What's Sup Forums's opinion on griefing?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on griefing?

Griefing is almost universally condemned by the video game community, but knowing Sup Forums I wouldn't be surprised if you guys defended griefing as a way of having fun because it doesn't hurt anyone in real life. I can imagine Sup Forums saying that people should "grow a pair" and "learn to take a joke".

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I get anally annihilated when people grief me in games but I laugh at gamerfood/goron/whatever videos

I find it hilarious.

I'm fine with it the same way I'm fine with it in real life. If you're poking a dumb lolcow then it's okay, if it's all in good fun then it's okay, if you're literally just bullying people who don't deserve it then fuck you.


Eat a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up.

Cry about it.

spraying goatse in counter strike and seeing people's response brought me to tears.

It’s the best and most genuine thing about multiplayer games and the fact that online updates has all but eliminated it is a damn shame

Where the fuck do you think you are?

its great when its in clips of other people
not so much when you're on the receiving end
so its hit and miss

> if you're literally just bullying people who don't deserve it then fuck you.

Yeah, that's why I can't watch the DELETE THIS video. Yeah the kids being a little shit, but you can clearly tell he's upset about a bunch of grown men pinning him to a wall and laughing at him.


jolly good fun, I remember a time when me and a mate managed to convince an entire server we were hackers just from being really good, and because the map (custom tf2 map) had a teleport entity they didn't know about

>encounter afk player in dark souls 2/demon’s souls
>ruin their armor and weapons
>receive message 15-20 minutes later
>”thanks motherfucker”

dead art, video games right now are such safe spaces that even if you're not trolling you get kicked out for it

>a bunch of grown men pinning him to a wall

It can be funny if the victim is just over-reacting to someone goofing around in a videogame. The Duke Vent harrassment video is probably the stand-out all time great griefing video. If you can call vent harrassment griefing.

Isn't throwing a pie into somebody's face assault? All of these prank channels are fake right? How do they film themselves doing this with millions of viewers for years without anybody getting upset. Why does youtube allow those videos unless they are fake? Youtube seems to really like censoring everything...

Depends. If done with some creativity it can be hilarious. If it's just killing someone and then yelling "U MAD" over and over again it's just retarded.

Not really. He could have just left but he didn't and then decided to scream like it was going to change anything at all.

Literally all of them are fake. Every last one.
Source: Used to work with some of them

No because he can just fucking leave. He doesn't need to bring justice upon these people, he doesn't need to remain where he is. He can fucking leave but instead he has a shitfit.

That's fair though, what kinda retard goes afk in the field in DaS? If you do its basically asking for it.

griefing is amusing when done right, in dota 2 tho it is the equivalent of having downs syndrome
>some imbecile randomly starts feeding or afking cause mommy didn't change diaper
this is way below the level of playing wisp and teleporting ur team mate into enemy fountain, or fountain hooking but all this got patched cause valve hates fun

I mean, I already assumed that entirely, but I figured somebody would be stupid enough to think they were real and actually do it... you know what i mean?

>Not really. He could have just left but he didn't

Kids do stupid shit. I get why kids freaking out can be funny, but it was the fact that it was these mid 20's creeps doing it and laughing like smug cunts that gets me.

>entering a game and spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in mic or in chat, making yourself look like a petulant ass
Not trolling
>entering a game and methodically enraging a horrible dickhead so badly that they become even more obnoxious, causing everyone to laugh at their expense

What are the best games to grief at? Some autistic milsims / racing games?

I get pretty mad whenever some asshole spams E on a saferoom door in L4D, or when they purposely shoot an alarm car. Although, I don't shoot them or vote kick, I just sit back and watch. I'm usually pretty patient with autist and noobs.

Sauce on that gif?

definitely this

The video is literally just a kid yelling in a video game and a couple of guys that are probably just bored that decided to mess with him. It's not like they hurt the kid in anyway at all.

>tfw this video was deleted from youtube

The problem with trolling in games like Dota, League, Overwatch is the game is designed around team play, not individual skill. So one person intentionally being a useless fag is completely the same as a person unintentionally being useless. It's just not trolling. Compare this to something like flashbangs in CS or troll teleporters in TF2.

>tfw so good at a game people get mad as fuck at me

Post hilarious griefing videos please, I'm in need of some laughs.

People don't understand the concept of trolling anymore. Doing little things to make someone mad in a game until their rage boils over and they have a fit is funny. Just TKing someone over and over again or screaming slurs into your mic isn't trolling. Now that most popular games have a limited amount of interaction between friendly players it makes it harder to troll someone genuinely.
Also, griefing little kids is too easy and not really funny desu

I paid for my game, so I have a right to do what I want. I grief as much as possible and I'm good at it. One notable example was having almost an entire server against me in GTAV because I destroyed their cars and didn't need to pay insurance. It was genuinely fun being chased like that.

