>Best dungeons
>Best bestiary
>Gambit system is completely optional and the whole game plays like Xenoblade without cooldowns
Why does everyone say there hasn't been a good FF since X again?
>Best dungeons
>Best bestiary
>Gambit system is completely optional and the whole game plays like Xenoblade without cooldowns
Why does everyone say there hasn't been a good FF since X again?
Because FFXII isn't Final Fantasy. Still a good game, though.
Because it's not anime enough
What is it then? Tip: there's a correct answer to this question.
Honestly i'm having a blast. The game picks up VERY SLOWLY, but after the first esper it becomes so good.
>>Best dungeons
>>Best bestiary
Literally what? The dungeons sucked and what about the monsters was the "best"?
>>Gambit system is completely optional and the whole game plays like Xenoblade without cooldowns
Saying gambits are optional is a complete shitpost. No one on earth would do that to themselves.
It's more a counter-punch to the whole "gambits make the game play itself" thing.
>Silences your party in a cave of rape
>Proceeds to one-shot each person
It honestly isn't that hard to micromanage. Gambits are straight up unneeded in the PC version because of M+KB.
Also, the dungeons weren't straight lines and nearly every major dungeon had a reason for revisiting. The revisits were complete revamps too and not just the same dungeon with stronger enemies. Also, the enemies are really varied for the most part with their own lore to boot that explains their behavior.
>Why does everyone say there hasn't been a good FF since X again?
Because there hasn't been a FF game since X
>>Best dungeons
Except for the Great Crystal. Fuck that place with a brick.
XI and XII are both good FF games.
They are not FF games
They do make the game play itself, but if you don't use them you're just wasting your life.
but ffx was complete and utter SHIT
same question
A bad game
ffxi is closer to a real one than ffxii
Usually because the story fucking sucks
it's boring as fuck and no memorable characters
also no memorable OST
It's still not a FF game, it's a shitty MMO
>Usually because the story fucking sucks
I'm sorry to tell you you underage, but not every story needs some "LETS GO KILL GOD XDEE EPIC" plot to be good.
Ff11 and ff12 are honestly the peak of FF combat. Square should do more FF games in that style. They blend the element of relaxed RPG gameplay expected from the franchise with open worlds and non-random battles to take away the sense of retardation that the same style of RPG's usually have. Its a serviceable blend of old and new and is basically the OoT of gameplay perfection for the franchise.
oh my
>Gambits are straight up unneeded in the PC version because of M+KB.
Howso? can you elaborate?
>whole game plays like Xenoblade without cooldowns
The whole game plays like Xenoblade without gameplay. Xenoblade only automates basic attacks, not the whole game.
11 is not ff
13 is not ff
13-2 is not ff
13- is not ff
type zero is not ff
I'll take 12 over all that
>it's a shitty MMO
How to tell somebody has never played a pre-WoW MMO: they think being an MMO defines the gameplay.
This game would have been near perfect if the later half of the story were expanded, and they got rid of Vaan and Penelo for a Moogle and Bangaa.
11 is garbage and you should feel bad for supporting it. Also kill yourself for paying monthly.
because that group of 'everyone' are all faggots.
I played plenty of MMOs in my teenage years. FF11 is a shitty MMO
Been playing it lately bit cutscenes are such a turn off because of their faces compared to the FMV cutscenes
like how did they make them look scarily non human like they are part dead
One feature that they should have added was after the main story ends you should be free to change jobs as you see fit saving having to restart for it
Voices are a miss for me because a few of them sound indian english or whatever and just sound like they dont fit
Combat is top tier though, i rate it higher then X-2 only becausr of the deptg that gambits can add
If if they were bad - which they aren't - it doesn't make them not final fantasy.
>11 is not ff
Another assumption made by somebody who's never played it. It's the most 'Final Fantasy'-like game since FF5.
Not turn based combat
PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA go suck more enix cock cuck faggot.
Actually it's more of a SaGa game but that's besides the point.
Both use an ATB-like system.
Being ATB-like and being turn based are not the same thing. You can't force the concept of turns into a game where it doesn't already exist. XII has no concept of turns. It really shouldn't be that hard for people to grasp.
Daily reminder the final fantasy fan base is pure cancer. You are as bad as sanic fans.
>XII has no concept of turns
It does though.
But it should need a base story that has actual meaning, which XIIs story simply doesn’t.
Post-2006, yes, you're right. Series has been garbage for over a decade but they gobble up anything Square shits on their plate
Would you shit on my...oh my...my p-plate?
It does not. There is no order queue. it has a concept of cooldowns, cast times, and the auto-attack which can probably be shuffled into one of the other two.
So does 11, shockingly enough.
>Vaan attacks
>Skeleton is KO
>Skeleton can't attack because is KO
The monsters are explained in detail with regards to their relationships with the rest of the world. How people react to them, why they exist, how they interact with their environments, etc.
