TESVI Technical Limitations

In an interview last year, Todd stated the technology doesn't yet exist for what they want to do. What limitation do you think he was referring to?

The limitation is the truth.

I was hoping for actual discussion. Like maybe a more intricate fighting system or the multiple khajiit races. Knowing Todd he just wants VR to get better first so we can all have the awful nauseating experience of "being" the character.

And I was hoping to not spend my sunday evening shitposting on Sup Forums but here we are. Hope in one hand and shit in the other, see what piles up first.

There is literally nothing that they can't do with the current technology in a tes game. Todd is a lier worse thany Mollyneux.

Better engines have been around for over a decade, I don't know what Todd is talking about.

He's talking about the limitations of the diversity hires.

One thing they have discussed is they want the NPCs to have greater reactivity to the PC.
They want each NPC to be able to react the way DJs on the radio do.
ie Different responses for different situations.
Each NPC would have likes and dislikes and react accordingly.
They want to stop the repetitive and canned responses such as "Have you ever been..."

So programing that in may be it.

Oh and linking the Bethesda.net games with the Bethesda games.
ie Linking Fallout Shelter with Fallout.The games would be designed to work hand in hand and this example is to just give an idea.

It's probably something way more ordinary than anything we'll think of, technology is a term often used to describe mundane things in games, the next TESO will likely be just as boring in roleplay and gameplay as Oblivion and Skyrim, expeculating is fine but curb your expectations nothing revolutionary will ever come out of Bethesda as developers, personally i wish for it to be something about the combat, but like i said it's probably wishful thinking

Competent developers

making his lies reality

There's a theory that they want to make a functional moving city tree

Open cities

Sorry, I am not from India.

Maybe they should make a good game first before trying to do the hard stuff

Probably said that to hype the game up.

If they were limited by technology then they'd stop using an archaic engine from 2000.
Todd is full of shit, what else is new.


It already stopped moving so it is not needed.

Kek, I can't believe how much they have gone backward since Morrowind.

Even if this were true (It's probably not because Bethesda are lazy as fuck and will always go the easiest way) this doesn't seem like it would be all that hard to do. Maybe animating a giant city that's constantly moving even when you're in it would be difficult, but knowing Bethesda they would go the easy path of "tree randomly teleports to different points in the map but only when you're not near it"

>I was hoping for actual discussion
Then you should not make a single obfuscating comment made by the paragon of flim-flammery the issue.
Todd howard is like peter molyneux, except highly punchable and without any worthwhile games under his belt.


I dont even think it would be worth it. I would honestly be find with just still tree cities even if it doesn't fit the lore. The cool part is that you're in a city and homes made of trees, not that they move. I mean that WOULD be really cool but for me it wouldn't be essential to enjoying it.

This isn't a limitation of technology so much as time and patience. There's no reason you couldn't have each and every npc have 400 triggers for different circumstances but it would just take way too long for anyone to consider it worth doing.

actual mass combat?

It doesn't yet exist (on consoles)


bethesda isn't capable because the people that make their games are fucking idiots

I don't think he was referring to anything.
I think he was pulling shit out of his ass, because that's what he always does.

don´t devs say that everytime when talking about the "next big game"
if I was still as naive as I used to be I would have guessed leading huge armies and fighting massive battles featuring hundreds of character at once, cities that actually have hundreds of characters in it at once and the ability to build a giant city all by yourself and run it like a king

>I was hoping for actual discussion
That is the actual discussion.
Todd Howard fucking lies and he was probably lying about whatever the fuck they asked him about.

>moving objects in gamebryo
no no no no. thank god they canned that

The fact that you can do stuff like ladders, moving cities, and cars in free engines like Unity ,but not Gamebryo just shows you how bad it is.

But user, Fallout 4 has moving objects.

Maybe they want to finally move to a new engine for TES VI and that's the technology he means. I hear they're working on some new IP right now and TES VI isn't currently in production at all. Maybe they're using that as the testing ground for a new engine.

We don't have the technology to lie to the grand scale of which he wants.

There's nothing to talk about, TESVI will be even more simplified than Skyrim, the Overwatch of "RPGs", gotta pander to the brainless normalfag masses.

Its a reference to VR, and how controls are used in a VR environment. Currently, motion controls dominate a lot of VR games, but motion controls are a huge step back in terms of precision.


Yeah what a perfect game that is

I think it's something gameplay related that they want to do. My guess is something related to destructibility and construction mechanics. I think that stuff in Fallout 4 was a trial run.

whats wrong with this exactly? would you prefer the player character is killed in this scenario?

what makes you think bethesda are lazy?

>Worse than Stefan

Not an argument. Besides he isn't even a game designer.

absolutely retarded and possibly underage. not even gonna spoonfeed you. figure it out

He was referring to consoles you idiots

They can't do a PC-exclusive TES game, and console tech has pretty much completely stagnated. PS3 and PS4 are basically the same console but PS4 has slightly better textures and a higher resolution. Until consoles catch up, they can't really do much more than Fallout 4 did or they risk alienating the casual market.

skilled writers and devs

Fallout 4 unironically looks worse than vanilla Skyrim. You could at least fix Skyrim's graphics, even modded Fallout 4 looks like shit.

No, the technology is there, Bethesda is just absolute garbage at making games, that's their limitation.

Read the subtitles dummy

Are you serious?

