According to eurogamer crash N.Sane trilogy is coming to nintendo switch you're gonna buy it right?
According to eurogamer crash N.Sane trilogy is coming to nintendo switch you're gonna buy it right?
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I'd rather emulate the originals.
Why would I buy it again?
I might get it for PC.
Crash is what you played if your console didn't have Mario.
>Caring about the Switch version when its still gonna be 30FPS
I'll get it on PC instead
Remember the crash and spyro GBA games?
Good times.
I bought it when it was on sale but I guess now I have to uninstall it
If they announce it comes with CTR then maybe.
The Switch has a real 3D platformer.
We don't have to settle for Crash "nothing but hallways" Bandicoot.
Them frames are sure important in game about walking down hallways and jumping!
Yes I absolutely am just to despise soyboys who were so adamant towards having them exclusives.
Take that, you mascotless fucks
crash for smash!
Didn't even buy the ps4 version since the physics were fucked.
Yes, I liked Crash when I was a kid, would like to have it portable.
Was going to get it for PS4, but I prefer portability.
Crash was always better than Mario.
No thanks.
Sure' I'll might buy Crash N.Sane trilogy again for the Switch. Three times if the PC port lets me play the game at 60 and/or 120 FPS.
Yeah, sure.
Did that come with two carts or just one? Because I remember there was inter-connectivity between the games and that would be weird if they came together in a combo cart that couldn't actually connect them.
lmao, sony is pathetic and can't keep any "exclusive"
bloodborne is next
No, I have it on PS4, where it belongs. Though I'm glad it's coming to Switch and not Xbox.
Sony doesnt own the IP...
Crash never had the exclusive banner on the cover.
Both, actually. And, yes, the combo doesn't allow you to use the connection figures (thus locking you out of 100%).
The funniest thing about the entire situation is that they do own the rights to the original games and could rerelease them freely, without needing to pay royalties at all to the IP holder. Activision needed their permission to remake them, which they gave, probably not realizing that they wouldn't own the rights to the remakes, and that nobody would want to play a rerelease of the originals unless it was a purist who would want to play it on the original hardware anyway.
They played themselves.
I just replayed them on my PS and they are not as good as I remember.
actually, the remasters were built upon Sony owned assets, VV used the gray wire frame from the originals for all the levels when developing it
Nope, bought it on PS4, hated how they fucked up the gameplay
Im back at emulating the originals
Sony doesn't own the finished product, regardless.
seeits not the game, its you
>bought it for PS4
>would much rather play it on the go
Why did I fuck up this hard anons?
Bloodborne is owned by Sony
I liked it enough to get all 3 platinums but it's still a massive disappointment in the visual department. It looks ugly as sin compared to the originals, in my opinion. The fact that they never bothered to patch any of the game's numerous bugs means 'll never give VV money ever again.
You think the input delay from 30 fps doesn't make a difference when timing your jumps? Cmon now.
I guess, as long as the frame rate isn't shit.
Pick one you autistic faggots.
>It looks ugly as sin compared to the originals, in my opinion.
the fuck are you talking about?
Isn't this like the 3rd leak of it being on PC/Switch/Xbone?
no it really doesnt
Quads confirm
Soyboys btfo
man you are right, timing jumps is impossible
Hopefully that means the Spyro remake is gonna be a timed "exclusive" too
You can eventually adjust to even huge amounts of input delay, doesn't mean input delay is desirable. I don't even see much of a reason to play the remakes of 2 and 3 if they run at the same framerate as the originals desu, a smoother experience should have been the top priority over muh grafix
>looks ugly as sin compared to the originals
>graphics can finally be good enough to match the concept art one for one
>they don't use the original art just because
I don't even want to see a Spyro remake from these guys if this is how they're gonna do it. All that color theory and those beautiful skyboxes will just be thrown in the trash.
I want a new smash on switch.
Not him but Insomniac are still around you know, and they're freelance unlike Naughty Dog.
I don't think Insomniac has it in them to remake those games, not now, just like Naughty Dog wouldn't have been able to remake Crash.
In Naughty Dog's case it's that they can't make movies out of them, but Insomniac couldn't even get a remake of the first Ratchet right, part of it was how it was tied to a shitty movie, but that still doesn't explain the huge amounts of levels and weapons that just weren't there.
H-how did they fuck up the gameplay?
>input delay
what the flying fuck are you talking about. There's no delay at all. Stop talking out of your ass
So, you think no one is going to be able to remake these games right then?
I bought a Ps4 mainly to play this and Bloodborne.
Yeah basically.
I don't even think remaking the Crash games even brought anything to the table, those games still have amazing art design and it's way, way more impressive how much they did with the hardware then than they can do with the hardware now. That goes for Spyro, too.
>I don't even think remaking the Crash games even brought anything to the table, those games still have amazing art design and it's way, way more impressive how much they did with the hardware then than they can do with the hardware now.
Crash 1 I would argue got some improvements, at least in term of some QOL stuff, even if they did make some changes like the physics different, to be like Crash 3 which wasn't for the best.
That's fair enough, analog control is good but it was probably easier to give all three games the same physics rather than try to nail down the first game's perfectly, because it was designed entirely around d-pad controls and one speed of movement. It's probably the one game that benefits from a remake, the other two look and play just as good as they always did.