It gives the monsters depth
Bad example. A better example would be another character's move is aborted before the skeleton dies onscreen because the skeleton died on Vaan's 'turn' which is currently being animated onscreen. The turns are calculated before you see them giving the illusion of a non turn-based system.
Yes they are
Those are all FF games. Sorry games you don't like are part of a series so you feel you have to pretend they don't exist so that you can say you're a fan of the series even though you're lying to yourself
XII is just ATB with the ability to move around the battlefield user
I was kind of annoyed that the zodiac job system locked in classes permanently.
Don't get me wrong I thought giving each character classes was definitely a good idea and sure as hell glad I even got to choose, but I don't like having to pick at level one what I should be specialising in at the endgame. I was worried throughout the entire game that I had made wrong choices and also worried about what second jobs to give each character in case I couldn't make working teams.
Final Fantasy doesn't equate to turn-based combat
>most FF fans agree the games past X are shit and don't belong under the FF brand
>shitters trying to argue they are FF because they are called FF
I bet it's the now 20 year olds who think 12 was great
Considering this is a PS2 game I already played, what does this version have to justify the price tag? Couldn't I just fake the job system on thew original by forcing myself to only purchase the corresponding licenses?
>most FF fans agree the games past VI are shit and don't belong under the FF brand
>shitters trying to argue they are FF because they are called FF
Cant argue with the digits
>liked 12 most
What a pleb taste
>Most FF fans agree the games past I are shit and don't belong under the FF brand
>shitters trying to argue they are FF because they are called FF
What fucking digits? He missed by one
Vaan has a proper chest now
3 soundtracks (original, remastered, and OST)
Slightly updated textures
Slightly improved character models
Controllable graphics settings
Two jobs
New Game+ (start out with all characters at level 90)
New Game- (can't level up from level 1)
Trial Mode
Ivalice is probably the best ff settings with it's star wars vibe
Also template for those who want one
When I made the effort of making this I kept arguing with myself over whether I should be comprehensive or if I should leave out things like phone titles
>whole game plays like xenoblade without cooldowns
If everything in xenoblade was automated outside of auto attacks, sure
Back to le ddit
Ivalice Alliance, which is a higher quality series than shitty Final Fantasy
Oops wrong pic
can someone explain the gambit system for my friend
That's the case for the companions
Be born 5 years earlier newfag
What part of "tiny independent country sandwiched between two large empires fighting for its survival/royal family" is not meaningful? Unless you seriously didn't read any of the dialogue (especially from the Marquis)
If X do Y.
auggghhhh that looks so terrible, why didn't they just keep it the same but add AO to it?
there's no Y button on playstation
it looks great. take your shitty nostalgia goggles off faggot
Why would me being 33 right now alter this situation.
Well, you can turn on AO and maybe turn off/down some other things
You mean 23
the only thing good about FF12 is that i was actually able to bust a pretty good nut to the bunny girls ass
Does the second empire ever even become relevant past being a cheap excuse for Vayne's empire to invade?
12 has more in common with Star Wars than with FF
Don't forget to add that NG- as some much needed challenge to the game. It's not bullshit like vanilla IZJS's NG- because it's available right away and the second job really helps with making it so you can actually get end-game espers.
It's literally uglier than the PS2 game.
Nothing really helps.
So is there any reason to buy this instead of just emulating it and using a ps4 controller?
Great job sytems and whatnot but being aallowed to trek though a hard dungeon end game to get a item to reclass would have been awesome and would allow fun endgame and triak and error
Whatever, i got it on pc and there us already a chewt engine table that allows me to my characters classes whenever i feel like it
every FF is Star Wars you dope
Not as much as ffxii with Balthier and Fran
nigga fuckin Chewbacca is in FF6, where a young confused magic user also joins a rebellion and fights an evil empire alongside a gambler on a fast ship, an old man, and bunch of other weirdos
every other one has an "I am your father" moment. c'mon son
Nothing is as close to star wars than the aesthetic of ffxii. Look at the 2nd pic I posted
what are you?
Give me examples of revamps. Most enemies stay the same.
And most dungeons just have the usual skeleton, skull candle, and cockatrice recolors.
>best dungeons
Nope. Long ass corridors, minimal exploration, and dull design made them a bore. And the god awful regeneration/encounter rate of enemies in the Pharos was terrible.
Is there any point in trying to use up all the classes? I was really hoping that bonuses like HP didn't carry over between boards, that way there'd be an actual reason to do knight + monk, because you'd get an ungodly amount of HP.
My initial choices were mostly based on weapon attack speed.
>Also, the dungeons weren't straight lines and nearly every major dungeon had a reason for revisiting.
They were linear pathways though, boring ones at that. Why did you revisit them?
>one city that looks like one city from the prequels