What's Sup Forums's opinion on strawman arguments?

Strawman arguments are almost universally condemned by the video game community, but knowing Sup Forums I wouldn't be surprised if you guys defended strawmans as a way of starting threads because it doesn't hurt anyone in real life. I can imagine Sup Forums saying that people should "I never said that" and "you're just attacking arguments no one as made to make yourself appear correct".

I don't really care about griefing in online games because most of the time it's ineffectual or the players know exactly what they're signing up for when they arrive. That said, I derive no enjoyment from griefing, either doing it or watching others, unless it's done to someone who's a total shitter and asking for it (And most of those people aren't bothered by griefing, so it's pretty rare.).

>Play sven co-op doing hl1 campaign
>Rocket silo bridge bit
>Jump over and instantly turn and body block 3 people and watch them plummet
>Run away giggling like a sperg as one calls me a fag in chat
That shits harmless, if it happened to me i'd laugh that i fell. that's good, clean griefing/trolling. Not so clean as an example would be plopping tnt in minecraft (when it used to be punch activated) in someones house/doorway
Dirty griefing would be punching the tnt and running off thinking you're the best prankster
bullying is literally chasing someone around insulting them and ruining their time by disabling their ability to play at every corner

If the griefer is being clever it's funny, but if they're just being a dick it's annoying.



i love fucking with people
>that part where you blow up the tentacle monster
>be the first one down
>land in the water and swim up to the top
>people land on my head and spaltter

>play GTA online
>have a menu that lets you fuck with the game (this was before everybody had one)
>can make myself look like npcs, spawn npcs, give them guns, spawn cars or even props like buildings, do every animation
>some guy is being obnoxious on mic
>keeps yelling at everyone for killing him or blowing up his jet whenever he tried to get one, I wasnt listening
>spawn a chimpanzee npc in his car and give it the hooker animation
>he doesn't seem to notice that it looks like his character is fucking a chimp since the camera is over his car
>people forced to listen to him are snickering now
>he thinks they're laughing at his complaining so he gets even more upset
>eventually pull up next to him in my clown van, spawning a constant stream of aggressive clown NPCs
>he gets pulled out and stomped on by fifty clowns

>disgusting weeb porn gif
no surprise, your post makes you sond like a raging weebtard faggot

I smile every time I make kids like you angry

Greifing should always be bannable for life. Real griefing basically violates the legal agreement you sign when you install.

>cant even troll on Sup Forums

You snowflakes would not survive 5 seconds with a good clown.

To be honest, DotA2 is the only game I really grief in because it's one of the few games that people actually get mad when something happens to them and so many have it coming. For example, when someone behaves like a dick, I'll do stuff like pop a naga ult at a bad time or catch them in chronospheres or any number of shitty things, and it's all just plausible enough that I don't get banned for it, yet their 30-45 minute game is ruined.



That's what I do like 50% of the time on vids. People are idiots

>I paid for my game, so I have a right to do what I want
>I paid for a drink that means I can get up on the counter and piss on all the other patrons.

>playing delta force
>putting claymores in enemy armories


>want to get back to SS13
>net is absolute shite since half a year ago
>all servers have 40+ players at all times, and the few low-pop servers that do exist got zero QoL changes
I miss TG

>I paid for my game, so I have a right to do what I want.

If you ever agreed to a TOS before playing a game then no, you don't have a right to do what you want

Are you telling me you've never been to a watersports bar?

The best one is rigging a piston trap over someone's normal switch wiring for their house. They go to activate redstone and wind up falling to their death or into a pit of mobs, and it's completely unexpected and not likely to set them back any length of time.

Theres some problems wth this, one you might think you are the only one trolling but it can be that many people are doing this.
This creates the "toxic" game environment people talk about. Where it seems like you continually meet stupid assholes.
Real Griefing is any exploitation of the game to affect anothers enjoyment. Thats wrong. Its like using hacks.

The one where they try to convince the kids mom he's been saying nigger was better anyway

Always gives me a good chuckle when done well even if I'm the victim. But it pisses me off when it's just "lol I play game bad hurrdurr aren't you mad?" C'mon, you can be more creative than that.

Why do people get butthurt if someone calls you a cunt online? In real life people are gonna call you a cunt anyways, and possibly treat you even worse. Get fucking tough, the outside world isn't pink and happiness, it's bitter and full of assholes asking you to do shit they don't wanna do. All together, I'd let people insult each other to no end just so they get a thick skin.

>this creates a toxic environment

A toxic environment is A) a fallacy since nobody can accurately describe what "toxic" is, and B) naturally-occurring because anonymity online makes everyone more of a bold dipshit

>Real Griefing is any exploitation of the game to affect anothers enjoyment. Thats wrong. Its like using hacks.

