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Video Games #4065
Video Games
Wallpaper thread
I have $50 leafbucks to spend on the Switch eshop
Put a 30 FPS lock on a PC """""""""""""""""remaster""""""""""""""""""""""
That fucking booth for Microsoft at this year's E3
All the insiders saying it would be this week
Filename thread, keep it vidya
Buying weeb game on gamestop
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Fallout 4
Xbox One X outsells the PS4 Pro in the US, Xbox One lifetime sales only at 35 million
What's the most vidya meme thing you wear regularly in public? pic related for me
I don't get why people hate her
ITT: DS games that are in need for an HD remake
Pleeeeease come to switch!
Remember "Twitch Play's Pokemon"?
Is this what every non-AAA+ game looks like in 2018?
Notice something?
Does Sup Forums play fighting games?
Just beat this game for the first time and got the bad ending. Feels bad
This got a game banned from NeoGaf
Iritating piece of shit reeeee
Well Sup Forums, what other IP's of SE would you like to see be brought to the Switch?
Why the fuck is this hitbox so good
I just got GAME banned from this shit for 24 hours because i called a ballchasing retard "nigger"
ITT: Fuck you, I like it
We will have the hunters from HL2 in our lifetime
Are you excited for Huniepop 2: More Anime Sluts?
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy
Party up to defeat boss
Is this worth a purchase if I already have a PC? I don’t really play multiplayer games
Vermintide 2
Would you play a game with realistic sword combat
Kingdom Come: Deliverance thread
Character's design gets worse and worse with each new game
Build up a userbase of wojak-posting blunderfags
Politically Correct Masterace
It's been a while. Server imminent
Europa Universalis IV
Is this the greatest role playing game of all time?
Pic totally unrealated lol
You're going to team her up with her brother right Sup Forums?
2004 game made for literal fucking children is harder and requires more skill to beat than a 2015 game made for...
ITT : Promotional art thats making/made you get a game
This is nu-nu-Lara, say something nice about her
Have a steam library full of games that are really fun
Should all “.” OP’s be nuked on sight?
Shadow of the Colossus
Official Waiting for new Switch games thread
What do you consider to be good female designs?
You are now in charge of a new Sonic fighter. What do you do?
You'll buy our game, right user?
Why does he open his mouth when he jumps?
Is Skyrim really that hardcore?
Removing firehopping i wont ask you to defend
RPG game
She killed millions
Will you buy his game?
I cant believe this game with tranny bathrooms and ugly AF™ characters failed
Which games have the best character creators with the most options?
Welcome to Sup Forums - Video Games. How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
Help me choose the next game on my backlog
Suda 51 is doing a Travis Strikes Again stream tommorrow
What does he say again?
So who was he?
What is the End of Evangelion of video games?
Why do you choose female protag when you are a male
Thoughts on the SCP multiplayer game?
Opinions on this man?
Evil Steam is taking 30% from developers, something that totally doesn't happen on consoles
It's up
Any games with unsolved mysteries?
Never got to experience this game in its prime
What game is currently replacing WoW for you?
Risk of Rain
Code Vein
ITT: Literal 0/10 games
Just started this series and I've been enjoying it, though I've heard that it gets pretty inconsistent...
Alright, which one of you was it?
ITT : we design a game, one feature at a time. First reply ending in 0 or 1 gets to decide each time
*z-targets your omnislash*
Yu-gi-oh thread
So this is the power of diversity
I single handedly saved nintendo
We're finally gonna have pixar like graphics this gen!!
ITT edgy characters you actually like
What went wrong?
Look at these WHITE MALES
10 frames per second
Here come dat boi
This triggers the piratefags
Why does japan wants us to become a pedo ?
Who's the most friendzoned girl in video games?
Subnautica thread
What are some games where I can play as a waitress?
New Splinter Cell game incoming
What was his fucking problem?
D-don't come any closer!
Why the fuck is this board so Sony biased...
Be creative
Blows Extra Credits the fuck out week after week
Give me one good reason you aren't playing a dungeon crawler right now
Do u know de way?
