"You were almost a Jill Sandwich"
-Barry (Resident Evil 1)
"You were almost a Jill Sandwich"
I like this meme. :D
"Ada, Wait!"
-Leon (every resident evil game)
There were a few actors for RE1, where are the others now?
"I have arrived upon this place to kick behinds and chew chewing gum. And I have run out of chewing gum" - Nuclear Monarch
She's not the real Jill. youtube.com
dont look it up, trust me
>thats not my testicles
Well I am now. And the one in OP is not jill.
op is jill from remake
Jill sandwich seems to come with Wesker sauce, for so much finger licking to happen.
Who gives a shit about this, fucking retarded nips. I don't need a donor.
what is this,a fap pic compilation?
Real Jill is better.
they all vanished
That's the remake. The actress in the original was different.
What's worse, they're giving you ABO but not Rh.
I heard that Barry's actor died recently.
Pseudo-scientific articles like to talk about blood types affecting behavior, which is apparently a very popular thing in Japan, despite it being easily disproved.
There are a few studies about it.
The studies however are too thin to be discredited or proven as fact however certain blood groups/types are affected more by certain diseases so it's entirely possible. It's like certain people with some genes are more predisposed to alcoholism or gambling and it is not too far-fetched that blood group/types may affect your temperament or something.
thats the twitter of original Jill
Like I said, no.
sorry u cant admit shes ugly now
That's a different Una Kavanagh, Una that did Jill is a Canadian, this one is Irish.
No it isn't.
la migliore ragazza
*blocks your herbs*