Why doesn't Valve region-lock Dota?
Why doesn't Valve region-lock Dota?
cowardice, mostly.
no company has the balls to do what must be done for fear of having the public turn against them.
Пoтoмy чтo пoшeл нaхyй.
the game would die in most west servers then
Because valve is not run by fucking commies
dying game, not enough players
Not sure exactly why, but I'm sure it's tied to money.
Anyone have the article from polygon or wherever the fuck, that says if you want Dota2 regionlocked you're a xenophobic shitlord?
They do. You can't play with the Chinese, for example.
>Because valve is not run by fucking commies
id rather be a xenophobic shitlord than have south americans in my vidya.
i honestly dont care much about russians. im not in europe so i dont run into them very often
i doesnt matter, in a few months every shitskin and russian will report each other untill they all get banned
just sit out the storm
You want me to move to your country?
>Crystal Maiden
Isn't that Jaina? What?
Are you actually retarded or merely pretending?
Isn't that Jaina?
same shit, cant be called jaina anymore because its a warcraft character
It was in the original Dota
How are they able to use her model?
In warcraft 3 right?
Its not the same model? Valve redid all of them
>Its not the same model
So the OP image is just from the original custom map?
no need to, in US you only encounter south americans on the other team most of the time now so who cares. the only improvement you could make is ip banning candadians, but thats true of the internet in general.
youre clearly baiting and i fell for it, now excuse me while i hang myself
So OP isn't Jaina?
>implying it will improve your 3k mmr
no you fucking retard its crystal maiden from dota fucking 2, not related to warcraft or jaina in anyway other than being based on her model for the original custom map
>not related to warcraft or jaina in anyway
Wasn't that about PUBG? The developers were calling people xenophobic bigots because they didn't want to play with 50,000ms chinese connected on a cup-and-string connection.
b/c valve realizes game pop. of certain areas will die off due to their shitiness. got to keep them happy and dilute the shittiness.
They implemented a "soft" region lock that locks you to your selected language
The issue is you can select any fucking language you want
They fail to understand that third worlders don't want to play with other third worlders. They ruin the fucking game and they know it, but THEY want to be the one that ruins it, not some other shitty slav.
Slavs and br monkeys will keep pouring into the US server just to they don't have to play with other slavs and brs
If you region locked dota the US east region would become a ghost town overnight. Games over 6k mmr would probably take an hour to find every time.
Would banning all Americans be enough to fix online gaming?
Mart sharters are always obnoxious casual shitters.
Who gives a shit about the east coast
fuckoff back to "us" West you dumb chink
>Implying there is a west coast dota
don't tell me you're a euro or SEA monkey lmao
dumb amerimutts and turk roaches want region lock
the chad 7k players embrace their ruskie bratans