What games let me feel like an actual super soldier?
What games let me feel like an actual super soldier?
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Anime was a mistake
It's not anime.
Is this that inquisitor movie?
No it's Death of Hope, a Horus Heresy video made by different people.
>*scoffs* nice bolter kid, but now it's time...
>Being this much of a retard
Honestly, Halo. Being able to regen health and kill shti with one punch is very supersoldiery.
>Terminator armor combined with Iron Halo doing it's job
Are you okay user?
I actually kind of liked Haze. It’s a very average game and was released super early for PS3. You can probably find it for $5 bucks somewhere
I know you're not really a soldier but Prototype is pretty fun.
is this from some recently announced thing?
Nah, just a short fan thing.
Spec Ops: The Line
Do You Feel Like A Hero Yet
Space Marine.
Crysis saga
I'm not that knowledgeable about 40k lore but I was saddened that he actually really did get corrupted. In the game, it makes it seem like he is right and the others are just being unreasonable paranoid assholes.
Titanfall 2's Campaign
The whole corruption thing was supposed to be for the sequel, if the screencaps floating around Sup Forums are to be believed.
Titus got betrayed and then he turned into Chaos, that makes more sense
seriously for all the titanfall 2 shilling d44m is about 10x better
Ace Combat
Armoured Core
there are many games with a high skill cap and your enemies come to fear you
>still thinking Sup Forums is about weebs
Let it go.
Also, anime a shit.
Your newfaggotry is showing neogaffer
4chains wasn't for weebs for almost 10 years now.
Go back to your containment board
TF2 has much better MP, DOOM has much better SP.
>Ctrl + F
>Crackdown 0/0
I'll try spinning, that's a good trick
In Metal Gear Solid V: TPP, you play as the greatest soldier who's ever lived. Many shit on how it lacked story compared to the other MGS games, but it makes up for it with amazing gameplay.
Agreed. Playing through it for the first time on hard (or whatever the equivalent is, I forget) was tons of fun. The difficulty is tuned so well--if you stand still for too long, the AI turns into crack-shot snipers, but as long as you're continuously using the movement system to slide around and kickflip off of walls and shit, you're able to put up a fight against tons of mooks at once. It does an excellent job of encouraging you to actually play like the guy in the opening cinematic does, instead of forcing you to take pot-shots from cover like a lot of the CoD-esque shooters do on the hardest difficulty, and the result was a lot of "oh shit, did I just do that?" moments.
The fact that the campaign itself is quality too, regardless of the difficulty tuning, is a plus. Honestly TF2 was GOTY for me.
Soldier of Fortune (download the free community edition, it works perfectly on modern PC's)
Modded DOOM, try out Project MSX which is vaguely halo themed, but super fast and Project Ironclad which puts you in a power armour suit.
Crysis 2
Binary Domain
And technically not a soldier, but Dusk
bump because I'm also curious. Titanfall 2 and DOOM are the only games that made me feel that feel.
nuDOOM is preddy gud
Crysis. Crysis 2....Crysis 3....Crysis Warhead.
Make me
Forgot all about this series. It's such a shame they're probably not going to bring 1 or 2 to PC even though those are some absolutely fantastic games.
I played the first Crysis game recently and was pretty disappointing. The powers aren't as game changing as I thought they were going to be. It felt like a straight-forward 2000's FPS. I guess for its time it would have been innovative and cool (press a button to jump really high! grab a soldier and throw him off a cliff! no corridors! grafix!!) but they're not particularly astounding now. I heard Warhead was a bit better, 2 was worse, and that 3 was also good. I'm not sure I'll get around to playing the rest of the series though. I felt kind of bored by the first one.
Only patricians played Crackdown. Where do you think this is?
Yea, I know where you're coming from, a lot of soyboys I know tend to really hate Crysis.
chaos is the only true answer
you were doing it wrong
try punching through rooves and walls with strength
Crysis. You literally play as a soldier in super power armor which makes you super-soldier
I did. I had more fun blowing stuff up with the rocket launchers than I did punching them though.
> It felt like a straight-forward 2000's FPS
Here's how I know you're lying and never played it.
> I guess for its time it would have been innovative and cool (press a button to jump really high! grab a soldier and throw him off a cliff! no corridors! grafix!!) but they're not particularly astounding now
Here's how I know Crysis-posting annoys you.
>I'm not sure I'll get around to playing the rest of the series though. I felt kind of bored by the first one.
And here's how I know you suck massive gay-faggot loads every day.
>Here's how I know you're lying and never played it.
I just wasn't that impressed with it, user. I guess the alien freezing gun was cool though, but it was basically an on rails sequence by that point.
>alien freezing gun
Right, you mean that gun that's not in the fucking game, because you're a lying dipshit that didn't play it? Get the fuck outta here, lol.
I get it. Thanks for keeping the thread bumped, at least.
This must be a bait.
There's no gun in Crysis that freezes shit, retard.
That doesn't freeze anything.
I think he's just being autistic to get (You)'s and encourage thread bumping.
aw man it's a short film? I thought it was going to be a videogame, since this is the videogame board
I think you're a samefagg who's angry.
Doom, Halo, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance maybe, Crackdown, and dear god BREAKDOWN
>He says as he posts a /jp/ meme
Fucking retard.
unironically titanfall 1 and 2, the AI grunts will always comment on how badass pilots are and if you stare at enemy grunts while in a titan they either run away or attempt to surrender
Top 10 Anime Battles of All time
are you fucking retarded?
Sup Forums was literally an anime imageboard you dumbass
I hope this has the scene where Angron verbally bitch slaps Papa Smurf.
This, but you do
have to work for it.
anime website
Why has only one person mentioned Vanquish?
Final Fantasy 7 You did say "feel like" after all
Crysis, Vanquish, Warhammer 40k Space Marine, FF Type 0, Metal Gear Rising.
If I could revive the mp for a single game, it would be this one.
The mp is just too much fun.
The single player was fun, but the multiplayer was 10/10 amazing. i used to spend hours making cool loadouts with the fun customization system they had for units.
I always wanted an action game with Space Marines ever since I played Dawn of War and this title perfectly captured that feeling. Shame it wasn't a success.
DOOM. Warframe. The big guy in Vindictus with his shotgun. Warrior in BDO.
A ranked up soldier in Xcom, or a Mek.
>Space Romans
>Primarch is a jew
>His nemesis named Aurellian
Would you rather be a biological super soldier (Cap america, Halo Spartans, Space Marines) or a mechanical super soldier (Deus Ex, Metal Gear, Titanfall) Sup Forums?
Bio, an emp would take out mechanical or worse.
Cybernetic, definitely. When you say biological I just think of drugs, muscle enhancement and gene therapy. Y'know, baby level enhancements. With cybernetics, you got to be a man and cut off a whole limb to get what you want.
> Halo Spartans
SPARTAN IIs (I don't know about the modern SPARTANS) had some cybernetics. In the form of a neural interface in their skull so they could interact with AIs.