>there is no good mobile ga-
There is no good mobile ga-
> Why do birds fly?
>Why am I still alive?
Whatever happened to the Platinum spin-off? Any recent news on that?
id believe you if it wasnt pay 2 win
We'll probably get some news next month since it's the anniversary of the browser game.
We should, on anniversary last year we got the confirmation of 3 characters and by december they showed actually gameplay, I'm hoping this time we can get full roster announcement
wow i'm surprised you had the time to make this post, don't you have to beat luminera like 100 more times or something?
>pay 2 win
i wish
Yep there are no good mobile games, fuck this game i want my life back
Fen-chan has broken my spirit
Who will you get chocolate from this year, Danchou-san?
Post cuties!
From Grea! She's my wife!
Granblue is a bit too grindy for me but goddamn all those semen demons.
She's Anne's wife you cuck
From my wife, of course.
>pc port never
Are you implying that Anne isn't a good girl that likes to share?
I think he tries to imply Grea is a carpet muncher and doesnt like strong human dick, which is clearly a lie
cute cow
To bad Cygames can never make Shadowverse fun again.
Sure is fun when everything that matters is getting the best curve.
flow free is pretty fun. I don't normally like puzzle games
the only good mobile game is grand summoners (tm) the best Sup Forums certified game.
I hear a lot about this game. Lot of good porn too. Please tell me about it, might try it.
Don't. It's a Korean MMO with gachashit added on top.
if you are interested it might be better to look up the wiki for stuff like getting started and gameplay videos to see how it even looks, its a pretty good time since in like 1-2 days there will be doubled SSR rate period and early next month is the annviersary
I won't say it good, but it still infinitely better than FGO, especially story and characters design.
I hope Cygames will realise that limiting GBF to mobage is stupid and they need to expanded it. Especially now, then FF and Tales shit themselfs.