Explain to me why games should have sexualized women in them...

Explain to me why games should have sexualized women in them, when games that do have them have all discussion ruined by people who don't even play the games, but just spam porn constantly in the threads.

Explain to me why I shouldn't whack you in the head right now.

I wasn't sure at first, but I know now after looking at this thread I woke up in an alternate reality.

Yeah, totally ruins the deep discussion we have about vidya here.

Because more people play video games than just the people on Sup Forums, and historically sex sells.

tits are nice

Fuck off, hothead

>historically sex sells
Not when it comes to videogames though. Games with sex as the major feature are incredibly niche and only subsist over the same small pool of people buying the games over and over.

Slapping tits on anything is just a cheap way to increase sales. There's no skill involved in doing it, it just devalues the game as much as lootboxes and timegating mechanics do.

I don't mind as long as they're pretty upfront about being a tit game. In a game like DoA Beach Volleyball, the whole point of the game is tits. That's fine.

>sales are more important than game quality

we had plenty of discussion threads about XC2 for example
also plenty of porn threads of course
what's the problem OP?


If you want an example of waifu children ruining discussion.

you must be really fucking dense if you think that was supposed to be a discussion thread

Because I'm not a bitch boy crybaby who has to cover his eyes and whine on the internet when I see a titty in my video games.

Maybe it's because I grew up around all sisters in a household where my dad had a different woman every night of the week, maybe it's because I'm the 1% of gamer who doesn't have to take a fap break every time he sees a titty, maybe it's a third option I can't think of at this moment in time.

Whatever it is, absolutely nothing stops me from still enjoying "good, AAA games" just because I like to unwind and blow off some steam with Senran or Neptune once in a while. I like my anime panties and I'm going to get them when I want them, and I'm not going to let some crybaby faggot stop me.

>OP literally says "discuss Metroid"

For businesses, absolutely.

That's fine brother, as long as you recognize that your games are terrible.


>Samus fun thread
>semi-lewd image
congratulations, it's an healthy autism

do I look like a stock holder in a company?

He has a gun?

Plenty of games with sexualised women have discussion. See any JRPG with a story. Its just that most games have been discussed to death. If you want discussion, start a thread and be persistent about it. Or just play the game when its released.

>games are terrible because they have boobies in them
fuck off tumblr

>devalues the game

People will talk about a game regardless of how much porn there is.

Eventually, interest in the game dies down, and discussion becomes less interesting so fewer people participate. But pornography is forever.

If your complaint is that discussion dies down, well, that's just a fact of life. And if your complaint is "pornography exists" I don't have much sympathy for you.

>games should never discuss gameplay because there's masturbating to do

Uh no.

>Plenty of games with sexualised women have discussion. See any JRPG with a story



Oh nevermind, you're just retarded.

Explain with a real reason why they shouldn't

cause the girls have to be cute instead.

My complaint is that waifu children will literally destroy game discussion even with a new game all because they want to masturbate to the characters. And if your game doesn't have sexualized women, it's called "leftist feminazi kike propaganda" among other buzzwords.

>he doesn't get it


More games need sexualized males instead of just pandering to autistic waifufags

If there is discussion to be had people will have it. Somebody posting an image doesn't prevent talking about the game.

>And if your game doesn't have sexualized women, it's called "leftist feminazi kike propaganda" among other buzzwords.
Shitposters existing is hardly the fault of tits.

>My complaint is that waifu children will literally destroy game discussion even with a new game all because they want to masturbate to the characters
Examples? I have never seen this happen.

The only right answer fuck roasties

Games should rely on gameplay only, no other crutches.

>Shitposters existing is hardly the fault of tits.
I'd beg to differ.

You're the one making the claim, the onus of proof is on you. Solid proof, not anecdotal shit.

No they shouldn't, games are an audiovisual medium ya fucking ding dong

seeEven when Samus Returns was just released, discussion was completely ruined by horny children. Let's also not forget Xenoblade, Zeld,a Bayonetta, Senran Kagura, Hyperdimension Neptunia, the sickos behind Splatoon, Overwatch, pretty much anything with waifus in it.

They're also an interactive medium. If gameplay isn't the most important part, it doesn't deserve to exist.

seeAnd I have billions of other threads in the archive if that doesn't sate you.

All the existing Metroid games have been discussed to death m8
We don't know jack shit about the upcoming major one for the Switch, but it already had several "discussion" threads in the last few days. Granted, they're not really good because we know so little.

Like said, neat images are forever.

also here's another hint, because many newshits seem to get this wrong: you can have discussions here, but Sup Forums is not a "discussion board"

Yeah, every aspect matters

>All the existing Metroid games have been discussed to death m8
Except SR JUST came out, as did the newest AM2R patch. but every time you try to talk about those games, you get shitposted to death with porn spam.

No, the conversation was ruined because Metroidfags will never be fucking happy and wanted to keep screaming MUH COUNTER when spamming the counter gets your ass handed to you and they just wanted to be mad they didn't get Super Metroid 2.

