Guess its time to download WoW.
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What even
I unironically think even the Pandas are better
About time Blizzard came back.
god I fucking hate wow's art style
too short
not coming back unless the make the worgens hot
>more furry shit
absolutely haram
If they're gnome only I'll fucking kill myself.
i don't care about WoW at all, but I'm happy since now we will get new fur porn, and sincd WoW is popular it will happen fast.
please tell me these aren't on the horde
haven't we suffered enough
I hope it is Horde, could you imagine the butthurt?
Ok, but are snek people confirmed?, if so then i might think about going back
on both sides, itll be glorious
finally a true mongrel horde
It is, they're goblin alts.
Man playable Sethrak would absolutely kill me
And Nightborne are Nelf alts but are Horde, it doesn't mean anything.
Honestly I could give less of a fuck if it's furry or not.
"Battle for Azeroth" but the only new "races" they recruit are pallet-swapped version of prexisting races. Nothing actually new. There are literally tons of races in the Warcraft universe to chose from and they go the laziest route possible and just shit out a bunch of low-effort reskins instead of actually going with the whole theme of Allied Races where they are recruiting new races into the Horde/Alliance. Taking some subspecies that was already part of the Horde/Alliance and changing one or two things does not constitute a new race, much less is it "recruiting" a new one. You look at tons of RPGs and Fantasy worlds, fucking WoW included, and there's a plethora of different interesting races out there. WoW fucking has them there, but they are still just literally worthless. What happened to all the races that were allied with the Horde or Alliance in previous expansions like the Hozen or Jinyu in MoP for example, why can't you take something like that instead of making "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DONUT STEEL" versions of prexisting races, it's lazy and silly. Why would you prefer more of the same thing or accept it when there's all this new shit. Do you really fucking a bunch of races we've all played before over something completely new? Who cares if they're purple or have moose antlers or some shit, they're the same shit. Vulpera would be a step in the right direction, but taking more actually different and new races to play from previous expansions and new ones in BfA itself is much more interesting than lazy rehashes.
Oh fuck this garbage, Blood Elves I could handle, Goblins were kinda ok
This shit though? No, Im done with the Horde, faction changing all the way
meh, no zandalari paladins. that sucks.
dont wanna play cows or gay elves.
Isn't a completely new race more interesting than 15 new types of Tauren, Elf, and Troll?
Jinyu were a low-effort repaint in the first place. Also who the fuck would want to play as a Jinyu? Let's be real.
I'm about to roll a cute catboy. Who wants to pump my tight boipussy full of hot dwarf cum?
>goblin reskin
>new race
I would prefer Skeletal Undead
yeah I agree: recolored races being passed off as new? Totally ok with it. But cat race is just over the line
It uses the Goblin skeleton but fucking come on nothing about them is Goblin.
Hope you can handle tauren horsecocks boyo
I hope they're for the alliance, it's basically a furry goblin reskin
They're fucking stickmen with bobbleheads. Couldn't have bothered to make them a little more fox-like? Not even a furry, just don't want to stare at such retarded shit.
>they're literally called vulpera
>new fox race
Ho boy time to make a trip to /trash/
>implying goldshire wasn't already filled with fucking cat/bear druids anyway
Repaints of what exactly?
Also fuck you, I'd love to play a Jinyu. They're functionally different from any playable race and actually have lore that's interesting compared to a lot of other races in WoW.
They're aren't remotely furbait or elf fapbait cancer, they're interesting lorewise and designwise, and were a major part of the Alliance questing plot in MoP, yet apparently they're "repaints". Just because someone is interested in playing a Fantasy race that isn't some generic as fuck race like Humans, Elves, Orcs, or Dwarves doesn't mean they just want to fuck it.
looks like a cat to me *shrugs*
ikr, Sethrak looks so different while having the same body as many other races, would be fucking rad to play as one
I guess he considers new models over an existing skeleton (night elf) to be a repaint.
That being said, I'd love playable Pandaria races
mantid never ever
because you're a mongol
Would you take responsibility and raise your own Vulpera child Sup Forums?
The fact that it's a reexisting model is fine, it really doesn't matter. The reason why the Allied Races all officially announced are Repaints is because they're literally all races that currently exist as playable races in the game. Vulpera would be something brand new, doesn't matter if they use the Goblin model, same thing with Jinyu. They're new and really cool.