Whats the best zombie game ever created and why is it Dying Light?
Atelier lydie & suelle
Just picked this up what am I in for Sup Forums?
Street fighter V
How do you fix space sim games? Let's face it...
Is japan back
What puzzle games require the highest IQ to beat?
This is called a BearTiger say something nice about her
Rate my ananas pizza Sup Forums
Have you ever wished for a game on a different console? Pic related
Direct set for either the 15th or the 22nd. The video is done and ready, date hadn’t been decided on last time I heard
Haha YES! After 40 minutes of chasing the monster back and forth across the whole map...
Is this the best handheld if all time
Levels nobody likes
Explain how are my threads any less videogame related than samus fun thread
What went so wrong?
PC gaming in 2018
Sup Forums BTFO
Who are some feminist characters in videogames?
What are some video games with girls who appear to be pure, but it's a mere act?
Broken character gets unbanned
Call me autistic, but i legitimately can't fathom how some who likes videogames doesn't like nintendo games
Does Sup Forums like tenchu?
Calls out shady practices like on-disc DLC, and day-one DLC
Are you all as excite as I am? I am so pleased to see this finally released. Thank you
Lets have a comfy 3ds thread? NDS is also welcome!
Best Mass Effect boy
What's the appeal of repeatedly slapping a monster with a flaccid slab of metal, ad nauseam, for hundreds of hours?
Just got a new console! THE SWITCH!
SoTC absolute success
How does nu-Tomb Raider shape up against Uncharted?
What are some games that use classical musical scores?
/usa/ general
"You were almost a Jill Sandwich"
Why do japanese want to make us fuck our own daughters
Dragon Ball FighterZ Player Base Already Down 80% After First Two Weeks on Steam
Finally a GOOD VR game!!!
Are there any games
It's a "switch doesn't get a multiplat" episode
I need to play the Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid PS2 games. Is PCSX2 sufficient or should I just get an actual PS2?
Kingdom Hearts 3
What is the most shilled game on Sup Forums?
Explain to a 7 year old how bottle caps work as a currency inside the post-post apocalyptic Fallout universe...
Game causes you to radically change your own ideology
Why aren't they finished yet?
Radiant Historia
Reminder that A Hat in Time devs are pissed about Odyssey overshadowing their game
Let's make a game that is only cathedrals and swamps
Do you like strong video game women?
What I Played / Expected / Got
Post you're fightsticks Sup Forums
ITT: anti soy games
Should I
Post games that take you back to a better time
You did preorder, right?
Looking back, I think we can all agree that Moogy-denka was right about ペルソナ5
Kamiya is getting old
THPS 4 was the best one and if you disagree you're wrong
How did she survive in Novigrad?
*ruins your artstyle*
Best turn-based game for the PC?
Reviews are finally out
Splatoon is such a hit that even McDonald's are fans
Is it sad that in contemplating on buying a prebuilt right now...
ITT: time that devs went too far
The Japs know how to make fem
ITT: Damn good games
I'm leaving this place for good this time
Gentlemen, how do we stop Tetsuya Nomura?
What is your favorite video game from the past 10 years?
Repeat after me
"We are trying to appeal to casual players as well as the veteran fans"
Heh...Shepard, you truly are a weakling
Explain to me why games should have sexualized women in them...
Is speedrunning games and abusing glitches disrespectful to the developers and their vision of the game...
I want to rip it out
Are you coming back Sup Forums?
Will you buy Randys new game?
Make cute fun game
Last time you threw a controller and what game? Be honest
Is this worth it? I have Dark Souls II but I hated it, I enjoy Demon Souls...
How many of you only ordered this game because it doesn't have black people?
Do you support censorship in gaming?
What went wrong?
*crossup blanka ball your path*
Dude nationalism is bad LMAO
It's a ''best girl get sidelined and is wasted potential'' episode
Tactics Ogre
Is it good!!?
Android won
Do you ever play video games while in the bathroom?
How is the Switch online experience...