That's not the molymeme he was talking about, retard.

elaborate for me

A seamless transition from Interior of buildings to the outside open world, perhaps no loading screens

>Door's still sealed, trick now is finding a way in
>As she is saying that the door is opening because of shitty Bethesda code that left it unlocked so I just pressed E and it opened
>Giant quest dedicated to unlocking that stupid fucking door
>I circumvent the whole quest because of typical Bethesda bugs.

All of Fallout 4's and TES physics errors are because Bethesda has shit coders. Catherine and several other games use Gamebryo

No games have achieved this before and ever will. It's simply impossible, especially in Gamebryo as we all know no modders have ever achieved such a feat either.

A lot of games don't do it because of console limitations but it is possible

You should touch ground before asking the impossible.

yeesh, chill out. I'm just shitposting


the ability to implement fully functioning mountain climbing gear

the dialog is what makes it especially stupid

I know I was being sarcastic because modders have been doing it for Bethesda since fucking Oblivion.

The limitation of their shitty programmers. Bethesda is so bad they make Game Freak look competent. Personal computers aren't powerful enough to compensate for Bethesda's apocalyptic optimization.

I more mean not as noticeable loading times, and not that its what bethesda's waiting for just something i'd like to see

My bad dude some people actually think so it's hard to tell

>literally every reply told you to fuck off

why haven't the mods deleted this thread to make room for more console war shitposting

BoTW and Witcher 3 did it. And BotW is on much shittier hardware than an Xbone or PS4.

He probably meant next generation of consoles. They probably want to know what specs will look like so they wouldn't build their game entirely around past gen

Why don't more games do it the way The Witcher 3 does it. I'd rather have a short FPS drop as I enter a building and everything renders than a fucking 2 minute loading screen.

Could be something with optimizing thousands of scripts running each second. There were some traces of them having issues with that in Skyrim, such as simplifying clothing and such.

Honestly it's probably just a gimmick, VR thing like other anons said. Elder Scrolls games are not very deep, usually revolving around walking around and killing everything that moves outside of town.

Came here to say this

their are methods for a game to load in the background and be seamless to the player. If it were possible for a game the scale of Skyrim or FO4 I'm sure they would have done it, that's what I hope their waiting for

I don’t know
That lady from Fallout 4 was supposed to have an awesome hover chair made from a Mr Handy, but due to limitations they said screw it and just made her character sit all the time. And look how FO4 turned out

Maybe Bethesda should put all their cool ideas on paper, build them, and then make the game around that

But I hate seeing all of the cool concept stuff go to waste or be simplified in game

The limitations of base-building from FO4, an improved version will be included in TESVI.


I can't wait to build my own hold and be the jarl of elsewhere!

fag alert fag alert

>"being" the character.
if Fallout 4 is any indication, Todd doesn't want you to "be" the character or make RPGs anymore.


I remember reading something about how frustrated Todd and other folks at Bethesda because the team have cool idea that the coders are literally too retarded or lazy to actually make.

I assume he's going to try and do another Daggerfall. Depsite being buggy, Daggerfall still has one of the largest in game worlds of all time at something like 60,000 square kilometers.

Elsweyr is where the Khajiit are from user

Levitation. Spears. Or not.


this, unfortunately, fallout 4 is proof

they will also most likely try to make modding as difficult as possible, so you can buy their shitty mods (micro-DLC) from their store instead

Daggerfall is like Planescape in that it's a legendary older game I'd love to play but I know it's never going to be for me what it is for the people who played it when it was new with top of the line visuals.

Yeah because everyone wants the khajiit elsweyr rather than near them.

Bethesda have been at it over 20 years and they still can't get basic walking, interaction and combat animations to look right, what makes you think they would even attempt something like that?
Not to mention the shit engine with all the limitations.

Brainwashing technology to make everyone forget mods used to be free. $$$$$$

They're trying to figure out what armour and weapon classes they can remove. My bet is on daggers.

I remember Morrowind having a bunch of npc speech triggers. Miss that now that I think about it. I think space limitations get a little bit in the way of Bethesda to continue stuff like this though, especially with all the npcs being fully voiced and shit.

If they bring back the minecraft shit from FO4, it better just be reserved for building player homes and have it be like building a house in the sims.
It sucks that they cut a fuckton of content from FO4 and made YOU build it.

Hope not, the daedric ones are money. I think they downgrade armor sets so it only comes in three pieces, helm, shield & armor

Tech isn't stopping Bethesda. It's the """talent""" at Bethesda that is. These retards couldn't make a good game if the fate of the company depended on it.

I can't think of a single possible feature that couldn't be pulled off in this day and age. You have to go sci-fi with this shit like Minority Report controls with VR or something if that were the case.

Make playing in 3rd person more viable. Witcher 3 and BOTW were better than Skyrim.

I will never understand why they refuse to stop using Gamebryo or their bastardized version of it called Creation. It's a bad fucking engine guys, get over it.

They have all the fucking money in the world with their quarterly re-releases of Skyrim you'd think they'd hire some people to just make them an entirely new engine.

Whoever the fuck wrote their contract locking them into using gamebryo forever made that shit airtight

rumor has it that bethesda is going to use starengine

>3rd person
This is TES, now get out.

I said to make it viable, not mandatory. Also action RPG combat in first person is complete ass, even with mods. Gimme back my RNG combat from morrowind, but make it better and have animations for missing.