You legitimately think shitposters would disappear if there were no sexy women in video games?

Guns don't deal as much pain as a mallet to the skull does in the Mario universe

>all discussion ruined by people who don't even play the games
Who cares if the game is good? People are always going to discuss stupid shit.

Hey, ACfag, you've started making threads now instead of shitting up existing ones? Good, do that mroe often. Or just slit your own throat.

>The Samus fun thread was full of deep meaningful conversation that was derailed

>porn posters are the problem

That's because they've been through hell for 7 years with fanbases cdonstantly calling them entitled for not lapping up diarhhea like Metroid: Other M. So that would leave you on edge after a while.

I'm just saying, games that don't have sexualization in them rarely, if ever, attract shitposters. Unfortunately, they're becoming niche because the sheep that run the industry can't fathom a good video game without tits being slathered in their faces.

The games aren't good though. That's the problem. And because people want to desperately defend bad games because they have tits in them, it creates a major divide where anons will literally shill for bad gameplay decisions and poor developer choices, all because they're thinking with their dicks.

>Xenoblade, Zeld,a Bayonetta
Completely wrong, there was tons of discussion for the first two on story and secrets, and waifufags were rejoicing in it all the same because they actually cared about the games. Only people shitting things up were shitposters calling them blunders. Bayonetta also had as much discussion as a game of its type could have. As for the other games, they were made to have the main discussions be about the girls or just competitive shitflinging. Thanks for proving you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Boy are you stupid op

Because that makes more money with less time and effort

Sexy sales, the people that complain about sex ruining the game don't realize that in a lot of cases, gamers came fro the sexy girls, and stood for everything else, and a lot of the gamers wouldn't have given it a try without the promise of T&A

>The games aren't good though. That's the problem
>Every game with fanservice is automatically bad
Wow, you're an idiot. And this is shitty fucking bait.

Then shouldn't Darkstalkers be way more popular?

A nearly dead franchise with no info on its next title has little to no discussion in an image thread, games with no sexy ladies never have shitposters, and no games with tits are ever good.

I can't really take this seriously.

It's ACfag, dude, he's been doing this same schtick for eight straight years.

>Nier: Automata
>didn't sell because of sex

>I'm just saying, games that don't have sexualization in them rarely, if ever, attract shitposters
What the fuck am I even reading? By "sexualization" do you mean any at all, period? I mean shit stuff like Mario attracts shitposters without sex, what game does not attract shitposters?

>games that don't have sexualization in them rarely, if ever, attract shitposters
Provide examples, why don't you

>tfw my friend REFUSES, completely plugs his ears and sometimes occasionally literally starts REEEEEEing, but completely and absolutely REFUSES to acknowledge the Neptune series has genuinely improved
>He would rather just stomp his feet, pat himself on the back, call it "anime garbage", and refuse the conversation entirely

Omega Quintet was also decent even though I got completely fucked from not leveling up the right field skill

>games that don't have sexualization in them rarely, if ever, attract shitposters
Star Fox
Final Fantasy

>Completely wrong, there was tons of discussion for the first two on story and secrets
Things that never happened for 500.

>Every game with excessive fanservice is automatically bad
I don't see the problem here. Sounds like a fair analysis of the industry as a whole.

Quit moving the goalposts, when did he say "Excessive"? OP is talking about literally any sexualization.

>I don't see the problem here. Sounds like a fair analysis of the industry as a whole.
>Sweeping generalizations are correct because I think so
Ok, user. I guess you don't wanna actually talk then.

>doesn't attract shitposters
Have you heard of Chris-chan?

Why aren't sex streamers banned from twitch? It's not video games and they knowingly exploit their beyond desperate demographic to get money...

Yeah but if you eat the lump it'll heal the gunshot wound.

He was clearly posting counterexamples, not evidence.

Sure is resetera in here

>Things that never happened for 500
You’d know I’m right if you actually played the game and was in threads while other people were playing it back in december. People were losing their shit over all the twists in Xenoblade and the journeys they had. You’re just mad that there was also an abundance of waifu talk, which wouldn’t be offensive at all if you weren’t a filthy newfag normalshitter.

>he didn't buy Bayonettas as a fan of DMC/Viewtiful Joe eager to play a new game made by its original creator
>he didn't buy Nier Automata as a fan of Drakengard and the original Nier, stoked that Squenix actually let them make a game with the help of Platinum

Not him but I think that was the point, all those series get tons of shitposting

Explain to me why that's wrong instead of covering your ears and pretending you're not listening.

>I mean shit stuff like Mario attracts shitposters without sex,
That's because people can't go more than 5 seconds without making porn of peach and spamming it everywhere. Kind of an outlier since the game itself doesn't do that, but I blame the general fanbase for also being tainted with console warring. The game also needs to be good to garner good discussion.

