too many junk items, constantly having to clear out shaders etc.

I still play it from time to time but D1 was so much better.....

>that slow ass cooldown

respec and git gooed

I don't play games that reach an acceptable state months after launch. Get it right before you sell it, or fuck right off.

>It's way better than when it launched.
Explain further.

>It's way better than when it launched.

How is it better? Now I can aimlessly play the game in the hopes of a 1/100 chance that enough Masterwork cores will drop for me to respec my character in ways that barely any difference?


where have I heard that before


M O A R .

I have friends that fall for these kind of games every time without fail. I tried to warn them, they didn't listen.

I don't have friends

the core gameplay is repetitive and not fun. it doesn't matter how much it improves, it sucks and I'm not fucking buying it

If I can have fun up front with friends and the game dies off 3 months later then I'm on to the next thing or dipping into the shallow end of my backlog.

>way better than when it launched

That shit doesn't work on me anymore. Either it's feature complete, or 95%+ complete on launch or it can fuck right off. I'm tired of developers releasing something and then saying that they'll just fix it with patches later. How's about you stop being lazy jews and delay a bit to make sure it's done before shoving it on the market?


a polished turd is still a turd

Blame the literal faggots buying Early Access dog shit.



I'm not retarded enough to pay $60 + Season Pass to get a less than complete game.

No, it's not.

Reasons I'm not playing it:
>because it is not fun
>because abilities are trash and not interesting
>because it manages to be inferior to its predecessor, and its free competitor

I just wanted more Halo. Then they said, here, have Halo as an RPG, but we're getting rid of everything that was good about Halo, and everything that's good about RPGs, and you can have what's left over

Hell no, it's fucking shit. I can't believe paid 60 dollars for that piece of garbage.

Who here was hyped for destiny 1 and then dropped pretty much all interest and support for Bungie when Marty got fired?

Seriously, I remember the old ARG with the Joe Staten lore and previews of some of the music, I was down for more of the Bungie I remembered.

Then when he got fired it was a complete 180. Now I just wish Highwire games (Marty and Griesiemer) would do some traditional vidya games instead of their VR stuff.

Fuck off activision, you raped the franchise and now its fucking dead for good

Hate to break it to you buddy but they're pretty much hands-off. This is all Bungie.