>Nintentoddlers BTFO
Nintentoddlers BTFO
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which one of you faggots is greentexting on twitter
this guy apparently
>love letter
>meme arrows and lesbian face
just walk away from this thread
The real reason there will never be a Switch version is because the game is made in UE3 and they don't have the money or energy to make a special Switch version like Rocket League
True. Still won't stop the port begging.
I mean it's kinda weird saying how much this game was inspired by Mario and Nintendo o my to not have it there...
>indie dev is a salty, passive aggressive asshole
What else is new. I wouldn't touch his game if you paid me.
The switch doesn't support UE3?
>worst game ever made
>worst console ever made
Wow it really IS perfect for the Soytch!
you couldn't touch it anyways nintendie
it does, but it's a bitch to get working on it. It does UE4 well
>he thinks Switch owners only own a Switch
We're basically all Switch+PC.
having a toaster for school doesn't make you switch+PC
UE3 doesn't support the Switch. UE4 does
Don't respond to the false flagging sony pony
Psyonix is still quite a small company, they’re just loaded now
As soon as >Shad gets here the party will begin
If that were true, they're wouldn't be so much port begging from switch owners in the first place.
>Tfw playing on the toilet is THIS important to you
The absolute STATE of nintenbabs
Speak for yourself pleb, everyone knows PS4+Switch is the best cheap combo.
>hurr you only can play your Switch portably on the toilet
I do it on the train, at my lunch break at work, and when my gf wants to watch Netflix or Hulu on the big TV.
I can't take my computer with me to places all the time, it's easier to throw my Switch in my bag when I need to take a flight or a Greyhound long distances
Why get a PS4 when a PC is the same thing except better?
>emote between each fucking word
Why does he type like such a fucking faggot.
based smugposter
You're trying too hard.
>lesbian face
is he imitating the nigger clap in text form?
>No physical collection
>No trophies
>No exclusives
>Just pleb multiplats with the worst online community
I still remember Dark Souks 2 on PC.. lordy lord lord oh lord what a shitty online experience, full of hackers and BRs.
No he's just really bad at playing Hugo
>implying you can't buy physical games
>implying you can't activate those same physical games on Steam for your memecheivments
salty nintenbabs
Enjoying MHW? lmao pleb enjoy waiting
>it was all an elaborate ruse to shill their shitty youtube channel
All that stuff during the kickstarter and right after saying "we really want to port it to the Wii U guys but we don't have a publisher" and not releasing it and now they are also avoiding the Switch. I have a PC, Switch and a PS4 and I won't buy it anymore, they don't need and want my support
>clapping emojis
Wow what a faggot.
I think it's funny that the dev keeps interacting with them. Like, bro, you don't have to respond. If it upsets you that people want a port, just ignore them.