Finally manage to make some friends outside video games
Fire Emblem Warriors
Name one thing he did wrong (you can't)
What are some games where I can play as a pure, innocent, nature-loving elf maiden?
Pure STR
So does having a history of insensitive tweets from years ago doom you from ever entering the video game dev business...
Ugg just get new rocktendo!
What were they thinking?
*slaps your girl on the ass*
Post only Sup Forums approved youtube channels
Why don't they outright ban those cancer sobstory comments?
What don't you like about Monster Hunter World?
This year, electricity use at Bitcoin mining data centres is likely to exceed that of all Iceland's homes...
Game development
"...but the ability for this game to run on the platform at all is impressive."
Are you faggots ready to suck a log of shit out of lu bu's ass
The music in this game is really bland compared to the originals
Titanfall 2 is actually the best multiplayer shooter this generation and there is no way around that argument
Metal Gear Survive
Here's your controller bro
Can we agree that Sam Fisher should've won?
It's already dead
Female MC is a huge slut
What happend to the Thread? It didnt got deleted
Kingdom Hearts 3
What is your idea for a billion dollar IP?
Easy Mode
Graphics should've stopped "advancing" at the PS2/GameCube era...
Pitch me your dream Fire Emblem game. Tell me what you want, no matter how unrealistic it'd be
Why is she in this game?
Assassins Creed Origins Crack
The sonic storybook series are actually great games, fight me
Describe your favorite game using a food metaphor
You all are buying this to support us so we can make even much more historically accurate games right Sup Forums?
Why is the batmobile so fucking shoehorned into this? It ruined the game
How would you fix this mess?
I live to serve all believers
Since when gaming became a "cool" thing instead of something that was shunned and made fun of for being a nerd/geek...
Civ 6 rise and fall
There's something not quite right about this group photo of game developers but I just cant put my finger on it
"Mario Odyssey just felt too Mario"
Nintendo has decided to make a SNK heroines or xtreme beach volleyball video game with their franchises...
Shadow of the colossus is a hit
What games let me eat sóy?
10 years old
What, in your opinion, are the best Isometric RPGs? I really want to get into one to take the stress away
Would you fuck this fat Italian bitch?
Daily reminder that SMT is jsut a Devilman rip-off. Fuck Atlus
HALO 6 4K 120FPS
Forgotten gems
Potion seller I am going into battle
She killed thousands
4craft thread
"Don't mind me bro, just pirating a slice!"
Remember me?
Why is he such a lovable villain?
What are some good games featuring Americans
GOAT is Skyrim
What do people think of this game and its sequel?
ITT - Vaporware
It's up
I know i am very much late for the party but still, lets have an Underrail thread
What games aged like fine wine at first and then suddenly turned into spoilt milk
From the creators of FTL: Into the Breach is a turn-based strategy game that sees you using robust mechs to defend...
Hey I'm New!
Persona 2
Why is japan trying so hard to make us pedos?
What did you name your computer? Mines called GLadOS
Do you ever play games with your special someone, Sup Forums?
Here's your protagonist bro
Rets start a brizzard
How come The Sims has never had a real competitor?
Explain his plan in 25 words or less
Paid 600$ for this and /r/buildaPC is shitting on me
What action game has the best battle system and why?
Get home
Path is blocked by a super-strong enemy
There is no good mobile ga-
Games where the main villain is on the protagonist's side
GTA thread
X is boring the fuck out of my. These any better?
What’s his problem?
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a bad game
I was wondering...
Made by ex STALKER devs
His model is already finished
Game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she faces to get one in these modern times
What's the purpose of this thread?
Post villains that did nothing wrong
Tifa cannot be asian because of her name
Why switch owners hate monster hunter world?
Newfag in Dark Souls
What's the appeal of watching people play games...
What happens when gaming starts to feel like a waste of time?
Tomorrow is the day
Is there any reasong why i shouldn't sell my ps4 and upgrade my pc? Any upcoming games worth it?
