I don't get why people hate her

I don't get why people hate her
I mean, fujos are annoying but she's still a pretty likeable character

People are mad because she performed some rather disturbing experiments on the souls of the monsters that died. Many ignore the fact that Asgore basically gave her the green light to do So, because he wanted his son to be brought back from the dead. Alphys still does share the blame.
Overall I thought she was the best written character in the game, and had legit growth and development throughout the story.

She puts Frisk's life in danger and plays her like a fiddle just so she can feels like a heroine in a show.

The mass calls during all of hotlands kinda did it for me. It was a joke which outstayed its fucking welcome.

Actually thats the best way to describe her, outstayed her welcome. She had more time dedicated to her than Papyrus or Undyne even when those two were much more intresting, instead we get some backseating anime watching depressed lisa simpson lizard.

Reminds me of Sup Forums.

a lot of the characters felt as if they didnt grow so much as show more of their true personality, for example, undyne doesnt really change, she was always a nice girl

I feel like she retroactively made Undyne worse
Liked the Mettaton dynamic a lot but the phone calls/social media like everyone said was annoying.

Didn't Asgore also murder six children? Given all the obviously fucked up shit he did why should he be spared?

It's not like she was trying to do anything bad. The main thing she did wrong was not tell the families about it, and she aknowledges this. She has deep insecurities and is afraid of owning up to what she did.
Also I thought it was really well done how when you first meet her she has trouble calling you and at first you think it's just a funny character quirk but then you reach the true lab and realize why.
Undyne doesn't really "change" but you learn more about her as the game goes on so it feels like a change.

Sometimes you have to do terrible things as the ruler of a country. He just wanted to get his people back to the surface. He's obviously not a bad guy at heart.

Seriously, Alphys gets more hate than Asgore.....not sure why?

Morally she did nothing wrong, she's just really fucking annoying

I enjoyed her

It's not like he wanted to do it. He was put in a position where he wanted to keep the kingdom happy. He literally an Heros of Flowey doesn't kill him
Undyne also grows trusting of humans in the game, also varies a lot in the Neutral endings from kind, to depressed, to rage

ugly-ass irritating dinosaur Lisa Simpson piece of shit. you can't even kill her in the genocide route

Because in Undertaleland, the monsters do nothing wrong.

The only thing I hate is how boring all the characters are.

...least the porn is good.

You're discussing with such passion not a character and lore from a professional writer, but a character and lore from the mind of a fatass sjw indie developer.

Just a reminder.

>from the mind of a fatass sjw indie developer.
>toby fox
stop trying to fit in

I think she's implied to commit suicide if you kill Mettaton

toby fox is a skinny mexican
he's also not sjw

Toby "Give gays a shock" Fox is based, red-pilled and /ourguy/

I don't think Toby is an SJW and he ain't fat either. Though I do think he's been influenced by the Tumblr scene.


Is the Earthbound Halloween Hack worth playing
I have it on my 3DS but haven't touched it yet

I liked the part where she killed herself

What a coward.

Kinda shitty that he decided to skip these questions. I mean you just know something was going on in his mind with those decisions.

But nope.

I don't think the first one matters much to him. It's just so you can self-insert. He doesn't want gender politics attached to it.

He made Frisk the most blank character almost ever for people to project themselves onto

it's because toby knows that people don't want preachy shit in their games.

I think it was a smart move on his part

It sucks to see everytime he tweets something 1000 dumbfuck kids ask for Undertale 2
Do they not know that would absolutely not work? Anyone who played the fucking game should know that it doesn't allow for a sequel.

actrually true? Do you have some kind of source for this?

not other guy, just genuinely curious. The game is so popular in sjw land, I've always figured toby must be one of them.

True. He should make hard mode, though.

Yet the game is really heavy handed about its morality. If I didn't know better, I'd say that's pretty close to preachy.

also, guy keeps so fucking quiet, legit tweets like once every 4 months, if he was actually sjw, he would use his fame to push his agenda

As I said, I suspect he's been influenced. Kinda shows in his direction for some parts.

fair enough I guess.. Keeping your mouth shut might be as non-sjw as you can afford to be in his position.

it's supposed to be her annoying you dummy

>He just wanted to get his people back to the surface.
He didn't even really want this, he just wanted to give them hope after both their children died and everything went to shit.

