*slaps your girl on the ass*
*slaps your girl on the ass*
el americano...
This is starting to get a bit out of control.
Dios mio...
It is a good pain.
*sticks a floater on you*
Turn on a desk fan and watch you blow away.
This character is too much of a pussy to do or say any of that
But he’s Asian of some sort
It's their attempt to make a racially ambiguous character that appealed to everyone. It didn't work.
le 56% face
el atrocidad...
how do you know
I guess it's much easier to draw the character than to render it.
"nigger half breeds look fucking disgusting. And that's a good thing?
why do the men have no ass
>be western dev
>intentionally make your characters ugly
The more you post it the faster it dies. Please keep it up.
t. la luz extinguador
>reports him to his employer for breaking the NAP
>has to pay another credit fine minig fish turds in a vulcano
Is this the "soy boy" of 2018?
La Atrocidad maldita que en Crestholm dormita..
No it's the amerifat of 2018 you dumb mutt
everyone point and laugh at the dumb ameritard
So yes? Ok got it.
It's calling out for me now... I don't know how much longer I can hide. It caught my scent on the wind an hour ago and followed me home... The Mexicans warned me about going beyond the Old Wall...
>You... you aren't white... I'm white..
I can hear it shuffling around in the dirt outside the basement, it's been drawing closer now... the smell of faecal matter is overpowering. I cover my hands with my mouth and go dead still. Fear is beginning to overcome me.. I'm so fucking scared...
>Ahmeeddd... Ahmeeddd, here Soros shill...
It spots me. I bolt up and try to make a run for the door to the basement - but the thing moves too fast. The darkness is illuminated by searing red streaks that burn malevolently from it's eyes. It lets out a deafening shart, the sound is pierces my ears like stilettos. I am sprayed with red hot and sticky burgershit. Stunned, I try to regain my bearings...
Suddenly, it is atop me, I'm screaming and thrashing against it but it is just too strong. It grasps my head with both of its jet black, clawed hands. Oh god, the smell....
It's mouth contorts and opens wider than I thought possible, my screams are pulled out of me... I can feel and see my white genetics being pulled from my body. The pain is unbearable. My heritage and chromosomes are irreversibly corrupted... my lips are beginning to thicken... my hair begins to fall out. It is taking everything that means to be me out of my mortal form.
This is the end. My worst fears are realised, pressure begins to build in my bowels as the last of my European phenotype is taken from me... the pain is almost unbearable. I try to block the pain out but it overcomes me.
I am sharting now too. I will never be the same again. As my underwear and trousers fill with my last meal.
I have become El Goblino too.
Pray for me.
Dios mio...el stupido americano
>we could have a chocolate qt
>instead we get la creatura
life isn't fair
Jesus fuck
>spanish is a meme now
>can't shoot him because subnautica has noguns
dios mio...
5 bucks says 90% of people creatura posting are white males
that's the fucking point you stupid american
Why does he have a pinhead?
t. la abominación de el americas
diversity means ugly characters as much as it means not-white-male.
I wonder how many people in this thread are british?
Oh bugger, we've been right snoggered now chaps
Who ya calling pinhead
That's the whole point.
Girl doxxes him on twitter and reports him to his employer for being problematic
he deep dives near reaper leviathans, i don't think he'd be that scared of you
Holy fuck boys, im literally lmaoing so hard right now, post more spanish memes asap
>tfw no East African gf
Fucking creatura WHY
Honestly his face doesn't look that bad, just a bit cartoonish. His hair is so fucking retarded though that it makes me angry looking at it. If he had normal hair he would be kinda cute.
He looks like a faggier version of me.
I hate that we're still in the fuccboi haircut era. When will it pass, so we can go back to looking like normal attractive people?
el piel oscura...
la americANO abhorrentia...
I, unlike you, own a gun for self defense
Regrettably women are no longer property so you have no grounds to shoot him. The girl in question, on the other hand, can scream "RAPE!" and splatter his mutt brains all over the Panera Bread.
>instead of a pretty african girl, we get an amerimutt
Why the fuck would you do that, even from a diversity perspective? Surely BLACK beats mixed
I just came in this thread to say y'all are fucking retarded, saged, reported, called hiroshimoot
Stop lying, you meme spouting fucks. If she were black, you would be shouting WE WUZ, and making 100 threads about black women protagonist taking over gaming.
Only if she's ugly. If she's cute then I'd be fapping.
Does Sup Forums get triggered everytime there's a non-white protagonist in any game now? Can they really not for one moment settle into another character than what your own race is? No better than the retards who can't play a game if it doesn't have women or minorities.
>no choco goddess
Can I at least mod the mutt?
Bro if she looked like that I would happily call her my (K)ueen
los creaturos
This is the future /r/the_donald choose for us.
It's more that they are fucking ugly than they are non-white. Just look at this both of the female designs are much better than the la creatura we got instead
Brazilian mulatto here and avid creatura poster.
>let's make our character as ugly as possible
Why do western devs do this?
La puridad no mas....
I lover Maserati, but don't even compare her to the other girl. They look nothing alike. It's kind of racist that you're just blanket associating blacks together without discrimination. Can your dick not see the difference?
I can understand being upset at having to play an ugly character, but fucking Hell we've known the design for years now and only now has this become an issue.
Even attractive non-whites get shit.
construir la pared.......