Griefing is when you spot someone who is being a complete cunt even without provocation, so you provoke them in subtle ways to make them even more of an obvious prat

>pic is literally space station 13

Sven Co-op was the perfect game for griefing and trolling. Before joining a server we'd look at the playerlist and find someone who had either a lowercase "L" or a capital "i" in their name and take their name by switching the letters. Then do whatever possible in-game to get the original person kicked (blocking hallways, spamming "ymca" in chat so it would play the soundbyte, going AFK when everyone is dead). Unfortunately the devs caught on and they changed the default font a month or two later.

There was a specific server that had a ton of regulars and one of the dude's was called "Bob". Whenever we played we'd take names like "Rob" and "Cob" and just troll on the mic in good fun. Then when he wasn't on I'd play YouTube videos of him ranting about working at GameStop through the mic (while taking his name "Bob").

I probably got banned from 90% of servers for months.

Sounds like OP just got griefed. You should grow a pair and learn to take a joke.

Griefing random people is kinda shitty but banterous griefing among friends is amazing.
Reminds me of how I started to demand taxes on our comfy Minecraft server because everyone else built fancy houses while I went for a monster farm for the TNT. And since our shitty server had a pretty low entity limit nobody else could build a farm or hunt monsters.
Fun times indeed.

>tfw used to be able to copy peoples names and add blank character at the end
>mic spam
>wrong guy gets banned
>leave server
>change name

>playing counterstrike
>friend gets on other team
>we are the last ones alive
>we dont kill each other
>act stupid like we dont see eachother
>still 7 minutes left in the round
>people start leaving

shut up you dumb cunt


>act stupid like we dont see eachother
the best shit

is spawn camping considered griefing?



There's good griefing and plain retarded griefing.

Like in this video, the first shot is funny, was the second one really that necessary?

What video is this

That's because most "griefing" turns into pic related.

I used to have a good time in bad company two continuously detonating my teammates helicopters and allah akbaring into others

Some faggot got me banned because I was squidbagging on him after a revenge splat.

Welp, time to rewatch Avatar.

Not all, this particular one is though.
All the big ones are fake

>play a small mod called fortress forever
>Community is small but tight knit
>name myself gayweeddad420
>blare obnoxious indian music and ear rape all day
>This goes on for about a week straight
>Admins start bitching because i would just rejoin after getting banned
>No one can even play anymore due to ear rape and team-killing
>They start bitching on the forums trying to get the devs to do something about it
>Infighting starts
>people start saying they are going to quit the game as the community tears itself apart
>While all this is happening im just laughing like a fucking madman

>troll a kid on CS:S
>add him on friends planning to follow him to different servers to keep trolling
>end up not
>he remained on my friends list for like 8 years

Calm down

some games/servers prohibit it. Others don't. If its prohibited it isn't ok obviously.

I think it's worse on Mobas than any of the rest because the games are design, moreover than team work in mind, with specific "Game Timings" in mind. There's a concept of early and late game there, and thus griefing early can compromise a lot lategame, and griefing late can throw the game.

Any griefing that irreversibly ruins any more progress than a couple minutes is not okay. This is why I think TF2 was the best for it - because two guys doing nothing in a team doesn't matter anyways. Same with exploding shit on Minecraft anywhere close to important objects, you don't do that, but anywhere else is fine.



on Neo-Sup Forums where piracy is wrong, everything must be PC or its Sup Forums, and talking about accomplishments is met with disgust because "u have no life lol"




I still watch the goron videos annually. I swear I played TFC with some English chick they abused

Griefing in minecraft were one of the best times in my life, it was so fucking fun to bring your squad into other peoples houses who were too far or big to be fully protected, which took time to find, and when those people find out wars started, where you needed to prepare leveling up and making weapons and potions and all kind of traps if they came to your house, diverse simple hacks like x-ray or flying for a while that i used to get quick diamonds and be ready to fight those full diamond fags and get them to cry to admins and shit, being like a swat team communicating on skype on griefing missions and laughing our asses off when things happened, using tnt, retarded enchantments, eggs of creepers as rare weapons, lava, water, music, making deals for peace, exchanging intel with traitors, buying people to fight among you, being known on entire servers as the fags you shouldn't mess with or must join, starting empire from zero to have server's admin sucking your dick

GOD why i can't go back 6 years ago! holy shit those where the good times
im old as fuck

Not that big a deal. I just send a report after, if there's the option, to minimize the number of them have to randomly bump into.

As a bonus, you sometimes get a Sup Forums thread of people bitching and moaning about being banned.

Is Cheef /ourguy/?


I only do it if someone's being a douche bag to me. It's funny too, because there's nothing stopping the retard from just walking away from the computer, and all I have to do is simply exist and his day is ruined.

Whoever says Clowns can't be funny anymore are full of shit.