UK sales - Week 6, 2018
Childhood is idolizing Wander
What’s the cancer that you think is ruining games? For me it’s esports
It comes out in 1hr 30mins
Whats your favorite healing item from a videogame? I like herbs
E3 2013
MHW shipped 6 millions
Switch thread
What is this pc game?
ITT games Sup Forums can't discuss
Girl's Frontline
What games let me play as a mexican woman?
The real reason why A Hat in Time is not coming to the Switch
It's over Meleefags. Leffen got utterly humiliated by Sonicfox
So, this is actually heading to the West this Autumn. This is a dungeon crawler RPG from the creators of Disgaea series...
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Gameplay is rapid, responsive and fun
Are you ready to watch this game flop all over again?
Game is bad because developer has a political opinion i disagree with
Yuffie or Selphie?
Can we still talk about this game?
How did they get away with this?
Is VR the future, Sup Forums?
Can we get a Hector thread going?
I've recently given birth so I'm not working
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Are there gaming equivalent of this?
Will he be as good a character as Vaas and Pagan Min?
Forgot I backed this, has it been getting good reviews?
Sell all your vidya and buy gold
Girl joins game
Just joined the Switch Herrenvolk. What am I in for?
For EU and JAP
"Onrry the bestu fighting game prayers can taste my sushi! Test your mightu, gaijin!"
Im burnt out of BDO and WoW
Hello, my name is Hodd, and i just completed Skyrim in a play trough i never did before
Get bitching new PC
Does fanservice bother you when they force it too much?
Puyo Puyo tetris thread?
A Hat In Time not coming to Switch
Is it a crappy knock off for sonyggers who can't play pubg or is it actually good?
Uh oh, looks like the chinks and Japs aren't liking the open world meme for Dynasty warriors 9...
Holy shit the combat is atrocious
Samus fun thread
Who the fuck hype for Kingdom Come: Deliverance here?
Fooled gullible goobergaters into pre-ordering and kickstarting his game
Most played games thread?
Having a PC, PS4 and a Switch is a blessing!
Realistically, could you drive through a horde of zombies with your car intact?
What am i in for?
So what did you guys think? How would you rank it compared to the first Chronicles? Any glaring issues for you?
Games you don't understand the love for
Don't mind us, while you're waiting for E3 if Kingdoms Hearts 3 is actually going to happen this year or nah
This game is pisses me off so much. I just played through the first two...
Post memes you fell for
>Diamond Dogs logo
Post the most horrible video game abominations and monsters you can think of
ITT: 6/10 games
Not building your seabases completely above water
What was the last game you truly felt OVERPOWERED in, Sup Forums?
What is the worse localization you ever played?
$500 for an emulator that would have been considered inaccurate in 1998? Yes please!
What are some good games have the best/largest modding communities?
10 days until Stellaris 2.0 patch
What should I do ?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
I have got one more hour to preorder so I will get cool stuff
Try to play like john woo, shootdodging and bullet timing
Character from fantasy japan
Was it really that bad?
Your pet silently judges you when you play a game badly
Why haven't you been playing Castlevania
It's 4 o'clock in the morning, why in the world are you browsing Sup Forums?
Rift Prime
Unironically joining Sup Forums guilds
Who wins?
Switch has a third-party problem
Do you think Nintendo can come back from the dead? Does anyone actually care anymore
How would you make an erotic game that also has good gameplay?
Even changing her gender is part of her strategy
Katanas exist in Souls games
PS4 is for big boy-
Fuck valve for ruining pc competition and wasting talent
The sad state of Dragonball FighterZ
Did sprint ruin Halo?
Is Thief an example of a perfect video game?
*time stops*
How powerful do computers will be in the year 10 billion AD?
Call me a soyboy one more time!
Is this the new Darkest Dungeon?
Any normal videogame
How do you go from this
Know what I mean?
I hope you're not beating the videogames you own on your computer user
Vidya ost thread
Legend of Mata Nui game leaked
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing Dragon Ball FighterZ right now
Let's try literally everything to save Xbox
Finished XBC2 and feel like starting a new JRPG. Which one?
Anything you would like to see in RDR2?
