Silent Hill 2
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Silent Hill 1,
the best game.
Having replayed it recently, I can safely say that it holds up surprisingly well, except for Harry's momentum-based movement.
>except for Harry's momentum-based movement.
So realism is shunned nowadays? Plus you can kill any momentum just fine, simply by stop running.
Why wouldn't it? It plays exactly like 2 and 3.
tfw no proper hd collection ever
godlike ost. although 3's comes out on top imo
those games still give me that eerie feeling after all these years (if im playing alone in the dark)
>Silent Hill thread
it's time for them SH PC Guides + DL links :
SH2 torrent:
SH2 PC fixes site:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.
-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.
>Why wouldn't it? It plays exactly like 2 and 3.
Kids these days only evaluate GRAPHIX when talking about games aging / holding up.
nah, 3's OST completely pales in comparison to the entirety of SH2's score:
Thank you, based user. You've given me reason to go through these again. How well do they run? Last time, I tried to run SH5 and it crashed a ton and played like ass.
did anyone else find sh1 more sad than scary?
>How well do they run?
Mate, these are literally 15+ years old PC ports. A single-core Windows XP machine could run them just fine, and with the fan-fixes, you can 4K / 60fps them on VERY mediocre devices. Talking about integrated Intel HD Graphics 2000 -tier shit boxes here.
you mean Homocoming?
Why the fuck would you even WANT to play that shit?? Not only is it non-arguably one of the worst games in series, but the PC port is legendarily bad.
I'd use that description on SH2 myself, because that is kinda its point + it's the least spooky SH game as a whole.
But yes, there's always been this layer of melancholy and sorrow in SH games' tune. It's not just random spooks and gritty gore like in so many other "horror" games these days.
What do you think your chances of survival would be if you were teleported into your favorite SH? The enemies would follow the rules of the game but you could do whatever you want. I think I'd do pretty well.
>slip into one of those bottomless gaps in the dark
I'd be screwed 2bph. I also don't have unlimited stamina to sprint past every boogey on my way.
The PC versions are in HD dumbass
SH3 becomes such a stress inducing mess when you can't see shit because the walls become orange and you got those fatties and assassin like dude running around
I play SH2 more because it's more comfy
this might be the first time i felt anything from a video game that wasn't DESTROY ALL THINGS!
>Have to face spooky manifestations of my own wasted potential and incompetence
Nah m8
My favourite is SH1, so if I run around like I did in the game, I'd be thoroughly fucked. I like filling in the map and checking every nook and cranny so the map is covered in x'd out areas and scribbles, so I'd probably end up falling down a hill. I also abuse the shit out of just ramming into interactable objects and mashing X, so that'd probably fuck me over.
I think you'd have better stamina than a sh protagonist; plus you have superior mobility; I guess pits would be a problem but maybe you'd get lucky and find a light source to use.
great series (1-4)
there's literally spoonfed information for u lazy nerds
There's a difference between a MGS legacy tier Hd collection playable in my living room and a list of obscure things I have to put through to get them work on my PC even though you fags always promise ''it always works!'' ''works for me''
fuck remapping every fucking button to play 3 on my DS4
I wish I could say I'd man it out like Harry does but to be completely frank I'd either go mad, kill myself or isolate myself in a barricaded room
I find the installation process fun. Maybe you just don't like installing games.
Honestly, I had more fun installing the PC version of MGS2 and modding it, than I did actually playing it, and I fucking hated it when I found 'the best fan patch for MGS1 PC' and it installed everything without needing me to check off stuff or go through files.
yeah I've seen the guides posted a trillion times during the last years
how fucking new are you exaclty
I like doing those to a certain degree
I spent a whole day trying to make 3 work on my 1440p screen and play on my DS4 until I abandoned and replayed it on my PS2
>I think you'd have better stamina than a sh protagonist
Harry can literally run like a bullet train non-stop, all while carrying a truckload of shit in his TARDIS-pants. I know from an experience that I couldn't hold up even that same jogging speed James manages when "tired" for more than 10 minutes at once.
>MGS legacy tier Hd collection playable in my living room and a list of obscure things I have to put through to get them work on my PC
Why do people consider applying one or two fan-patches and double clicking on the game's .EXE to be such huge ordeals nowadays? That shit takes like a minute or two tops. Plus I've played the PC ports A LOT in my living room, sitting on my sofa, with a gamepad in my hands.
I just weeks ago installed 2 and 3 on my new W10 laptop, and it was a breeze.
not him, but there's ALWAYS some guy who's remained ignorant of the existence of these guides, or even the entire PC ports themselves.
It's one reason these pics and pastas exist; same questions and requests tend to pop up all the time, and it's handy to have pre-made answers ready at hand. I do think STALKER started this rookie / modding guide thing already a decade ago, and those guides are still posted on nearly daily basis as well.
