>Ban those ironic weebs posting Dragon's Crown deviantart
>ban people posting fapbait pics
>Sup Forums becomes a better place in less than 5 days
Prove me wrong
Ban those ironic weebs posting Dragon's Crown deviantart
Ban phoneposters who forced this place to go SFW so they could browse at school
Sonygro would still be a huge problem as are younglings like this
when mouthbreathing isn't getting you enough oxygen: the post
>newfag phoneposters don't remember when we openly had loli threads on Sup Forums
>when we openly had loli threads on Sup Forums
thankfully after they went to 8ch they were arrested by the FBI after hotwheels tracked them down
user, you do realise that doesn't change the fact that this was always a SFW board right?
You're right I don't remember something that's blatantly false. Sup Forums has always been a blue board.
It doesn't matter. It was always a blue board but that shit wasn't enforced because it wasn't full of normalfag hall monitors making sure they could browse at school.
Ban wojaks and twitter posts too and we have a deal.
What openly homosexual band is this?
>newfag retard doesn't remember when someone spammed real cheese pizza on Sup Forums
Just because you are a pedo who's destined to get assraped in jail for their rampant degeneracy doesn't mean it is or ever was the norm, fag.
>cheese pizza
Not the same thing, normalfag.
>It was always a blue board but that shit wasn't enforced
Except for the fact that it was always enforced but we had a smaller team of mods so more would slip through.
Really showing how new you are kiddo.
I wish m00t wasn't dead
>being afraid of spending 25 years in jail
Just wait I'm sure they'll let you be the little girl you always wanted to be in prison faggot.
You're not the solution, you're the invading problem.
>ip config
or if I could be fucked just go turn my router off and on again
One of you is close to
someone who needs help...
Find this person...fast.
>those 400+ replies senran kagura threads
dumb niggers dont remember when this place had a dedicated loli board
So much soy in one picture
Which was deleted because moot and the other 3 or 4 people who were managing the site weren't able to stop the pedoposters who posted real CP.
And judging by how the actual mods can't delete shitpost/porn threads from Sup Forums is obvious that /l/ will never return.
When they start the bill to send all the pedos to the needle I'll be sure to vote against it so we can skit straight to a much more entertaining and painful execution like the electric chair.
>shit wasn't enforced
I always got banned anyway. I guess now there's more janitors
>Not liking lolies
Why do you even go on Sup Forums?
>Wasting your actual leisure time to shitpost on Sup Forums at a terminal instead of only delegating your shitpost between other tasks on your phone.
>Not using downtime for videogames, active hobbies, etc.
Look how literally gay moot is.
Dragon's Crown has next to no bearing on the overall quality of this board.
>le racist comedian reaction image
It all makes sense now, back to Sup Forums sweety.
How is mercy killing pedo subhumans edgy you fucking retard?
Ban people who post on Sup Forums aka redditors, sonygers, phoneposters, and fagets who spam pepe the nazi frog and wojack the loser russian.
There I just saved Sup Forums. You're fucking welcome.
If you could magically ban all blacks, redditors and every person that found out about Sup Forums after 2013 then you could perhaps fix it. Ironic weebs and fapbait pictures are the smaller evil
pls no
This one got diddled by all her uncles, lads. Do not engage.