It’s not fair bros.
I play video games to escape from my pathetic life and live vicariously through my toon.
If I wanted to stay a virgin I could just continue with my real life.
Why do developers force us to play their games a certain way, and not encourage us gamers to play any way we deem suitabale?
I was really looking forward to being a knight that slays man and puss, but now I will have to find another game to fill my time.
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Other urls found in this thread:
Just reload a save if you want to see the scene.
lol. Do they give you steam cuck points or something for this to be a thing normans care about?
>not to with
why do people keep going to this fake news clickbait site?
apparently being a virgin is a notable achievement now
It's called Kingdom COME, and it encourages you not to CUM. By having SEX. That's the joke.
I had the surgery forty years ago and therefore have some insight into the comments about dilation. Total fantasy. In the few months following surgery, everything settled in for life.
Let me state that his speculation on the amounts of dilation are vastly overstated. Many trans girls have gone years without dilating.
Once SRS has happen and healing has settled in there is no need to dilate as many times as the writer of the link fantasies. Can it be done? Yes. Is it required? Let your husband take care of that.
Tell that to /r9k/ :^)
>not to with
thank you for the explanation because, like that user, i didn't get this amazing humor.
I thought he was /ourguy/ Sup Forums.
Turns out he is just as big a scammer as Todd and Peter.
Does the achievement unlock the wizard class for New Game+?
Modern "journalism"
Has the left finally gone too far?
>being a virgin is a notable achievement now
Remaining a virgin until marriage is.
What is this game even about?
killing niggers
Headline is fucking retarded.
Shouldn't there be a comma between "not to" and "with"?
no it shouldnt
The director/writer/developer is some snarky, anti-SJW.
The game is focused on medieval war in 15th century Czechoslovakia, why do you need sex?
theres also an achievment for having sex you fucking fags.
Not to what?
Get back to me when staying a virgin lets you start NG+ as a wizard.
not to your mom
illiterate shit
>Kingdom Come encourages you not to with an
That doesn't really answer what the game is about or your purpose when playing. I'm just not seeing how a degeneracy score is pertinent to a war game. Is it in the M&B vein?
>through my toon
This is bait
King killed
His brother has free rein with his army
Village slaughtered, you're only survivor
Join up with resistance to restore rightful king
There's the purpose, but where's the gameplay? Having a virgin meter is peculiar for most game styles.
fucking kek, that's a good joke actually.
looks interesting enough. this was from a beta I think.
There's gotta be more to the gameplay than just combat though otherwise the virgin achievement wouldn't be there. I see this game plastered here all the time but this is the first time I've asked about it and I'm shocked at how little info I'm getting, even for a bait thread. Homie needs to spend more time and money on making his game instead of spamming Sup Forums I guess.
Serious question, is there trannies who were virgins before cut their dicks? It sounds horrible
>tranny not committing suicide well before forty years
At least make it slightly believable.
Found the brainlets
I'm 37 and a virgin
What did that article mean by this
>as if dilation was the only thing going against it
>still a chinese vegana
>who the fuck cares
Is it better for one to have been cucked once or twice or to never have had a girlfriend?