What is the best part of DK64?
What is the best part of DK64?
Final fight, followed by DK rap.
the part where you turn it off and put in wwf no mercy
The part where I turn the game off and start playing Tropical Freeze instead
the abysmal selling numbers
Everything up to that stupid cavern level with the GET OUT room is fine, then it goes downhill
>Final fight
>mfw one on one boxing K rool with giga chunky
>The fucking music inside the temples in angry aztec
>Suddenly GET OUT
This. Or pretty much any boss fight really. One of the things it did better than SM64
The fact a new rainbow coin has been discovered over 17 years since it's release
The DD tits.
Fuck yeah the game had a dope final boss. I also love the OST, almost on par with Banjo-Kazooie's god tier soundtrack.
>Tfw turning on tne Lighthouse before exploring that part in Gloomy Galleon
Fuck you Rare for your garbage lightning back in tne day, also double fuck you for everything about Crystal caves
Easily the best final boss in tne entirely of 5th gen and further
I honestly can’t remember a final boss that was really memorable like that
the LORE
DK64 would have been better with like three characters, as it is shit is just way too scattered and unfocused.
Not really
It’s easy to tell what each character does
Having to constantly Switch by going to the tag barrel was the problem
Why is Chunky the only one who didn’t return
What exactly was the mindset for King Kut Out
"Fuck you."
I know it’s a video game but how the fuck was the kremlings able to swing the huge Fucking thing around 4 Fucking corners
Ignoring the memes, Lanky was legitimately the funnest character to be