why the fuck is this hitbox so good
Why the fuck is this hitbox so good
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Lol dude you know the company that made that game is really shit with their balancing.
A lot of people, even people like sonicfox, say Adult is good but I don't know anyone who actually plays him to capacity.
>Not talking about his standing low kick and unblockable Vegeta assist mixup
to be fair it's one of the slower lights in the game
>tfw always liked Mystic Gohan
Some shitty casuals raged at me for having him on anchor. The truth is they suck.
They don't try to control the battle.
They stick to one tactics (either rushing at enemy or doing nothing but blocking).
They rarely use assists.
They switch characters over and over.
They throw lvl3 hypers randomly.
It's actually funny, I haven't learned any strong combos yet so I was expecting to lose a lot.
You're like a little baby, check this
>standing low kick
I think thatt it's not exclusive to Gohan only
>unblockable Vegeta assist mixup
Wow this game is shit
It's not really an unblockable, my bad. But just drag your opponent to any edge of the screen, call Vegeta assist. He hits high, so just pressure with your standing low. Not easy to block
What's the blue box?
Someone explain what the problem here is, I don't really get hitbox stuff. I'm assuming that you want his attack hitbox to be limited to just the confines of his arm? That seems like it'd go over the heads of smaller characters like Krillian then, maybe?
The box used for positioning and collision against the other character sprite. They can't pass over/through one another.
Neat. Thanks.
green shit = where he can get hit
red shit = where he can hit
meaning he can punch you but it's hard to punch him back
...Is that a problem? In a game with tons of projectiles, I think its fine if melee attacks have longer than average ranges that makes it hard to cross counter or whatever. Just spit out a ki blast.
Post Goku Black's.
the "problem" is that most characters' equivalent move has much bigger hurtboxes meaning at a certain range a.gohan will often win in scramble situations
look at black's for example, the green box is actually slightly bigger than the red one
Kek come to Smash Bros sometimes lads
Huh, that IS weird. You'd think they'd be more consistent, although I could understand Trunk's sword having a red box extend past the green one or something like that.
What's wrong with Hungrybox?
Black is still a good character.
Characters should be different and have different areas that they excel in.
We're talking about fightan games here user not party games I'm sure the hitboxes in Super Mario Party 5 are cuhrayzee but keep it in your own thread champ. ;)
stuff like this adds variety, it's not an issue in my opinion
a.gohan _is_ pretty busted right now but that's unrelated
a lot of stuff doesn't really make sense, yamcha's jH is more disjointed than trunks' even though he uses a sword
it's all about gameplay and balance
black is okay, people seem to think he's too good but i disagree
he's pretty mediocre on his own, his assist makes him a very good pick of course, but he's quite standard otherwise
speaking of that, his buttons are quite mediocre, people look at 2H and xdd black 2 good meme but having a big disjointed hitbox doesn't even matter most of the time since you're invincible vs anything in the air anyway
Different hitboxes help make characters more unique.
It's fine to have one or two buttons that are better than the average equivalent, problems only start when a character's every other normal has bullshit boxes.
Here's what I really want to know about Black. Why does he have a British accent? Is it purely because he's evil, and British is the most evil accent in the world?
Close. He's a god and British people have the most evil upper class accent in the world.
the dumbest part is that he doesn't have it when he's not rosé
that voice is honestly what made me pick the jp voices over the english ones
Every assist in the game is a mid though.
You're right, damn my bad
because it's slow and he can't use 5L to check stuff on defense since the first hit is a low
Isn't it literally because his VA has some retarded headcanon about the fusion? I remember reading about it in some thread a while back, but I don't know if it was legit or not.
>his voice is different when he's in base form
That's fucking retarded.
Jesus christ, Mike. It's just a hitbox.
Fucking Skull Girls hitboxes are so bad. They look good on paper and they look good to people who usually complain about "Unrealistic" or "Inaccurate" hitboxes but there's so many bloody problems with them. I don't know how many they've fixed but I remember so much annoying shit with them.
