Does fanservice bother you when they force it too much?
Does fanservice bother you when they force it too much?
Was a New Game an accurate representation of japanese game developers?
Since I’m not a faggot it doesn’t bother me.
Nobody on Sup Forums is bothered by fanservice though. Therefore this question pertains more to Sup Forums which is full of redditors.
You better not be slagging off New Game you little shit.
only when there are other people in the room who's opinions i care about
I'm obviously talking about fanservice in video games
ass too fat
skin too white
ruined that sexy body with a toddler face. fuck modern anime.
Yes, most definitely. This particular game (is one of the PSN+ games right now) goes way overboard.
wow this rotoscoping is GREAT!!!
oh my god, i need to fucking bury my face in between them
I'm not sure I'd forgive her.
It's honestly just embarassing and it turns me off of the game. Unless it's some genuinely sexy shit, but japs can only do stuff that looks sexy to virgin manchildren.
>when this played on twitch stream
I love fanservice that is embedded in the characters. Like Zidane groping Garnet's ass on accident and playing it off. That was nice.
fan service should stay there as a service, no reason for it to be the main focus
I want to marry her
>turned on by anime
>not a faggot
Maybe I should watch this anime.
In some cases it's a bit overdone.
Like But it hardly distracts me, it's just when it's unnecessary and not funny at all, serves no purpose etc. Where I think "Oh wow, this is stupid."
Best Girl claimed
>There are men
>In this thread
>Who are ashamed to enjoy the female body
Yes. Oversexualization of media is a plague.
Select your fetish, bro.
There needs to be more pictures like this. Fucking hell.
>watch some live action movie
>the characters imply sex is coming
>they actually dedicate anytime to characters having the sex
this shit needs to be illegal. It literally makes anything worse just to pander to dumb people who don't know how to download porn.
fanservice is ok, but I hate forced minigames
I agree.
Feminazi brainwashing is potent
I respect your opinion but I wholeheartedly believe that Ahagon Umiko is the best girl in the series.
thats a puffy vulva....
depends, I think you can have sex and risque content without it being cringe worthy like most fanservice. All depends on if it goes against the established tone
How much is too much?
Why is there no game that takes advantage of horny men in order to sell them microtransactions by taking advantage of their sexuality?
It does when it's breaking with the mood of the situation it pops up in, but otherwise no, I don't care. I like looking at boobs and butts.
FFIX minigame still ruining games even today, amazing
When it trades gameplay for it then yes.
Otherwise no.
>sales skyrocketed
sf5 sold like shit
What does eating ass feels like?
cautious then fun
It has to be incredibly forced for me to care, it has to directly impede the gameplay in some way, and I cant see how thats possible
Ultraviolence and sexy women are all that a game needs.
Only when it crosses the line between just being
a little lewd and turning into a full blown hentai
It can be done well enough, but mostly it's just hamfisted bullshit. Especially in Japanese games. God they're so derivative. I'd rather go without it entirely if they're not going to put any effort into it. It's a lot like violence in games: I'm totally cool with it, but the constant "Oops, here's where my vagina lives!" is like only having decapitations. Put some fucking effort into this shit.
Yeahhh, I'm just going to need you to tell me what this is and where I can get it. Pretty Please
user pls
>old anime doesn't have big eyes
I love ninja gaiden's fan service. Great butt and tit shots but they are so brief it feels like you caught a glimpse of greatness.
No, because I play games to play a fucking game. If I wanted to get horny I'd watch porn.
As long as the game is not shit, and it doesn't entirely relies on tits and sex to sell to cover up for shitty gameplay, then I'm fine with it.
You say that as if it's impossible to do both at once.
Peekaboo, where's ass?
>the constant "Oops, here's where my vagina lives!"
Name 5 non-hentai games that do this.
you need porn just to get horny? damn being old must suck
fanservice can only make the game better
No way fag
yea. i prefer when they fit it into the lore/story and have a reason for the fanservicie
my friend is asking for the source of this one, he's pretty weird haha
Combining porn and video games is a path that always leads to self destruction. I'll keep them separate.
>being such a heartlet that he doesn't have enough blood to fuel both brain and dick simultaneously
Imagine being this inferior.
>Not liking kawaii uguu child faces that dont match their killer bodies means that you are ashamed.
Maybe I'm just not a moefag
Hifumi is my waifu and is objectively best New Game girl.
Why is Joost so goddamn ugly?
fuck off brappers
so did he rape her?
She's so out of place and ugly how the hell did kojimbo find this ugly whore attractive
Yes, it's why I only like Danganronpa 1 and can't stand 2.
The thread topic is "fanservice" though, meaning tits and ass, not "do you like anime face styles". You're just grasping at straws to justify your homosoysuality.
Then use Sup Forums examples you retard
I can't think of many good games that have to rely on my penis to be interesting
Nah she torn both his dicks off.
>Anime whores.
>Accurate anything.
>t. normalfag
it bothers me when it's a shitty character like this
give me hifumi
>i prefer when they fit it into the lore/story and have a reason for the fanservicie
claymore game when
just play the witcher 3 shirtless my dude
Do you also sperg out when you see an anime reaction image? There are already plenty of Sup Forums related images in here, you're the only sperg making it about anime as an excuse to shoo away the icky images of females which burn your faggot eyes.
do you take pride in being a retarded outcast loser?
what if im not homosexual
Yes. If they force that much fanservice into a game they're clearly trying to cover up for sub-par game design.
Yeah if I'm invested or immersed and suddenly there are tiddies everywhere when it wasn't like that before then it's kinda shitty. Casually it's pretty good. Otherwise there's porn for those purposes.
Why exactly can't you have both? You sound like a quota-obsessed SJW.
What reason could there be to have that much pandering if it's not to cover something up?
There's a couple games that I think get away with it, such as DoA, but most games crammed with ridiculous amounts of fanservice are most likely poorly made.
I get the feeling that the reason they made quiet be a mute character for most of the game is because of the actors absolute lack of voice acting skill. It's really grating when she does speak at the end, breaks immersion and feels really silly.
nope, just makes my penis harder. teasing and slutty wear is my fetish