Mantid or one of the Old God races would be really cool, but would be hard to pull off from a lore perspective. Maybe they could be a sect decided to stop worshiping the Old Gods or something.
Sethrak would be super cool, along with the new Tortollans as well. I'd love Saurok, Tuskarr, Furbolgs, or something actually different and unique for once. I'll probably get shit for this for some fucking reason, but I'm a huge fa/tg/uy, and seeing all these interesting races be completely wasted in turn of lazy rehash recolor special snowflake "That Guy"-tier races being chosen instead is near fucking insulting, why can't Blizzard actually add something new and interesting for fucking once.
And there still isn't fucking Bards despite them being a mainstream fantasy class, moreso than shit like Warlocks, or the Hero Classes.
>not Sethrak, Saurok, or any of the actual Reptilian race
I love the Male Naga design but female Naga are literally fucking Elves with fish tails.
how can this shit possibly be more in demand than the vrykul
Sethrak or bust
arakkoa never
>there still isn't fucking Bards despite them being a mainstream fantasy class
There's literally zero lore precedence for one. I think maybe the mantid did song/voice magic shit, but lol
Okay seriously is it THAT hard to make a fucking skeleton?
Don't get me wrong, I know there's hundreds of models and shit in WoW and for the most part reusing skeletons is fine considering the workload, but they add like what, one skeleton per expansion if that?
>all the new races are gonna be reskins of races already in the game, outside of Vulpera if they actually are gonna be a new race
>All the different races we've seen in the past 14 years will never amount to anything because we'll never get to play them, or learn more about them, or have to be anything more than just some mook to kill for EXP while leveling
Why can't people actually be interested in something new? Like it's sad that in all these years, in the Expansion that's supposed to be about all of Azeroth uniting together in either the Horde or Alliance, we're basically getting no new races outside races we literally can already play.
>all the vulpera art has tits
Give me the gaybois already jesus.
So what's the meaning of war?
Vrykul and their viking imagery is boring as fuck.
Because the vast majority of normies ignore everything except for humans and elves
Panda's(female) have always been "better."
>Arakkoa never
Don't remind me user, the uncursed one even has some nice animations to themselves
Man, I wanted playable Mantid so fucking bad. It's a pipe dream but I would totally reroll one.
I am NOT happy about this because I want more male Pandas and Greymane, not dumb foxes.
warned you about furfags bro
source on pic pls
sauce me
I'll pass on this. When it comes to bestial races I like them being large, muscular, and four legged. Very feral, big dripping members. I want to see muscles convulse and drool drip from their mouths as they fill me up with their seed.
I hope all furfags literally die.
sauce pls
>not liking both types
idunno user, I really appreciate both styles for their own reason
Hey, the more farts the merrier
>new furry shortstack race confirmed playable
>new social community system is being added
>there are going to be official vulpera ERP groups
Wildstar is finished
Huh, its not on e621? Odd.
At least this furfaggot isn't hiding it.
we all do, man
Thank you user
wait Wildstar isn't dead already?
This new race isn't even cute, which is all i could hope for from a tiny furry race. They just look gross with weird proportions.
At least the Worgen are big and buff enough.
Greymanes not really fair, his CGI has more care put into him than usual.
sexy bara worgen model update when
Not soon enough. They could just repurpose Genn's model for it, but with how little they seem to care about Worgen as a whole I doubt it's coming in the near future.
Confirmed for what? There are multiple unplayable races in their model viewer.
"We've spent 10,000 on the allied races"
> All reskins
Reskins are exactly what players have been asking for for a long time. And we still haven't got the most requested one in brown orcs.
>still can't play Skeletal Undead Paladin
>new social community system is being added
I thought it already had been
I played all of Warcraft pre-World of and i dont' see anything that could be resembled as a Bard Class.
Not like they stopped them from doing undead monk beer healers/kick/tank damage from a panda asking for some ingredients.
I actually wouldn't call myself a furry due to the fact that I hate furries. I'm the real deal or nothing kinda person.
>wouldn't call myself a furry
>wrote this post
Pretty sure that's called being a zoophile.