Best advice on how to stream/youtube and gain a huge following gets a copy of Witcher 3: GOTY. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
lol nobody cares and your ambitions are stupid
Don't be gay oops too late haha
>great art
>every single fucking pic has sameface
>when she tells you she wants to hug you and that she legit fucking cares about you
>her warm body against yours
>feeling her breasts against your chest
>her arms around you
>her breath against your ear and neck as she whispers "do you want a handjob?"
lol i cant run witcher 3 even though ive played one and 2 cause im a poorfag, but the easiest way to get a huge following is go on the dark web( they might even have it somewhere easier to find desu) and find somewhere that will put bots on your stream who intermittently say random shit so you get past the cunts who have less then 50 views on twitch. once youve done that and your higher up the list more and more people will see your content and then you can swap the bots out for irl people. also dont be a faggot and people will keep watching
The thing you have to know is how people work, supply and demand. Find your niche, something no one else offers, or there's very little of, and use that. Just be constant and good enough to keep people hooked at it. Thing is, YouTube's monetization scheme is going to make it hard to avoid overdosing people, you might want to get into a couple of niche, or something.
My God, people, the stool... I managed to get it out.
In the end no suppositories, no nothing, it just said "final stand, you get me out of your ass now" and I got it out.
Be a girl and tease your ass for the camera so your orbiters provide you with a decent fandom
If you're a girl you might as well showcase your boobs, makes for a more automatic and non intrusive method.
There's also silly shit like having donations and having the biggest donator be referred to on screen as Biggest D/Top D. It works.
so nba players and rappers donate?
i dont understand
dont 1up my advice you fuck, dat witcher 3 is mine
if youre a girl do this if not, then it is literally impossible to gain a sizeable following on youtube nowadays with video games as your shtick, unless you have connections with big name youtubers
I'm simply adding to it. You can have it.
Although it would be nice to relieve the pain of my asshurt
But i already played Witcher 3
Install OBS, it's really easy to set up and connect to practically anything. You can get your usual streamer setup of game, overlay and facecam with just the base settings and some minor tweaks.
There must be something you can do as a male. Maybe there's an untapped market of faggots into bara or something
imitate good streamers and plug yourself constantly. (can I get the dlc only?)
sent :)
Do let's plays of visual novels like Umineko
The fanbase is autistic enough to give you thousands of views if the videos are decent enough
Make a short(7 sec) video with reddit tier humor and post it to /r/videos and /r/youtubehaiku. It will get to the frontpage in no time and get you many views.
thanks man. OP if youre a dude then you should make clickbait videos for ignorant kids, such as "SCORPION CONFIRMED IN INJUSTICE 2?! DETAILS", follow what channels such as Star Wars HQ and MrBossFTW have been doing
Stalk Pewdiepie, find out what he likes and dislikes, what makes him tick, and then inconspicuously enter his life and become his best friend, at which point you can try to have him plug you in.
Have a good voice. Take lessons if you have to. Something soothing, yet distinctive. Dunkey's a great example, so is Pat from TBFP. A lot of the time nerves make you sound high pitched, relax and speak in a lower register. Use colloquialisms that are specific to where you live. If you have an accent, play it up, but speak a bit slowly so you can be clearly understood.
Make ASMR. If you have a good voice it's rather pleasant.
Be a woman/passable trap. Show them titties.
>be a trap
>show titties
Idk about that.
be fucking obnoxious, confusing thumbnail and yell alot and try to pander to the youngest and most annoying fan possible and you are good to go
He wants a huge following, that's one of the few easy ways to do it.