What should I do ?

What should I do ?

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take responsibility

Marry her just like I did with my loli wife.


That's your little cousin, not your waifu, you disgusting shit.

>ywn be a cute little girl with a cool older cousin whose circle of friends consider you a friend too
>ywn feel like an older kid cuz you get to hang out with all these nice older kids

>this line but with english dub
what happens?

It's not like Ace Attorney.

Imagine a Persona game but with loli companions. Does such a game even exist?

Wait until she’s legal

>this thing walks up and ask for your phone number

Was Yukiko retarded?

Give her a hug,make some tasty snacks and watch a fun movie with her like a good big bro.

God I want to sock her in the face so bad

I read that in Coach McGurk's voice

>they wouldn't fuck a retard

Isn't it kind of fucking awkward to call your uncle "big bro"? Then again, she IS a psychotic.

Then sweaty sex afterwards right?

>*laughs at you*

kek, nothing personnel, kid

Head pat. Make sure she gets to bed on time. Help with homework. Violently murder anyone who does her harm.

I have high standards and Yukino is going to age the worst of them all.

Chie > Rise > Marie > Yukiko

I like 'em old

Run before Dojima finds out

yeesh user
fuck em and leave em

Weird trannies...

All of them are going to age terribly. Chie is going to get fat, Rise’s vagina is going to get all worn out from all those producer cocks, and Marie is irredeemable trash. Naoto is probably going to do fine

Was Dojima tsundere for Yu?


I already hang out with too many retards. I’m not about to stick my dick in one

cousin/cousin is a-okay in japan

>Chie is going to get fat
Pregancy is not the same as being fat, user.
>Rise’s vagina is going to get all worn out from all those producer cocks
Lies. Rise is an idol for a idol company with nothing but nice and pure producers, unlike those other slut companies.
>Marie is irredeemable trash
She hardly did anything in Golden. It'd be cool to have a weather witch in my harem though.
>Naoto is probably going to do fine
I'm not into transvestites.

Unironically Yukiko is best looking one there. She has that mid 30's JAV mum look going on.

Looks hot.

Man all the P4 girls were trash. Glad P5 fixed that problem.

That's boring. Dime a dozen mom look.

I ate her pudding.

Compared to P3 and P5, P4 has the weakest cast of both girls and boys.

Damn, Chie looks like THAT?!

All that protein she ate.

Shitters will tell you that consuming protein and fat is "bad for you" though.

I'm playing through P4 for the first time right now after having beat P3FES and I am inclined to agree. Maybe Rise might turn out ok since I just did her dungeon and haven't interacted with her yet but so far Chie is alright as a bro and Yukiko is just pure shit. Moon isn't my type either. Margaret seems less interesting than Elizabeth was. I don't think I've met any other women cast yet. The basketball bros, Kanji and Hanamura are good bros though.

I'd feed Chie some protein.

Kanji is unrionically like the only character I liked out of the main cast. Adachi is great though.


>people forgetting that best girl was in p4

Ann > Rise

Everyone in P5 is Yukiko.

Haven't met her yet. I'll look forward to a potentially decent girl.
Kanji is cool if his dungeon and shadow were kind of silly. Also I forgot but I really like Teddie as well as a bro.

Rise fairly quickly becomes generic pure slut that hits on you all the time but it's just a prank, senpai. Until you start doing her social link and she spills her spaghetti.

I forgot I also met Sun but she has tons of issues and lots of baggage it seems.

Don't get your hopes up, she just appear there but you never interact with her


vita emulator when?
no seriously I have a vita and p4 golden already but still vita emu when?

It does, but it's not a story the Jedi would tell you.

Best girl Marie laying down the bantz!!!

Haven't played Persona 5 but Persona 3 has better teachers than Persona 4. Samurai Man > Pharaoh Lady

There is one. It inly runs homebrew right now tho

Man even Chihiro felt like a blessing after spending time with garbage P4 cast.


What did you choose?



I wish Chihiro was real.

I just wish a jail broken ps3 could at least play them.

Surprise me

There's so little development for the vita itself I'd be shocked to see an emulator that wasn't just a proof of concept

>Play mainline.
>Party consists of Alice, Moh Shuuvu, and Hua Po

Livin' the dream.

that's not how I remember it...

This thread has a serious lacking of best girl

Bought a used Vita for Vanillaware games, P4G and DT2. I got exactly what I expected, so it's been worth it.

>what should I do?

Am I going to get raped?

With soy

I want to take Nanako to Junes and listen to her sing the Junes theme song on the way there

She wouldn’t love you unless you’re a handsome emo door.

I waifu'd Yukiko but jesus this blushing stare was horribly done. It's like she wants to eat my soul.

>with soy

Consensual heterosexual sex in missionary position for the purpose of procreation under blanket cover while holding hands

>holding hands
you fucking monster

Isn't she like 8, though?


that can't be real

dumb phoneposter

Japs just cannot write smart characters, especially girls. Either they are incapable of it or they are afraid to insult their potential audience.

Just play OG P4 my dude.

Chihiro is one of those "dont ignore them when they are young cause they gonna grow and become smoking hot?"

What persona?



You're thinking of the loli from P3

She must be legal by now


evict her

>Kanji is unrionically like the only character I liked out of the main cast. Adachi is great though.
Really? You liked no one except for the misunderstood teenager and the murderer? You must be a real tryhard edgelord IRL.

Nanako best girl. Kanji best bro. If you disagree you have wrong opinions.

well not necessarily, Persona 3 takes place in 2009, so depending on what grade she was, it's quite possible 9 years wasn't enough for her to reach 18


Where's the one with Dagda?
It always makes me laugh

But Nanako is the Origami Killer!

mating press



She's fucking garbage, though.

pat head