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Why did he take so may pictures?
That mouth looks like a horror game enemy.
That’s gonna hurt your fucking jaw you animal
My jaw hurts just looking at it
What's his world record for?
this has to be ironic
biggest soyboy
seek help
I think the 2D version is no longer necessary.
This man somehow did beat it in mouth opening size, getting quite freaking close to a "the stuff" scene.
I swear the quality of Sup Forums memes dips so much it's not funny. Just when you think you've seen the shittest meme, they just keep coming
I'd take that shitty anal vore wojack or cuckposting over this soy shit
What a generation of pussies.
are you serious right now? you can't tell this is edited?
hint: notice the ketchup bottle right next to him
Why is this a thing in nu-males?
Back when men where gentlemen we took photos of ourselves dressed and groomed well with a stoic expression.
>doom 3 predicted this
top kek
brush your teeth nerd
This. Where has the fashion and sensibility of the common man gone? I wear my fedora and suit out every day in an attempt to bring classy back but all I ever see are sluts with torn jeans and their minority boyfriends with a t-shirt three sizes too big for them.
I miss when men used to be men...we got fucked being born in the wrong generation.
Lawbreakers switch would actually do well
It's a shoop.
5.51 in Dragster
I’m tired of seeing this shit. The idea of grown men not being able to keep their dick in their pants for a console makes me fucking embarrassed to own a switch.
Why did OP edit those pictures?
>I-I'm totally not like them guys I swear!
Yeah nah, if you have a switch in the first place you're exactly just like them.
how the fuck can people open their mouths that wide, let alone show all their teeth while smiling????
Are you a fucking idiot? Have you never had a birthday party and opened presents at a restaurant before? Kill yourself. No seriously, just... ugh.
It started on /biz/ you retarded idiot.
Probably widest jaw opening.
It’s pretty obvious the Switch is shopped in.
Supposed to be ironic, but it's true.
This is the male equivelant of that dumbass duck face stupid as women were doing a few years ago.
How? I honestly want to know how simply owning the same video game console makes me comparable to literal man babies.
And rage comics started on Sup Forums. What's your point?
Look closer, you fucking idiot.
I think he is doing it ironically.
>see this in related videos
my dick
Starting and adopted by are two different things.
>Not putting ketchup on your Nintendo Switch(TM)
>Tim Follin is a soyboy
>look mom i posted this again XD I'm funny, right?