What a cute little boy
What's the best online FPS atm?
ITT: Characters that reminds you of yourself and why
Iron-sight mechanic ruined the FPS genre
How do i get good at etrian odyssey 4? feel like im grinding a lot
Fuck you Sup Forums for tricking me into getting this Wii U 2.0...
So why don't you play fighting games?
Game has hidden achievements
Tfw no good macross games
ITT: characters that are literally you
Choose one
I too thought this game was a stupid fucking meme game
This game is shit
So what was that voice that Sora hear's at the beginning of the Kingdom Hearts 1?
Game peaks on the first dungeon
How would you opinion this game in 2018?
Sora is cute
What are some games with female protagonists?
What is it about Pikmin 3 that's so much less charming and enjoyable than 1 and 2?
Why does everyone hate this game?
Cute vidya girls>sexy vidya girls
What should i play with these? how should i map the controls...
He fucked millions
What's going wrong for PUBG?
The last 2 franchises you played are getting their own joint spinoff game against all odds!
Female Warriors
Remember what it felt like to go on a journey?
Enjoy Rainbow Six: Siege
Black Final Fantasy VII
Buy MHW to see what all the fuss is about
Is he /ourgay/?
What games feature visible damage on characters?
Mario's a true superstar whereas Sonic's an e-celeb. Prove me wrong
What is the best part of DK64?
Coven coming to Steam
You still use the proprietary bullshit that is known as Microsoft Windows
User get on the mic!
Jak 2 is one of the hardest ps2 games of all time
Places that would make cool levels in games
Perfect tifa designs
Four layouts with a blue X
Does the kingdom hearts plotline really not make sense? Or are we all just too dumb to understand?
Do you play ROBLOX? Did you used to play ROBLOX?
Old Kratos
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Is it safe to say we won't get virtual console on the Switch until the online service comes out?
Smash on switch
Which one?
Let's discuss the game Celeste
Been a long time RE4 thread
Dokkan Battle Thread
What is the most bourgeois thing you have done in a video game?
Which 2011 game had the best story?
ITT: You Hear It You Lose
Gaming hasn't progressed nearly at all in the past 8 years
What are some games that portray angels as really powerful beings?
Did they fug?
It's better than Fallout
91 gigabyte download
UNIST Thread
Games people will look back on 300-500 years from now and still play as the Shakespeare of video games
ITT: games only you played
Will bullshots ever end up being illegal?
Project Diva
Is Final Fantasy 15 any good? Im over a year late, but I was wanting to give it a go when it comes out for PC
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator
What's the verdict on this shit ending to the trilogy?
Why do we even need StarFox anymore when we have this series?
Daily reminder
Resident Evil 2
Older game in an incredibly popular series that aged like milk but is closely tied to the plots of the newer games
What's your opinion of monsters?
Which one is ultimately better?
Do you play games with your significant other Sup Forums?
Does this game have a lot of story?
Silent Hill 2
Hyper Universe
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
He killed millions
Any good recent releases?
ITT: Games that defined your childhood. I'll start
The crash of '83 is going to repeat itself
Where the fuck is it
Precisely what is happening to Sup Forums right now? Also, post your favorite Metroidvania game
Would a DOAXteme-like game be successful with cute characters?
ITT: Objectively shit games
Who is the Tyler the Creator of Video Games?
Name a good game featuring this
I will post this everyday until E3 2018
Game studio makes critically acclaimed and financially successful games
What exactly makes Walter such a memeable character? Like I knew about Walter before I even played IV
Game has a internal timer to complete the game or its game over and you have to start from scratch
Should I buy DragonBallFighterZ on PC or PS4? No meme wars please...
Meanwhile at the Sup Forums mansion
The MvC:I of Fire Emblem games
Game takes place in the city
Antagonist argument is better than yours
Difficulty selection
Prove me wrong
What are your favorite characters to play, Sup Forums?
"Wow it look 12 of you to kill me"
What are some games with smooth sprite animation?
Is it worth it for me to buy an xbone if i already have a ps4?
