Game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she faces to get one in these modern times

>game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she faces to get one in these modern times
>mirror clone represents her doubt that she eventually conquerors
>reaching the peak represents finally being free of the child
>Sup Forums loves the game and praises it as GOTY 2018
What the fuck is wrong with you people.

how did it have anything to do with abortion tho

>how did it have anything to do with abortion tho
Too deep for you symbolism. You’ll probably miss it because of the horribly draw art style. That’s why they spell out the themes of the game.


Wasn’t that image from a gang bang anime comic?

I swear people saying the game isn't about abortion are fags that haven't actually played it.

ok i played it and i'm a brainlet explain this meme to me


the game itself is an abortion

the game itself is an abomination

There's literally nothing wrong with abortions.

You aren't a proper human being until you've developed a consciousness.

>Sonynegros assblasted they will never get the GOAT indie platformer

b-but iconoclasts is j-just as g-good

Post the whole page faggot

How is your cousins brother not your cousin too?

The game is fucking good, if you think its about abortions you're as delusional as who takes shit out of context to prove his point

but Celeste is on PS4?

>You aren't a proper human being until you've developed a consciousness.
Feminists are actually demanding after birth abortions now.

The kind of consciousness that requires you to perform mental gymnastics to justify murdering babies?

No one thinks it’s about abortions, it’s just another shitty meme Sup Forums is pushing

t. child murder apologist

isn't it switch exclusive?

>A "deep" indie plaraformer is GOTY

Literally yes. They are not humans and there's no harm in killing them, just like niggers.


literally just google it you mongoloid.
>tfw after the switch came out all the nintenbros came out to shitpost and now make every thread some switch vs. ps4 garbage.

>Sup Forums loves the game

lol wut, the game is shit

>make shit up
>whine about it

t. Jamal