What are some video games with girls who appear to be pure, but it's a mere act?

What are some video games with girls who appear to be pure, but it's a mere act?

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

Just a life pro trip, all women are whores.
If you see a girl who you think is innocent and pure,
then she's probably an even bigger whore.

t. incel

Fuck that bitch.

>tfw you know there are people who really believe this

Other guy here. All women are sluts for the right man.

t. Armando

Yeah... after a while you just learn to accept nature.

Basically this is why 2d is superior, at least with 2d you can believe that female nature isn't basically scum.

Exactly. 2D makes things possible that aren't in 3D, both anatomical flawlessness and psychological perfection..

Trails in the Sky.

Man her story... when I understood that her friends were other personalities she created to protect herself from the fact that she was being abused I felt fucking bad.


Sad but true. Confirmed it myself a couple times.
>How can I get married now?
desu the thing that hurts the most.

>tfw all of this advice is completely useless to you because micropenis

>tfw will never have a loving wife who will support me and be supported by me, who will cook breakfast and see me out with a kiss and will never betray me
>tfw will never have a son who will learn manly things from you and grow up to have a family of his own
>tfw will never have a loving daughter who will be happy and give you lots of grandchildren

the dream is dead, all that is left is to play video-games and fap to 2d girls.

We are broken men, you and I.

Literally escapism is all that's left.

How is Ohana not pure? She loves only one boy throughout the whole show.

>redpill fedoratard writes a blog post about how he fucked 200 women
>"wow this is believable, he must be on to something!"

What? Did I miss something about Ohana?

Came here to post it.

Yup. I'm just gonna live alone with my 2 cats for the rest of my life.

What are some boards with threads who appear to be video games, but it's a mere act?


Make a better thread. No, seriously, make one. About your favourite game, or about something you've been having a blast on, whatever. You are the cure nigga, but posting your frustrations in this thread isn't helping.

Yes, he was exaggerating in /r9k/ but what he says is true, women are driven by emotion and do cheat more than men according to statistics.
I think it's like 8%.

who is this cute?


When it was airing, everyone called MC a slut because she had a boyfriend.

And she was posing naked to an older man or something like that.

hay guyz, wuts goin on in this thred

he's right though, have you ever met woman in real life? if you try to apply these things it works 100% of the time.

being a good human being don't though.


oh nice a gun
could you please shoot my head off?

It's an awful looking gun you dip.

looks like the halo magnum

body shots only

Why would you shoot someone who's about to give you a medal?

Oh boy do I have the game for you. It's called Yandere Simulator (but they're changing the name to LoveSick). Don't be put off by the silly title, it's serious game about serious issues. The game isn't out yet, but there's a fun sandbox demo packed full of easter eggs you can enjoy in the meantime.


>He doesn't know Sunrider

The Solar Alliance is literally UK + Israel. In space. She wasn't letting any of that jewgold get on her.


>Make it YOUR fault.
This conflicts with advice from other men, where you NEVER admit fault even if it is your fault, because then she'll hold it against you and bring it up again for the rest of your life. Of course this guy is a player and not talking about long term relationships.
>Don't get her horny until you get her isolated. Believe me, emotional is better than horny.
Someone explain to me what this means.

Don't do anything sexually suggestive in public.

>Someone explain to me what this means
Getting her to open up and feel comfortable with you before making her want you to satisfy her earthly desires.

basically if she's in public she'll act all prude, when you isolate her she'll act like the whore she is.

but muh six million

not enough