I didn't like how all of her fuck-ups basically got swept under the rug in the "good" ending

>Yet the game is really heavy handed about its morality

Are you one of those nincompoops who thinks that the moral of the game is "KILLING IS BAD AND WRONG"?

Socially incompetent
And worst of all, untrustworthy/ manipulative.

She reeks of the type of person who acts like a shy, timid, worm while fucking over others like a snake.

>she's still a pretty likeable character
No she isn't

Sounds like the average Sup Forumsirgin

>one of those nincompoops who thinks that the moral of the game is "KILLING IS BAD AND WRONG"?
That's pretty much exactly how the game presents it. The game shames/ punishes you for killing and presents every single conflict as solvable via pacifism.

Sounds like a lot of projection.

me irl haha

Yah, i agree, but i still hate her and most of the people on this board

Not really.

Not him, but when you talk to Asriel in the epilogue of true pacifist he says that not all conflicts on the surface can be solved with pacifism. Monsters are mostly innocent and harmless. They can't do much to a human. That's why killing them is bad.

>Can't do much to a human

Except kill their soul by "communication"

Yeah, it's not like you would admit it anyway. Classic case of projection being as it is.

>Are you one of those nincompoops who thinks that the moral of the game is "KILLING IS BAD AND WRONG"?

That's basically what the game communicates over and again as it shames you for killing in spite of the situation. Even getting the best ending entails not killing anything and being a super pacifist. So I'd say the game's message is indeed that.

No, she's not, and the absolute proof of this is that you don't get to kill her in Genocide. Toby fucking KNEW that nobody would like her and he very specifically didn't want there to be a positive upside to the genocide run. You're supposed to feel terrible while doing it and being able to kill Alphys would totally ruin that.

>That's basically what the game communicates over and again as it shames you for killing in spite of the situation.
The game doesn't shame you for killing as a general concept Instead, various characters shame you based on their personal values. Toriel is a pacifist and tries to act motherly. Sans really only cares about you killing his brother. Flowey talks shit when you're a hypocrite. Undyne shames you for being too nice or cowardly instead of cool.

>Even getting the best ending entails not killing anything and being a super pacifist.
You cannot beat the game without attempting to fight Asgore and Flowey.

You two really are nincompoops

The game is about fandom and obsession over escapist media (mostly video games in this case). The "moral" is that you shouldn't fanatically obsess over games (or other media) and wring them dry of content, the genocide route makes this especially apparent.

...the moral is that we shouldn't enjoy video games. Is that what you're trying to say?

Wow, that makes Undertale even more trash than it already is!

Yes, stop enjoying shitposting user

So it's like the Evangelion of video games

I am barely shitposting. You must be reading a different thread.

>Wow, you're dumb for disliking this character because they do annoying things on purpose

Reminder that you can like flawed characters you fucking autists
If every video game character was perfect that'd be fucking stupid

didn't mean to reply

>is responsible for all the shit that happened in the game
>colossal repeated fuckup
>annoying as all hell
>people still unironically defend her

>is responsible for all the shit that happened in the game
was ordered by asgore

True, but that milkies game though

And you can be annoyed at annoying characters.

She has an annoying personality and repeatedly put Frisk's life at risk in her dumb scheme to make herself look heroic and competent. When Undyne appears during your fake date with Alphys, Alphys admits that she had been feeding Undyne lie after lie after lie. She didn't intentionally create the amalgamates, but she failed to alert their family members in a timely manner and chose instead to lock them in her lab and wallow in self-pity. She reunites them with their loved ones in the True Pacifist ending, but personally I found that to be too little, too late, and Alphys is forever a manipulative, lying scumbag because of it.

I think she's a great character, but I dislike her intensely.

I agree her heroic scheme was obnoxious but would you be able to seriously just be like "yeeeeah I accidentally turned your family members into an indestructible blob that talks about how much it's suffering sorry".

>lies to Asgore about her qualifications
>Asgore gives her a general idea of what he wants done
>she locks herself away in her lab with no oversight and fucks everything up
No, everything she did was her own fault

>but she failed to alert their family members in a timely manner
would you be able to tell the truth about something like that

Yes, if I were in her position I would have contacted the families immediately. It's a heinous thing to give people false hope - remember, the families were grieving dying loved ones, but Alphys had informed them that the experiment had revived them - and suddenly abandon them.