>It's not just random spooks and gritty gore like in so many other "horror" games these days.
yeah i think a lot of horror games are being developed for streamers and stuff like silent hill wouldn't be as good as something with more jump scares
that's one of the things that got to me
>Why do people consider applying one or two fan-patches and double clicking on the game's .EXE to be such huge ordeals nowadays?
>literally ''it works for me'' argument
see? I don't understand how hard it is to get that not everyone has the same systems/hardware/windows and that every PC games have always been more janky to some degree
especially considering it's fucking SH PC ports
>being this dumb
Just want to reiterate that this series deserves exposure and there's no excuse for someone not to play this series. The acknowledgment might help push Konami into releasing HD ports to Steam some day.
not an argument
please continue saying the word dumb, boy it sure is a bad word
emulate sh2 if you have the hardware sounds are shit in the pc version
Sup Forums spoiled this game for me a month ago and I swear to god I have never been so mad in my life
>emulate sh2 if you have the hardware sounds are shit in the pc version
No they're not.
Don't tell me you're citing THAT youtube video?
Silent Hill had the maximum exposure it could have ever had a good long while ago, and Konami didn't give a single fuck. Considering Konami in its current state, I'm baffled you think this would make any difference
Konami literally doesn't give a shit
Heather is cute, cute!
>not tomorrow
still gets me abit. used to use this song as a warm up when i first started fucking around on guitar
oh boi here comes the token waifufag, this thread is complete now
OG poster here, how exactly is that an "it works for me" argument? In fact, it sounds like (You) just don't want to even give it a shot, and just want to keep on living with your odd prejudices.
Not to mention it's practically just the SH2 that NEEDS fan-fixes to run smooth on modern PCs. The SH3's port is fucking awesome out of the box, and indeed works without anything. It's "fixes" are purely cosmetic, namely widescreen hack + a chance to lock the game to 60fps with higher -res DOF and shadows.
As a final item, I'd also remind you that once you do get the games up and running, you are done for good! You can literally just copy and paste the entire game folders from one PC to another, and they tend to work just fine. That's how I've transitioned my PC port installations many many times in the past few years, to numerous devices.
I like how you assume I didn't spend time trying to make this work. Strawman is the choixe argument for fanboys.
Also, why the fuck would I get through the hassle of playing on PC if it wasn't to pretty it up with widescreen and the like?
It's better than nothing.
If anything, the SH guides show the best way possible to enjoy the games, which is good enough. Silent Hill is a wonderful series and I can't recommend it enough to people. The guides helped me 6-7 years ago too, so there's that.
>I like how you assume I didn't spend time trying to make this work.
You didn't give us any reason to assume so. Or at very best, it sounds like you used some ancient fixes.
>muh fallacy boogeyman!
Provide more accurate information next time, so people don't need to assume things. Not to mention when everyone and their aunties are saying "works on my PC!", it's not an insult; it's a strong indication that it might in fact be (You) doing something wrong.
>Also, why the fuck would I get through the hassle of playing on PC if it wasn't to pretty it up with widescreen and the like?
Higher resolution? Modding capabilities? Easier to run on wormbox-tier PCs? Freedom of using any control device of your choice? Born From A Wish -sub campaign? Faster loading times?
Like said, SH2 can be pimped up with one or two unpacked zip files if you want, and to run SH3 in widescreen, you can just edit its own disp.ini file and type in any resolution you want.
>Masahiro Ito worked on MGSurvival
>Yamaoka's discussing about regrouping of Team Silent
Will early 2020 mark the return of the kings?
>tfw silent hill 1 and 2 on the mail right now
Feels gud but sadly SH1 is greatest hits version
>have silent hill 2-4 on ps2
>no silent hill 1 despite it costing only $40 for a black label version
It's probably because I already own a PSN version and have played that to death
I saw this exact same thing in that gameplay video and looked him up because I could swore I remember his name from SH2. Sure enough yep he was the monster designer guy. Fuck man. Good for that guy still going strong after almost 20 years. That's crazy. Sad as fuck to see him aged though. I guess same goes for all the old timers. Even Kojima shows it when you look up videos of him at E3 2000 for MGS2.
glad to see people still value physical collections.
It's a bit shame that the availability and condition of OG copies is getting worse with every passing year. I fear the day when disc-rot starts hitting in as well. One reason I do appreciate the spreading of those digital copies.
Akira Yamaoka and Masahiro Ito are the two bare minimum members of the old TS that every SH fan needs to recognize. Akira was responsible for the entire audio world of the OG games and all of the music up until Downpoor happened, while Ito's been the overall art-directing guy who cooked up the monsters and Otherworld designs.
How does disc rot hit? My SH2-4 may as well be in mint condition as I only have them so that people know I have them, my PC versions are the go to versions.
>How does disc rot hit?
It just does. There's layers of organic material in most discs, which can start becoming loose and let moisture and shit in, resulting molding and rotting.
Physical wear and tear are also big bads of disc-based games. I just recently played my old Spyro games on PS2, and got quite sad when a lot of the music and even some of the VA was skipping or not working in general.
Am I the only one that heard this?