>Game 1 is good
>Game 2 is even better
>Game 3 is pure shit
guess the game serie
>Game 1 is good
>Game 2 is even better
>Game 3 is pure shit
guess the game serie
Devil May Cry
dark souls
dead space
Monster Hunter
>Game one is all time legendary
>Game 2 drops the ball generally but excels in so many other ways it's still a masterpiece
>Game 3 is the best in the series but nobody likes to admit it
mass effect
Mass Effect
Metal Gear Solid
Age of Empires
Mass Effect
>Game 1 is pure shit
>Game 2 is a masterpiece
>Game 3 is pure shit
>Game 2 is even better
Resident Evil
suikoden and star ocean series also lunar and grandia series. RIP
good bait here's your (you)
These are correct
Metal Gear Solid
Most new PS2 IPs.
Far Cry
>it's better because waifus
Fuck off. ME2 is a shit Gears clone.
Dark souls
Paper Mario
Admit it underage fags SPM killed the series, you told Nintendo that shitting on Paper Mario was commercially viable and that you love gay doodle lines and shitty platforming over actual party members and PM's signature style of turn-based combat.
Take responsibility for Sticker Star and Color Splash.
Ratchet and Clank
Banjo Kazooie
Assassins Creed. I loved elements of III like the homestead, naval missions, getting to do stuff that mattered as Desmond, and everything about Haytham, but the game was so very underwhelming.
now Ubi won't even remaster it for an "America Collection", instead only remastering Rogue for release later this year. hell, Connor's outfit, despite being pretty good, isn't even featured in most of the AC games that followed it, while Altair, Ezio, and Edward stuff is.
Lost Planet
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War
Sly Cooper
>First game is fantastic
>Second game is underrated
>Third game is best in the series
>Fourth game is meh but not bad
>Fifth game is shit
M&L everyone
Wrong, 2 is the worst.
2 is not as good as 1.
LOL fuck no
3 is the best in the series.
>Good in the first place
All are shit, fuck off eurojank shills
The first Witcher was shit. 2 is the only decent one.
Don't care
Dark Souls unironically
All have aged horribly
3 is the best one so no.
>giving the name in your own post
Make that just Souls instead of Dark Souls and then we'll have a deal
Souls series
This is it.
Star Control
Nah. Everything ME2 does is done better in 1 or 3.
>ME1fags still obsessed with their brain dead 4 gun game where they can never die due to immunity/all the regens, permanently CC the enemy, and miss as many times as they want because you can just hold down the trigger
WOW it's like i was specifically making the post for that game
I would have guessed MGS.
Max Payne
Too easy op
agreed, only underage kiddies think 2 is bad
Saint's Row.
Singular form of "series" is "serial," not "serie."
>game 1 is shit
>game 2 is shit
>game 3 is great
I liked ME1's gunplay, but that's not even the point. ME1 did story better than 2, and ME3 did gameplay better than 2. There's no argument for 2 being objectively the best except for denial.
>game 1 is okay
>game 2 perfects the formula
>game 3 is dogshit
>game 4 is braindead easy, but flashy
>game 5 tries to be game 2, and it mediocre for it
>Game 1 is a cult classic
>Game 2 is even better and heralded as a masterpiece
>Game 3 is the best in the series but returns to cult status
>Game 4 is a weird experiment that fails in many ways but has an idiosyncratic charm
>Game 0 is another weird experiment without any charm
The Witcher
Star Fox
3D Zelda
>Game 1 is shit
>Game 2 is shit
>Game 3 is shit
dark souls
Dark Souls
That would be your favourite game series.
>r&c3 bad
kys kys
Dead space
Paper Mario. SPM was a bucket of shit that's only saving grace was the writing being still consistently funny. It's only gotten worse with every release since and we're never EVER going to get another good PM RPG
Smash bros
Ninja Gaiden.
came here to post this. Saints Row 2 is the GOAT, now and forever.
soul calibur
Marvel vs capcom
Souls series, Starting with Demon.
Hopefully Bayonetta turns out this way.
This and Dead space
Smash Bros
Secret/Legend/Dawn of mana
Agreed,god damn it.
>1st one is legendary
Lost planet 3
Dead space 3
ME3 was only the best in terms of combat, everything else was mediocre, or just straight up bad.
The Sims
Zero Escape
Halo, Dark Souls, etc.
Classic Megaman.
Megaman X too.
3D Zeldas
Literally Halo expect most of the diehard fans still fucking love halo 2/3.
I managed to forgot this and here we are
>ctrl+f doom
>0 results
>game 1 is great
>game 2 is great
>game 3 is great
Soon to be Darksiders
Yes, Halo is what I was thinking of
Dark souls 3 is shit
WW is shit
What is Etrian oddysey?
for me its
>first game is good
>second game is alright
>third game is great
>fourth game is good
>fifth game is alright