>Hit Misfortune
>Her head moves backwards during her standing hitstun animation
>Can't hit with any attacks around the head area because her hurtbox is leaning back and therefore it misses
SG hitboxes really are next level autism. Mikey must have been really salty over inaccuracies.
it's 7f like 90% of 2Ls you twat
>he can't use 5L to check stuff on defense since the first hit is a low
how does hitting low have anything to do with that
he can't use it on defense because the range is really bad
and thank christ it is because it's the fastest move in the game at 5f (every other jab is 6f)
if it had decent range he'd be able to punish a lot of unsafe stuff since a lot of moves are exactly -5
actually in sg hurtboxes don't change specifically only during hitstun to make combos consistent
i don't know if that wasn't the case on release but it's been like that for a long time
i wouldn't be surprised honestly, vanilla skullgirls was such garbage
Hurtboxes definitely changed during hitstun back when I played. I had to change my combos specifically for some characters like Miss Fortune. I played Cerebella and your standing MP would whiff on Miss Fortune if she was in hitstun unless if you were point blank.
He doesn't do that in the anime, so at least someone told him it was fucking dumb. To bad he did it here though. They didn't make the JP actress try to imitate Zamasu or anything.
Everything about Black got lamer when they dubbed him and it fucks me up because I've been so excited for the dub for so long cause Sean is Goku for me since I'm a toonami faulconerbabby. So hearing him do the evil Goku voice the whole time in the most menacing way imaginable was a wet dream. The dub comes to Xenoverse 2 and it's everything I wanted. 10/10. Then the dub comes to Fighter Z and the show and he has that atrocious accent and is pronouncing Rose like that fucking brand of alcohol or like Rick Ross and it just makes me furious. It's all so gay now.
wait until he turns rosé
yeah i was very disappointed to, i unironically like edgy goku a lot
though, how did you expect him to pronounce it, that's how you say it
kek try fighting snake. You'll get uptilted into oblivion.
Why are fighting games still using hitboxes?
Why don't they just tie damage to the models themselves?
How is having good hitboxes a bad thing?
Rose. Like the word Rose user. Because calling it Rosé is pretentious. Or maybe Rosé would've been fine if it weren't for how extra faggy it sounds in the accent. Honestly as excited as I was for Fighter Z hearing that gay-ass shit he says about Rosé being perfect for it when you select him was the beginning of the decline of my opinion of him.
Because that would lead to inconsistencies. Balance trumps realism because no one cares about realism.
>game is heavily focused on rushdown with most attacks being either neutral or plus on block and pushblocking is a guessing mechanic that can be baited and punished
>top tier characters have horrible normals with huge disjoints that give them unique options the rest of the cast does not have
>literally two good assists
>you can DHC off Ginyu's charged super into a level 3 for a single bar for no reason
Patch when? I'm fucking sick of every game being block for 20 seconds versus Black, Gohan, Cell and Vegeta and watch Black mash his retarded and safe normals for free.
the french way
Oh shit I've always wanted a game to do this
Is it as good as it looks
Characters would simultaneously be less diverse and less balanced if all hitboxes were 1:1 with the models.
If the goal is to be as accurate to the sprite as possible, then yes they're good. But if your goal is to have hitboxes that translate well to game play then Skull Girls has bad hitboxes.
Why would anyone do that?
Even if you wanted to make it sprite perfect, there are other more optimal ways to do that.
No it makes the game terribly inconsistent. Large simple hitboxes that don't change much is much better.
You are like a little baby
Skullgirls is one of the best modern western fighters, although I realise there's not a lot of competition except for like... Mortal Kombat I guess, and Killer Instinct.
>Skullgirls is one of the best modern western fighters
t. 09'er
Because then whenever you need to adjust a hitbox you have to redo a whole animation
Tweaking hitboxes is a huge part of balancing a game, not just in "this move is too good, nerf it's hitbox a bit" but also making things combo like they should or allowing you to do animations that look cool but still function despite not having explicit frames where they make useful hitboxes.
Why the fuck are Beerus' projectiles so fucking worthless? They lose to everything, he can rarely ever throw them out, and if you're useing them to pressure you may as well play literally any other character, or 18 and Ginyu for the same thing but better.