>what game does not attract shitposters?
Games with very few women in them, or if they do have women, they're not sexualized. Also, like I said before, the games have to be really good quality. No casual games like Mario or Kirby. There needs to be something to stir positive discussion.

Right off the top of my head, Counterstrike has good discussions. Dwarf Fortress has good discussions. Various RTS have fantastic discussion, bar the waifu filth like starcraft 2 of course.

Stop responding to ACfag, this is how he "argues", everything you say is either ignored or twisted into something he can use to continue whining.

Those are examples of non-sexyfanserve games that attract tons of shitposters.

>ACfag this mad that people jack off to samus

>Counterstrike has good discussions. Dwarf Fortress has good discussions

Nah your games are terrible because they're shit games.

>Counterstrike has good discussions
>1.x vs source vs go

They have good dicussions because there are no women in them. ACfag hates women and thinks the presence of women immediately ruins everything. Why do you think he sucks so much cock?

Considering the sexualization for Krystal, Cindy, and Cortana, half your list is kind of whack.

what I'm saying is this: the reason I hate fanservice of any kind is because it usually, if not always, hides bad gameplay. For you to convince me otherwise, you'd have to show me your game with every single bit of non-gameplay ripped out of it, and then show that it can survive on its own.

For example, there isn't a single soul here who would touch Xenoblade or Senran Kagura or Bayonetta if you took out the tits. You're only fooling yourself if you would imply that.

>Explain to me why that's wrong instead of covering your ears and pretending you're not listening.
Tons of others in this thread have done that already. If you think the existence of tits is antithetical to good gameplay you need to present an argument as to why.

I don't think they're great examples for either side.

Mario has been sexualized; Rosalina, Peach, Daisy.

Sonic has Rose and whatever that bat's name was.

Final Fantasy has tons of sexy females.

Halo has Cortana.

Really only Star Fox doesn't have any, but I hardly ever see that being discussed.

>OP LITERALLY didn't say that

>You’d know I’m right if you actually played the game and was in threads while other people were playing it back in december.
user, I've been here long before that. NOT A SINGLE THREAD existed that was free from the disgusting taint of sexualization and porn posts.

>Considering the sexualization for Krystal, Cindy, and Cortana, half your list is kind of whack.
>hurr the fans sexualize characters that means the games themselves are so horrible and evil!!
So all video games are shit, since people sexualize anything and everything. You can end your existence now, ACfag.

>he's so autistic he simply can't scroll past a few posts and continue discussing the game with the people discussing it

How is any of that bad? People have the right to criticize Valve for their frankly stupid decisions, and make comparisons to other genres and games. Criticism is how a game grows, instead of stagnating in a hugbox. I'm glad for every poster that justifies why they don't like valve in a reasonable way. otherwise we wouldn't have had protests over paid mods, and we'd all be bending over to pay 500 bucks for realistic horse genitals in skyrim.

>For example, there isn't a single soul here who would touch Xenoblade or Senran Kagura or Bayonetta if you took out the tits

Ok now I can safely say you’re just shitposting, especially putting Senran Kagura next to fucking Xenoblade and to a lesser extent, Bayo.

>only Star Fox doesn't have any
Crystalfags exist, or at least used too.
SF doesn't get discussed because the last game was horrible and there hasn't been anything new since.

Don't blame the game. Blame the """fan"""base

Explain to me why they shouldn't. Show your work.

Not shitposting, ACfag honestly believes everything he says. He convinced himself that he's the only person on Earth who hates Other M and the ret of the 9 billion+ people on the planet adore the game and suck Sakamoto's cock begging for a MOM 2.

When your game has tits in it, it's there to hide bad gameplay. Like with Xenoblade, people spammed porn of Dahlia and Pyra and Mythra because they did not want people discussing the really terrible game flaws, like the 20 FPS and memory leaks. Same with Breath of the Wild. Because you could masturbate to Zelda brap porn, you weren't allowed to criticize Nintendo's lazy developers who released an early access piece of crap that ran at 10 FPS and needed massive day 1 patches, and this isn't even getting into the DLC and season passes with content obviously cut out. but all criticism of this nature was met with "lol what are you a fag? Post mipha porn". So I'd say that's detrimental.

>user, I've been here long before that. NOT A SINGLE THREAD existed that was free from the disgusting taint of sexualization and porn posts.

Ok so now its gone from porn stops dicussion to “b-but any sexual posts make any other discussion pointless”. Go browse reddit if you’re so sensetive to tits. Only an idiot would stay here so long with your baseless hate.

I'm not saying porn isn't allowed to exist, but how bad is your game when you can't go even one thread without jerkin your gherkin? Is there not enough gameplay for you to talk about? Or was your game just FOTM with no substance?

Those small bits of actual gameplay discussion are always drowned out, if they even happen.

See? This is how he always talks. Some things happen somethines so he immediately turns it into "Everyone except me does it 100% of the time forever and ever" and he will completely ignore your counterarguments and facts or demand you show him proof and then ignore when you do show him.