Reviews are finally out

Reviews are finally out.

Surprise, it's garbage.

>Open world
We all saw it coming

Stop shilling your shitty channel, dumb faggot.
Hopefully your father will rape you tonught because of how much of a disappointment you are.

no. u

new general for us to discuss the game in peace, leave the Sup Forumsoddlers to themselves

>82 subscribers
>shilling on Sup Forums
What a fucking assgoblin.

the review says it's pretty good with a bit of expected jank for a game this ambitious

You fell for them again

>Open world game with 100 hours long quest line gets review few hours after release.

Nah I'll wait for some serious review.

No one cares about your shitty opinion or your shitty channel.

Why are americans so fucking stupid?
How the fuck are jews not white?

I'm going to get into your account and get you three strikes faggot.

literally who

>why are leftards so fucking stupid?
They're the ones who think everyone was black

It's Americans, the same guys who think Greek, Spanish and Italian people are also not white. The ones that put american hip hop music in a movie set in Africa, like Africa doesn't have amazing ethnic music on its own.

Why are you projecting a political group onto all Americans? Are you simply that obsessed?
The only people who think these things are insane lefties


Jew is a religion, not a race

>"it's shit"
>review likes the game

This game just came out and one questline can last up to seven hours, how are there ANY reviews at all??

Reviewers should have their time in game logged, and EVERYTHING THEY DO recorded so we can see if they played like a fucking retard.

It's what it needs to be depending on what goal is to be fulfilled.

Just FYI, this is a pretty famous lolcow who just pretends to be Jewish to play the victim, just like how she claims to be a transman despite wearing dresses all the time. Shes jobless and spends every week in Disneyland while begging online about being unable survive while his literal cuck husband funds her worthless ass. She literally spends all day on Twitter either bragging about her life, crying oppression, or talking about how everybody is out to get her.

Stop shilling your shitty channel, MegamanJoe

Dont have to play the game to write a review for it you dingus.

>Dont have to play the game to write a review for it you dingus.
I know this is bait but this is what journalists actually do

>console version

>The only people who think these things are insane lefties
Well also the insane rightists on Sup Forums think those things.

>hasn't had much in the way of marketing

>what are levant people

wtf happened to obamas?