Build prawn
What went wrong with Destiny 2?
What games let me feel like an actual super soldier?
Everyone is saying this is basically a New Vegas-tier RPG with good combat and a good enough balance to where you can't...
Here's some steam keys because I don't want them...
You guys did preorder /ourgame/ right?
Meanwhile in Hoenn Sup Forums
Why gravity rush games are so underrated?
Pokemon thread. What are you doing with your Pokemon currently?
I'd rather die, lord knows I Saints Row Thread and I love it
What's your genuine feelings for this game Sup Forums?
Klonoa on the front page!
Can eat whatever he wants without getting fat even though all he does is stand in a circle and yell "PERSONA"
What the FUCK is going on bros? PS4 is even outselling Switch in Japan
"This is a good design." - Blizzard, 2017
What did you play today Sup Forums?
I am fucking done being patient with you bunch of neckbearded FAGGOTS
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What The Hell
Party members start arguing with each other
What is your ideal cost per hour ratio?
What's the best video game movie?
Losing your lvl6 Vestal to a fucking fish
Is Sup Forums the musical the best thing that this board ever made?
What are the worst cases where a remastering of a classic game lost its original heart and soul?
Buyfag thread
"Nintendo Switch is the best console"
When you run in to Sup Forums on Xbox
What is Sup Forums's genuine opinion on the Wreck-it Ralph movie?
“Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo GameCube is the greatest competitive video game ever made.”
Sequel is a completely different genre
That one game mechanic that annoys you every time
What makes Uni the sexiest nep?
So uh, it's almost the 13th, is it coming to PC or not? It's not listed on STEAM
Lmao he's fucking ugly. Defend this shit xbronies
How do you feel about this official nintendo character?
Why is this game so hated? It improves upon GTA4 in every way. It is undeniably the best GTA game ever made
Monster attack
I guess she was DrakenNier all along
Anyone like space grand strategy, i want some pointers and discussion
I'm thinking of getting a ps4 tomorrow, what games should I get?
Which type of armor do you prefer?
Code Vein
What's Sup Forums's opinion on griefing?
Game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she goes through to get one in this modern times
Post pic recommend game
Dying Light
“To my knowledge...
Is Dante a douchebag?
Approval -5 at you
Best. Gen. Ever
Ban those ironic weebs posting Dragon's Crown deviantart
Who was in the wrong here
Mario Retardy
How would you react to this?
Subtle vidya clothing thread
The best player in the hardest game on Earth is a girl, deal with it Sup Forums
Thoughts Sup Forums?
Post perfect games
How do we fix modern Sup Forums?
B-But Indies LOVE the switch!
Post your favorite vidya girls
Capcom about to get BTFO'd by a titty fighter
I have a bunch of PS1 games I don't want anymore. What should I do with them?
Nintendo Switch Thread
Choose your player!
Damn Ann looks like THAT!
So what will be the last few Disney worlds?
Kirby Star Allies
Best / most kino cyberpunk-esque games?
What are some games that most players just don't "get"?
This man stands between you and the control point. What do you do?
Why is the megaman 2 considered the best megaman game?
Call of Duty General
Tfw bought s soytendo switch just for pic related
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Is this the only thing Dark Souls 2 did right?
Now that the dust has settled, what did you think about Horizon Zero Dawn? Was it what you hoped it would be?
What was the best Lion King video game?
Sup Forumsidya Draw thread
Dva would be a better character if she was Japanese. But they just had to pander to Koreans
Does the Super Mario Universe unironically have the deepest lore for a Nintendo game?
The time is nigh, is your rig ready?
It was a dream all along
When was the last time you bought a game at the store that you didn't know anything about...
There's no such thing as a perfect exp-
TESVI Technical Limitations
Is this the greatest box art of all time?
Lets settle this once and for all
10, 10 you can go again
LGBT character in western game
Objective: ?????
I just finished pic related, what the fuck?
Is this the best RPG of all time?
Nintentoddlers BTFO
This is my favorite video game
New thread for wizard hats and mana tanks, all vidya related, of course
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...