>annoying as fuck lizard thing
>creates the villian out of sheer incompetence
>everything goes to shit because of this character

she's litterly the Jar Jar Binks of Undertale

>lol I experimented on my fellow monsters and made them abominations who exist to suffer, but it's okay because I'm sorry about it.

>Gib fish pussy plz.

whose side do you take

Same really.
I could also relate to being a socially awkward fuck up unfortunately.
I think if she was a guy like originally planned, that might've got across better.

Nigger, he isn't even fat.

She was a terrible character what the fuck are you talking about? I get the idea of making an intentionally flawed character to make the player like them out of pity but Tony went too far with her. You don't end up pitying her you just feel disgust. She's ugly, disgusting, annoying, clingy, manipulative, cowardly and to top it all off she performed experimentation on her own species for personal gain. She doesn't even suffer any consequences for doing it either.

>"Creates" a villian
>out of "sheer incompetence"
>he doesn't know...

>could have declared his intention not to go through with the war at any time but chose not to because he didn't want to take the hope from his people
>could have taken the first soul, left the barrier and gathered up more souls on the surface but didn't because he didn't want to have to kill anyone else
>ends up killing six kids, hoping no more fall down the hole, making his people wait however many years for freedom he doesn't want to give them
>his complete lack of spine made things worse for everyone

>abandons husband in time of greatest emotional need, declares him a monster and refuses to see he was speaking out of grief and anger
>refuses to help any of the fallen children when they understandably want to leave, even after she learns Asgore has been killing them, when all she would have to do is show up in person and talk to him
>when the seventh child wants to leave, tries to make them kill her in some demented plot to see if they're "strong enough" to face the underworld
>shittalks Asgore in the ending where she finally decides to stop him like she had nothing to do with his killing spree

Asgore's a pretty bad guy but it's basically Toriel's fault he ever killed anyone

everyone ignores that she had the consent of the family members and everyone was ok with what happened

They're both awful and it's no surprise that Chara killed himself while in their care.

Toriel is objectively right. If Asgore was actually killing the humans to free his people from the underground then I could sympathize with him, but he wasn't. Toriel calls him out that he only needed to kill one human, and killing the others was him avoiding actually taking responsibility. You can see why she left him.

i hate her because she is a lesbina

lol the family members had no idea what she was doing. Do you think they would have consented to her injecting their loved ones with a strange magical god power?

the moment I started truly disliking her was when I read that one log
>nothing is happening. i don't know what to do. i'll just keep injecting everything with "determination." i want this to work.
what the actual fuck, who does that with dead bodies

>Chara killed himself

>those hands

>when all she would have to do is show up in person and talk to him
Asgore is the king, what is she supposed to do?

>He didn't want to do it, so that makes it okay.

I wonder what a handjob from greivous would feel like haha

Do you think he could fondle your balls, finger your anus and play with your nipples while he does it? haha

I bet he'd enjoy it haha

I found her extremely obnoxious. I found most of the characters obnoxious. The only one I liked was the tall skeleton.

I take the third position.
Both sides at the same time.

Asgore is also a spineless, bumbling twit, he would have welcomed her advice. Toriel was the brains behind the throne before she left. If she had returned and spoken to Asgore in a civil manner, she could have changed things.

>Toriel is the Queen
>all the people loved Toriel as much as Asgore
>the old war veteran tells you that Toriel ran shit while Asgore bumbled around adorably being nice to people
I don't know user what could she do

But she didn't. She was "disappointed in her man", so she threw away her responsibilities and left. They were all incompetent shits.


And that's a great failing of the game for not letting the player call them out on this shit without doing a genocide run. It's particularly disgusting when Toriel is all
>What a horrible nasty creature that would do this to a pure innocent kid
Fuck you you fucking hooer. You could've come back at any time, but only come back when Frisk lays the smackdown on Asgore. Cunt.

It's honestly the hypocrisy that bothers me. Nearly every character who isn't Papyrus is just such a massive fucking hypocrite that I can't sympathize with the vast majority of them.

To be fair those kids could have been total cunts, who knows. I mean at the very least none of them got on Undyne's good side so they didn't seem to be doing "pacifist" runs.

Undyne's pretty alright. She's drank the kool-aid Asgore's been selling, but then through Frisk learns that not every human wants to kill them.