No, Skull Girls is the exact kind of game that looks good on paper and has a lot of designs that sound great but end up playing poorly.
that's a horrible idea, gameplay is much more important than it being immediately intuitive
it would lead to a lot of stuff whiffing and would be very frustrating
but it's a french word, it's already a foreign word in the japanese version why would you change it in the english dub
is that not how you say it? except for the pronunciation of the "r" of course
>with most attacks being either neutral or plus on block
all ground normals are minus except 6M which is even
what are you on about
I dont know a single person who actively plays skull girls. I know people who play weeb fighters more active.
It looks good but it plays bad.
There's a reason why Skull Girl's fanbase is almost entirely consisted of secondaries that don't actually play the game. Just check the amount of game time for SG on Steam and compare it to any other well known fighting game. The average game time is like 5 times shorter compared to other games.
>Why don't they just tie damage to the models themselves?
MK9 tried doing this and it lead to bad shit. It may sound intuitive but it's really not.
>Hits left hand
>left hand
it's a good game, played it for a long time
the netcode is great (ggpo) meaning you can actually play online without wanting to kill yourself
i dropped it because the game is very reset focused and i got very tired of it and the meta became a fucking shit show of horribly unfun characters to play against
still i think it's a pretty good game which gets most things right
>Patch when? I'm fucking sick of every game being block for 20 seconds versus Black, Gohan, Cell and Vegeta and watch Black mash his retarded and safe normals for free.
Those are not true blockstrings. Reflect will end them and then you can punish the opponent who is probably still pressing buttons.
All of Black's normals are safe except jH. He can literally throw out crH and be safe at any distance if you block it, and it beats every other move because of its huge disjoint. His air dash and shoot attack is PLUS on block on the ground and beats most everything in its path. Every normal string can be ended on a safe attack, like Cell's qcfL, Black's crH, Ginyu's qcfL into S, etc.
>Tfw that hitbox had a child named "Bayo F-tilt 3"
safe is not the same as plus, we've been over this Sup Forums
so i herd u liek untechable wallbounces
How would it affect a fighting game if the hit box's were just the outlines of the sprites/models?
Left Hand != Hand on the Left
What game is this
Girl looks cute
so your complaining that characters actually try to avoid hits? Seems perfectly reasonable. I'd like for invincibility frames to go too but that seems difficult.
>Every normal string can be ended on a safe attack, like Cell's qcfL, Black's crH, Ginyu's qcfL into S, etc.
Reflect, nigga. 4S.
If you do it right (literally just mash during the right intervals in a blockstring) you'll push them back before the special comes out and they are definitely not safe on whiff.
every character's 6p have no upper body hitbox in that game
Why don't they make it like that in the first place?
Except that only works when you have an opening, and the opponent can bait it and kill you. Against anyone good you have to guess when to do it and guess right. It's a terrible idea in this game, it would be better off with parrying.
nvm both don't have hitbawkses
persona 4 arena
Anyone got that pic with a guy in a suit and the various hitbox patterns from different fighting games?
>Can't hit with any attacks around the head area because her hurtbox is leaning back and therefore it misses
This your first fighting game?
that's "rose", "rosé" is a different word, do you not know what accents do?
safe =/= plus
jH is PLUS since it's a jumping button, 2H is like -20 (very punishable), and his dashing forward move is minus on the L version and punishable on the M version
my god how can you fit so much misinformation in one fucking post
For starters, it'll feel really inconsistent because of where you'll have to hit. Then depending on the engine, its shitty performance would be the likes of which you've never seen.
>Except that only works when you have an opening
What part of not true blockstring don't you understand
Vanish is plus and is the most used button in the game.
forgot the pic
What part of "IT'S A GUESS" don't you? Have you even played a non-masher or watched a high level tourney? The whole fucking metagame is about blocking for 20 seconds and guessing when it's time to reflect.
>Except that only works when you have an opening, and the opponent can bait it and kill you.
In theory, but nobody is baiting reflects right now because nobody is DOING reflects right now. they just sit in pressure for 20 seconds and get opened up because they don't realize their defense options are more than just reversal DP and Z-change.
>Because calling it Rosé is pretentious
zamasu is pretentious
it's rose like the wine because starting with super all the gods are named after alcohol
>hitbox discussion
>No blazblue
>Some retard at Arcsys thought this was okay
>Mitsuru by herself pretty much killed off the casual P4A fanbase with DP spam